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Sun 26th Jul 2020 04:35

It's a Spee--A Spy--A Spuh--AN ARACHNID!

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Ok. So.
This guy Rosco on the llama is from a ship that had accepted a job to find another ship called “the Emperor of the Waves” and guess what… that is the ship Capitan Moonlight’s father served on! AND AND AND! Rosco accepted the job from a man with the last name Moonlight! MAMA! WE MAY HAVE FOUND HIM! Oh mine gosh, it is so exciting! Anyway, Rosco came here to find the ship and his ship was attacked or something (I will be honest mama, I was not paying much attention because I was so excited that we might be finding the Capitan’s father soon), so he is stuck here on the island with no way to get to the ship (it was all the way across a river, or on the other side of the island or something? Again… not paying attention when I should have). He says if we can help him, he will take us to where the ship is!
So! Harley, Dio, and myself all volunteer to go help Rosco while the rest of the crew stays to repair the ship. The Capitan also sends someone else with us since we are short one in our group (I miss Vel already). Her name is Chressara, and mama… she is beautiful! And SO STRONG! Oh mine gosh, she has muscles for daaaaays! I am so excited to get to know her!

Ok, ok, so we take a rowboat and we follow Rosco’s directions and we find the ship. It looks a little worse for wear, definitely not… how do you say… “sea worthy”, but still standing enough for us to climb aboard. The minute we get on the ship we see a bunch of spider webs all over the place, so naturally, I turn into a spider to explore! I think I freaked Dio and Rosco out a little bit. In fact, I do not think anyone really liked my spider. Ramas was right, most people just do not like spiders at all.
Anyway! I sneaked into the first room and there were webs EVERYWHERE! The whole place, completely covered! And thanks to my spider senses, I found a strange creature on the ceiling above me, and a GIANT SPIDER BESIDE IT! Giant mama! As big as the wolf spider we can turn into! It did not seem to mind me coming inside (I was really good at acting spider-like, really I was) and I was able to find some maps on a table and bring them out to Dio and the others. But of course we could not explore the ship as we needed to with just me running around as a spider, so we had to fight! It took a little while, but we killed the spider and the other strange creature and we went downstairs and… MORE SPIDERS! So many spiders, mama. So many. The last time I saw this many spiders was when it was arachnid week at school and everyone was practicing turning into them. Crazy!
Again, I was able to sneak in and out without being noticed, so I warned everyone and we took down the spiders before they could attack us! Everyone then split up to explore the ship (because there were a lot of rooms, you know, and we didn’t want to take too long in case there were more creepy crawlies around) and mama, I really need to learn to watch where I step, because the first one I took into the room, I fell through the floor! Right down to the bottom of the ship! Luckily there was some water to break my fall.
But that was not the only thing down there, mama. I saw some creatures in the water. I tried to talk to them, to tell them we were just exploring and we were not there to hurt anyone, but they just jumped up and attacked me!! And mama… these things were really really strong. I turned into a bear to try and fight them off and they did something that made me freeze! I could not move at all!
Do not worry, mama, I am okay now. My friends are super strong and they all came running to my rescue when they heard me shout for help (just like you did that time when I nearly drowned trying to talk to that ocatopus). Rosco even came to help and healed me when one of the creatures hurt me pretty bad. We fought these… these… zombie creatures I think they were, and finally managed to take them down!
After catching our breath, we explored the bottom of the ship and we found a giant box on the other end. It was very heavy, and very awkward to carry (Chressara and me both had to do it) but we managed. This box is the thing that Rosco was sent to find. Apparently it has something valuable in it (or the box itself is valuable… I know, I should have paid attention. Next time), so we start to lug it towards the ladder, when all of a sudden a GIANT TENTACTLE rises from the water and starts shaking the boat and making it fill with water!!!!
We start running for the ladder, as fast as we can with this heavy box! We make it up the ladder and into the next room, where Dio and Harley found—you’ll never guess—that’s right, MORE SPIDERS! So. Many. Spiders.
The other three fought them off as Chres and I carried the box, and when we reached the main deck again, we saw someone trying to steal our ship! It was so rude, mama! Who does that!?
So now we are fighting small spiders, and big spiders, AND this guy who can cast crazy spells! And then Harley got hurt really bad and went down. And then so did Dio! I was doing my best to heal them, mama, but it was so crazy! There were too many of them! Thank goodness Rosco can heal too, or we would have been in big trouble (he was really quite good in the fight, mama, I was very impressed).
Finally all the spiders are down, but everyone is hurt really bad and everyone is tired and running out of magics, and we still have this guy trying to steal out boat and throwing spells at us! Then Chres does something really cool, she makes our rowboat float (haha, rowboat float, that is another fun one). I did not even know she knew magics, but it was a perfectly timed move! I was so impressed.
Now this guy trying to steal the boat cannot go anywhere, so he either has to talk to us or fight.
Ok, so here is the thing mama. You know me, I am normally all for dipalomacy. I would much rather talk than fight. So when Dio tried to talk to the man to get some information, normally I would stop attacking and do the same. BUT. Harley was standing right next to this guy, and he was really really hurt, like so badly that a strong breeze might have knocked him out, and I was all out of healing magics. So was Rosco. So if this guy turned and attacked Harley (like he had been doing), he would be dead and there would be nothing we could do about it!
So I attacked. I did not wait. I attacked the guy and I took him down and I have no regrets about it! I mean, maybe a little regret because when we told the Capitan she seemed disappointed that we did not bring anyone back for questioning, but I was protecting my friends and I believe it was worth it!
After all that craziness, we get in our boat and leave the ship just in time before the tentacle creature practically devours it! I still have no idea what that thing was, but it was big and scary and not very nice. I hope it never attacks our ship the way it did the Emperor of the Waves.
When we get back to the Capitan, we show her what we found, and oh man, her eyes light up the minute she sees the box! Guess what mama… IT WAS HER FATHER’S! Apparently it was like his special treasure box or something, and it has a special password to open it. But more importantly, if the box is here, her father was here, which means we MUST be getting closer!
It has been a crazy few days, mama! So so crazy! I am glad the Capitan is letting us rest. Though I also cannot wait to get going on the ship again! We are so close to reuniting Capitan Moonlight and her father, I can feel it!