B23 Jala’s Armoury and Weaponsmithy Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B23 Jala’s Armoury and Weaponsmithy

The sounds of multiple anvils being rhythmically hammered resound through the plaza. The burnt and coppery smell of smelting fires fills the air; steam and haze from tempering buckets roll gently along the ground. A smith is busy at his forge in plain sight of the street, hammering out horseshoes forged from iron and silver, and inscribed with protective runic prayers. The smith must be superstitious, as he wears a dried cat's paw on a leather thong around his neck, as a symbol of good luck, and several upturned horseshoes wreathed in pungent bulbs of garlic adorn his stall. A traveler is waiting to have her horse shod as soon as the smith finished his latest piece.

The Heartbeat of Verbobonc's Martial Craft

Located in the bustling cobblestone streets of Verbobonc, Jala’s Armoury and Weaponsmithy stands as a hub of martial craftsmanship, resonating with the clang of hammers and the roar of forges. This extensive facility, known for its vast array of both mundane and magical armaments, serves warriors, adventurers, and the city's militia with equal fervor. The establishment, under the keen oversight of its owner Jala, blends traditional smithing with magical innovation, making it a cornerstone of Verbobonc’s defensive and economic infrastructure.
  • Purpose and Scope: Offers a comprehensive range of weapons and armor, catering to a diverse clientele including the city’s militia.
  • Atmosphere and Layout: Features multiple active forges, a large showroom for finished goods, and a distinct blend of sweat, smoke, and the arcane.

History and Expansion

Jala's Armoury wasn't always the sprawling complex it is today. Its growth from a modest smithy to a premier arms dealer in Verbobonc is a testament to its owner's ambition and business acumen.
  • Origins: Initially two separate shops, Jala merged them into one after acquiring both properties.
  • Development: Through strategic investments and expansions, Jala transformed the modest shops into one of the largest armouries in the region.

Services and Offerings

Jala's Armoury and Weaponsmithy is renowned for its wide range of products and services, catering to both ordinary soldiers and elite warriors seeking masterwork items.
  • Standard and Masterwork Items: Provides everything from basic gear to high-end, custom-fitted masterwork armaments.
  • Special Orders: Specializes in heavy and exotic armors, requiring additional time for crafting and magical enhancements.
  • Magical Crafting: Incorporates magical enhancements into armaments, utilizing skilled mages from the Silver Consortium for specialized orders.

Notable People

Jala himself is the lifeblood of the operations, supported by a team of skilled craftsmen and magically trained artisans from the Silver Consortium.
  • Jala (Ftr-5): The energetic, somewhat pudgy former mercenary who personally oversees all aspects of production and customer service.
  • Skilled Craftsmen and Mages: A diverse team that combines traditional smithing skills with magical expertise to create unique and powerful items.

Relationships and Politics

The armoury's operations and Jala’s business strategies significantly impact local politics and the city’s economy, maintaining a delicate balance between traditional craftsmanship and magical innovation.
  • Silver Consortium Partnership: Although Jala personally dislikes mages, his lucrative contract with the Consortium allows access to high-grade magical crafting that enhances his offerings.
  • City's Militia Contracts: Regularly handles excess orders for the city’s militia, reinforcing the armoury's role in regional security.

Customer Interaction and Market Position

Jala’s business thrives on a reputation for quality and reliability, attracting a clientele that includes seasoned warriors and affluent collectors.
  • Expert Handling: Jala personally attends to knowledgeable customers, often demonstrating the use of various weapons in the showroom.
  • Market Strategy: Maintains competitive pricing and quality, ensuring that goods from Jala’s Armoury are a preferred choice for many in and around Verbobonc.


Jala's Armoury and Weaponsmithy is more than just a shop; it is a vital part of Verbobonc's martial landscape, famed for its quality craftsmanship and the unique blend of traditional and magical arms production. Under Jala’s vigilant management, the armoury continues to serve a pivotal role in equipping the defenders of the city and enhancing the local economy through skilled craftsmanship and strategic partnerships.  
Jala 5th level fighter
Owner and Master Blacksmith
Jala, the master blacksmith by 3orcs
Mastercraft quality weapons and armor examples
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location

Master craft and magical quality work

  Jala is a Mastercraft smith. He is capable of crafting armor and weapons of a "very difficult" nature. Also, Master crafters can create any lesser item at a faster rate than expected. He also has many other Expert and Professional level Smiths working in the shops.   Difficult constructions are items where the base nature has been dramatically altered, improved, or otherwise extensively modified. Examples would be armor with less encumbrance value or provides more protection, or a weapon that deals more damage or to hit. Such items are normally considered “expert items” due to their craftsmanship and skill level needed to manufacture.   Cost: x10 base price   Examples:
  • Mastercraft Scale Mail: 500 gp
  • Mastercraft Longsword: 150 gp
  Very difficult constructions are similar to difficult, but border on the edge of needing magic to craft them. The modifications are not actually magical, but they are somewhat better than those possible with difficult items. Like difficult constructions, the bonus cannot exceed +1. No bonus from crafting alone can exceed a +1 modifier to whichever statistic it is applied, and then only a single modifier is applied.   Cost: x25 base price   Magic quality without enchantment Examples:
  • Scale Mail: 1250 gp
  • Longsword: 375 gp

Time to craft

  • Light Armor (includes Shields) – Days
  • Medium Armor – Weeks
  • Heavy Armor – Months
  • Light Weapons (excluding arrows/bolts) – Days
  • Heavy Weapons (excluding siege engines) – Weeks
  • Arrows/Bolts – HoursSiege Weapons – Months


Characters may desire to repair damaged equipment. When they do, consult the following table to determine basic costs. The costs of repair are relative to the original value. If a suit of chainmail suffers light damage, repairing it costs a third of the original cost of the chain mail. Sharpening blades, replacing hafts and other repairs follow a similar cost dependent on the size.   Damage | Percent of original cost  
  • Armor, Light Damage | ⅓
  • Armor, Medium Damage | ½
  • Armor, Heavy Damage | ¾
  • Replacing Haft | ¼ cost
  • Sharpening Blade* | 5sp/ft of steer
  • Straightening Blade | 10sp
  • Crossbow | 10gp
  • Buckles and straps | 1sp each
  • Clothing Patches | 1cpBoot/Shoe Repair | 1/3

Cover image: by 3orcs


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