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Sun 26th Jul 2020 04:34

Survey Says... NAIVE!

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Oh mama, something really crazy happened this time.
Ok, now before I say it, I need you to promise not to freak out, okay? It was very scary but we are all okay now, so there is no need to worry!
We arrived at a place called “Bergar” so that we could make repairs and restock (etc), and mama… oh mine gosh. I have never EVER seen a city so big! There were SO MANY people, and so many things to see, and I was SO EXCITED to explore! Because, you know, I have never been to a big city before, and I wanted to see if it was like the stories the travellers told us about. Tuna said I should not go alone because it could be dangerous (and because he knows how I can get distracted and lost very easily), but Dio needed to send a letter to his parents and Harley and Vel wanted to tag along also, so we went into the city together!
We did not get very far when this hafling woman named Seraphia asked us if would mind taking a survey. I did not know what that was, but she seemed like a nice enough person, so I did not see a problem in stopping to help out.
Boy was I wrong, mama.
She took us to a quiet part of the docks and suddenly we were surrounded by people and they told us we belonged to them now! They were going to take us away to work on their ship! We tried to explain that we already had a ship and we already had a crew and a Capitan, and so we were not looking to join another ship, but they would not listen!
So I tried one of the spells you taught me, mama. I tried to hold Seraphia so maybe she would listen, but it did not work! She attacked and her friends attacked and suddenly it was like fighting the gobelins again! Only these people were much more powerful, mama. I tried not to hurt them too much at first, because you know, it is not right to kill just because someone is being rude. But then Harley fell. He was bleeding and looked like he was really hurt. And then Vel did too! I got so scared mama, I thought they were going to die!
So it was no more mr. nice guy! I turned into a bear and I killed three of them! But more of them started coming, and Dio was badly hurt, and Vel and Harley were still down, and I could not protect all of them and heal them at the same time, so… I surrendered. I made Seraphia promise that she would not hurt my friends any more, and let me heal them so they did not die, and in return they could take us to their ship.
They locked us up, mama. In the bottom of their ship they put us in shackles and locked us away like we were nothing more than pieces of storage.
I do not like being locked up, mama I was so scared. The shackles were really tight, and Vel and Harley were still really hurt, and Dio didn’t have any ideas to get us out. But before I could start panicking, I remembered that you always said there is a solution to every problem, sometimes you just need to be patient and wait for it. And you were right! Because I realized that if we waited long enough, I could get my magics back enough to change into an animal and bust us out of there!
But I did not have to! Just as I was starting to feel strong enough to transform, I heard someone calling my name down the hallway. IT WAS TUNAKA! He and some of our crew had come to rescue us! I have no idea how they found us, mama, but it made my heart jump for joy to hear Tuna calling for me! He followed my voice and broke into the room and helped us escape, along with three other crewmates that I am sorry to say I do not know very well (I do not even know what race one of them is, I had never seen one before, even in your books).
I quickly healed Vel and Harley and we broke out and ran away as fast as we could until we got to the Dawn Chaser! It was scary and exciting all at the same time!
After everything that happened, no one really wanted to go exploring the city anymore, but I was too curious not to! I still had never been to one! But, you know, I did not want to cause any more trouble than I already had, so I stuck pretty close to the ship. I went to a marketplace by the docks and bought some fruit for the crew, and some beads for myself. After all this, I still really haven’t seen a big city, but I am sure there will be other opportunities
You know what the best part about all of this was, mama? The crew came for us. Tuna and Mr. Green and Klip and Grackle (I learned all their names when I thanked them for saving us) came to rescue us. They could have left us behind, you know, but they did not. Capitan Moonlight did not want to leave us behind. Can you believe that, mama? I really really miss home, but you know… it is a nice feeling having people actually want you around.
I miss you so so so so so so much mama! I promise I will try to be safer in the future!