B25 Kiles Spice Store Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B25 Kiles Spice Store

A Trove of Exotic Flavors in Verbobonc
Nestled in the bustling cobblestone streets of Verbobonc, Kiles Spice Store stands out as a premier destination for culinary adventurers and enthusiasts. Boasting the widest variety of spices in the city, the store offers an impressive collection of exotic spices from far-flung regions, catering to the diverse palates of its patrons. The presence of a significant number of gnome patrons hints at the store's appeal to those with a penchant for piquant flavors, often used in good-humored pranks.
  • Unique Selling Proposition: Specializes in exotic and rare spices that are hard to find elsewhere in the city.
  • Cultural Impact: Acts as a culinary bridge connecting Verbobonc to distant cultures through the medium of taste.

Lore and Description

Kiles Spice Store, with its aromatic ambiance and shelves laden with colorful spice jars, serves as a gateway to the world's richest flavors.
  • Store Atmosphere: The air inside the store is always thick with the heady aromas of spices from across the known world, arranged meticulously on rustic wooden shelves.
  • Architectural Style: The shop features open windows that allow the spice scents to waft into the streets, attracting passersby with their enticing fragrances.

History and Evolution

  The establishment of Kiles Spice Store marks a significant chapter in the culinary history of Verbobonc, reflecting the city's growing cosmopolitan character.
  • Founding: Established several decades ago by the current owner's ancestors, originally as a small herb garden. 
  • Growth and Expansion: Evolved from a local herb shop to an exotic spice emporium, thanks to strategic trade relationships developed over generations.

Goods and Services

Kiles offers an extensive selection of spices, including everyday essentials and exotic rarities that are celebrated for their quality and authenticity.

Notable People

Kiles, the exotic and enigmatic owner of the spice store, is a well-known figure in the local culinary and even the underground community.
Owner Background and Description
Kiles – A charismatic and clever merchant with a deep passion for spices and their stories. His appearance is as colorful as his spices; vibrant attire and a constant, welcoming smile.
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The Battirovka Family Ties – While primarily a legitimate businessman, Kiles maintains cautious contacts within the Battirovka Family, utilizing these connections to ensure the safety and security of his exotic imports.

Politics and Relationships

The operation of Kiles Spice Store involves navigating complex relationships ranging from local politics to international trade dynamics. Local Economic Impact: Contributes significantly to Verbobonc’s market diversity and culinary reputation. Guild Relationships: Actively participates in local merchant guilds, advocating for fair trade practices and tariffs.

Spice Quest

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The Search for Fey Spices
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Kiles is currently on a quest to procure rare fey spices from the mystical regions of the Gnarley Forest and Welkwood, or directly from the Fey Kingdom Celene.
  • Quest Details: Seeking adventurers or traders who can safely travel to these enchanted lands and return with the coveted spices.
  • Reward: Generous compensation in gold or magical goods, along with a lifetime discount at the store for successful retrievals.


Kiles Spice Store is more than just a retail space; it's a vibrant cultural institution that enriches Verbobonc's culinary landscape. Through its offerings, Kiles not only satisfies the taste buds of the city’s denizens but also weaves a tapestry of stories and connections that span the globe. The store continues to thrive under Kiles’s visionary leadership, promising new flavors and adventures for all who step through its doors.
Kiles the spice merchant
3rd level fighter
  • Description: A charismatic and clever merchant with a deep passion for spices and their stories.
  • Appearance: a colorful as his spices; vibrant attire and a constant, welcoming smile.
  • Race: Oeridian Oerid 
Shop, Generic
Parent Location

Exotic and Magical Spices Price List

Exotic Spice List
The following list details the prices for Kiles Spice Store's collection of exotic spices, each priced in gold and silver pieces, commonly used in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.
Jotens Fire Salt
  • Description: A pungent salt with a smoky flavor, mined from the southern Jotens Mountains.
  • Price: 5 gold pieces per ounce
Ahlissian Star Anise
  • Description: Star-shaped aniseed known for its sweet, licorice-like aroma, imported from Eastern Ahlissa.
  • Price: 3 gold pieces per ounce
Feywild Cinnamon
  • Description: A rare spice with a vibrant, magical essence that enhances both taste and vitality.
  • Price: 10 gold pieces per ounce

Rare Magical Spices

These spices not only add flavor but also impart minor magical effects, making them highly sought after and priced accordingly.
Pixie Pepper
  • Description: Grants a mild euphoria and heightened senses when added to any dish.
  • Magical Properties: Consuming a dish seasoned with Pixie Pepper grants heightened senses for 1 hour.
  • Price: 15 gold pieces per ounce
Elven Saffron
  • Description: Known to aid in meditation and mental clarity, sourced from the deep woods of Celene.
  • Magical Properties: Consuming a dish seasoned with Elven Saffron grants enhanced concentration and a +1 bonus to Wisdom checks for 2 hours.
  • Price: 20 gold pieces per ounce
Purchasing Guidelines
  • Minimum Purchase: Due to the rarity and cost, these spices are typically sold in small quantities, often as little as an ounce.
  • Usage Tips: These spices are potent and should be used sparingly to avoid overwhelming the intended effects and flavors.
  • Storage: To maintain potency, store these spices in cool, dark places away from direct sunlight.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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