B2 Trader’s Market Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B2 Trader’s Market

A Hub of Commerce and Culture

Narration of the Market Square
Imagine stepping into the bustling heart of Verbobonc's Business District on a lively market day. The cobblestone streets lead you to the vibrant Trader's Market, where the air is filled with the enticing aromas of fresh produce, the rich textures of fine fabrics, and the clamor of merchants vying for your attention. The square is a mosaic of color and activity, with stalls overflowing with goods from across the Flanaess. To your right, a blacksmith demonstrates his craft, sparks flying into the air, while to your left, a merchant from distant lands showcases exotic spices. The square is not just a place of trade but a melting pot of cultures and stories, where every transaction has a tale to tell.

Elements of Trade

  • Variety of Goods: The Trader's Market is renowned for its wide range of merchandise, including precious metals from the Kron Hills, rare goods from Celene, and everyday items catering to the needs of the city's residents.
  • Purchasing and Bargaining: Items from the mundane to the exotic can be found here, with prices varying based on rarity and demand. Bargaining is an art form, with shoppers and merchants engaging in lively negotiation to secure the best deals.
  • Specific Stores and Services: Beyond the open market, specific stores within the district offer rare and high-priced items, including masterwork and magical goods. These establishments often take orders for custom items, catering to the specific needs of their clientele.

Security and Religion

  • Vigil Wardens' Presence: The Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc maintain order and security within the bustling market, ensuring that trade proceeds smoothly and lawfully. Their presence deters would-be thieves and upholds the peace, allowing commerce to flourish.
  • Divine Oversight: Religious institutions, particularly the shrines of Mouqol, Xerbo, and Zilchus, play a crucial role in overseeing transactions. Priests offer services such as item identification, curse detection, and fairness in negotiations, further ensuring the integrity of market dealings.


The Business Quarter, with its heart at the Trader's Market, is a testament to Verbobonc's status as a commercial powerhouse. It's a place where wealth flows as freely as the Velverdyva River, bringing together merchants, adventurers, and citizens in a vibrant tapestry of trade. Whether you're in search of rare treasures, everyday necessities, or the thrill of a good bargain, the Trader's Market offers a glimpse into the soul of Verbobonc—a city that thrives on commerce and community.
Market square
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs


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