B8 Jamstav’s Merchant House Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B8 Jamstav’s Merchant House

Tucked away in the bustling Business Quarter of Verbobonc, Jamstav’s Merchant House stands as a beacon of rare and exotic goods, drawing a discerning clientele from across the Flanaess. This merchant house, while smaller in size, boasts a reputation that far exceeds its physical dimensions, catering to those in search of the unique and the unusual.

History and Motivation

Jamstav’s Merchant House has carved a niche for itself as the southernmost outpost for goods from the far reaches of the north - the Wolf Nomads, Stonehold, the Bandit Kingdoms, and even the ominous lands ruled by Iuz. The motivation behind establishing such a daring venture in Verbobonc was to create a conduit for rare goods, providing adventurers, collectors, and scholars access to items unobtainable elsewhere.

The Proprietor: Jamstav

The heart and soul of the merchant house, Jamstav is a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue. His keen eye for the rare and valuable has made him a key player in the underground trade networks.
  • Personality: Jamstav exudes an air of calm confidence, always seeming to know more than he lets on. His ability to navigate the dangerous waters of black market trade while maintaining a veneer of respectability is unmatched.
  • Appearance: With a demeanor as rare as the goods he peddles, Jamstav carries himself with an understated elegance. His attire is often simple but of high quality, a reflection of his discerning taste.
  • Jamstav's face is strong, with sharp, discerning eyes that hint at a keen mind adept at negotiation and appraisal. A prominent, well-groomed beard, possibly flecked with hints of gray, adds to his imposing presence, while his hair, kept practical for both battle and trade, is pulled back to keep it out of his way during negotiations.
by 3orcs
  • Personality: Jamstav exudes an air of calm confidence, always seeming to know more than he lets on. His ability to navigate the dangerous waters of black market trade while maintaining a veneer of respectability is unmatched.
  • Appearance: With a demeanor as rare as the goods he peddles, Jamstav carries himself with an understated elegance. His attire is often simple but of high quality, a reflection of his discerning taste.

Clientele and Services

The Merchant House is selective, opening its doors to those with the right connections or referrals. It's a place where the elite and the underworld converge, seeking items that speak of power, mystery, and ancient lore.
  • Exclusive Offerings: From necromantic components to Flannish face masks, Jamstav’s inventory is a treasure trove for the right buyer. The goods come with a hefty price tag, a premium for their rarity and the risk involved in acquiring them.
  • Black Market Operations: Beneath the facade of a regular merchant house lies a hub for trade in goods that skirt the edges of legality. Jamstav’s ability to procure and sell items like rare poisons and monster parts makes his establishment a necessity for those who operate in the shadows.

The Location: Business Quarter

Choosing the vibrant Business Quarter for his merchant house was a strategic decision by Jamstav. Positioned near the market square and waterfront docks, it serves as a perfect nexus for trade, accessible yet discreet enough for his clientele.
  • Why Here?: The proximity to the docks facilitates the import of rare goods, while the market square's bustle provides the perfect cover for more clandestine transactions. The location underscores Jamstav’s role as a bridge between the exotic and the everyday.


Jamstav’s Merchant House is more than just a store; it's a gateway to the extraordinary, presided over by a man who knows the true value of secrecy and rarity. In the heart of Verbobonc’s Business Quarter, it stands as a testament to the city's complex tapestry of commerce and intrigue.

Rare Monster Parts for Sale

  • Griffon Talons - Used in potions of flying and other alchemical experiments requiring aerial essence. Price: 150gp each.
  • Basilisk Eye - Essential for creating petrification antidotes and potions of stone to flesh. Price: 200gp per eye.
  • Wyvern Venom Gland - A deadly poison on its own, also used in crafting potent antidotes and other venomous concoctions. Price: 250gp per gland.
  • Phoenix Feathers - Highly coveted for their regenerative properties in healing potions and resurrection rituals. Price: 500gp per feather.
  • Dragon Scales - Varied by color, used in crafting powerful armors, elixirs of elemental resistance, and magical enhancements. Price: 100gp per scale, with rarer dragon scales (such as gold or silver) priced at 200gp or more.
  • Manticore Spines - Employed in the crafting of potent paralysis poisons and certain types of ammunition. Price: 75gp per spine.
  • Unicorn Horn - Known for its purifying properties, used in the most powerful healing potions and to create wards against evil. Price: 1000gp per horn.
  • Vampire Fangs - Used in dark rituals, crafting necromantic spells, and creating charms of persuasion. Price: 150gp per fang.
  • Troll Heart - Essential for regenerative brews and spells, due to its rapid healing properties. Price: 300gp per heart.
  • Hill Giant's Knucklebone - Used in fortifying potions, strength elixirs, and to enhance physical prowess. Price: 120gp per knucklebone.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
by 3orcs
Alternative Names
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Below is a list of some of the rare goods available at Jamstav’s, each with a price that reflects the rarity and difficulty in acquiring them:
Rare Poisons
  • Wolfsbane Extract: 150gp - A deadly poison extracted from the Wolf Nomads' regions.
  • Stonehold Venom: 200gp - A potent poison known for its fast-acting properties.
Monster Parts
  • Orc Tusks: 50gp each - Ideal for potion making or exotic jewelry.
  • Elf Ears: 75gp each - Valued for their magical properties in certain dark rituals.
  • Gnome Beards: 100gp - Used in the creation of powerful amulets and charms.
Necromantic Components
  • Dead Bodies (fresh): 500gp - Perfect for necromantic spells or rituals.
  • Ghoul Fingers: 250gp each - Essential for curses and dark potions.
Rare Items
  • Flannish Face Masks: 300gp - Exotic masks that conceal the wearer’s identity.
  • Gnome-crafted Artifacts: Prices vary - Intricately designed items filled with magic.
  • Orc War Drum: 450gp - Used in ceremonies and known to boost morale among orcs.
  • Colored Sand Pouch - A small pouch containing four packets of mixed red, yellow, and blue sand. Perfect for arcane rituals or artistic endeavors. Price: 15 gp
  • Guano Tin - A circular tin filled with bat guano, essential for certain spells. The tin's bronze construction adds a touch of class to an otherwise mundane item. Price: 5 gp
  • Prismatic Headache Prism - A small, cracked prism that causes headaches when viewed for too long. A curious item for collectors. Price: 25 gp
  • Gold Dust Parchment Packet - Sealed with plain wax, contains a small quantity of gold dust. Ideal for alchemy or luxury inks. Price: 50 gp
  • Druidic Harvest Pouch - Contains acorns, a sprig of holly, and mistletoe harvested on the summer solstice. A gift from nature itself. Price: 10 gp
  • Perfect Sphere Crystal - A blemish-free crystal sphere, noted for its clarity and perfection. Price: 100 gp
  • Mud-Covered Cloth - A piece of cloth, heavy with dried mud from a mysterious locale. Price: 1 gp
  • Waxed Wool Clump - Wool impregnated with dried wax, possibly for waterproofing small items. Price: 3 gp
  • Vial of Blood - A tiny potion vial containing an ounce of blood. The source is unknown. Price: 20 gp
  • Herb Jars - A dozen small jars containing a variety of dried herbs. Essential for cooking or potion-making. Price: 30 gp
  • Dragon Blood Vial - Labelled as containing dragon blood. Warm to the touch. Price: 150 gp
  • Negotiation Zone of Truth: 5gp/subject - Ideal for resolving disputes or ensuring honest trade negotiations.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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