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Sun 26th Jul 2020 07:20

Defying Galeo

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Dear Mama,
While the ship is being repaired, I have been practicing my magics, and guess what… I finally have mastered how to turn into water creatures!! You know how my problem has always been the gills, well I FINALLY figured it out! I am so excited, I am going to turn into an ocatopus probably every day!
After the ship is ready to set sail (still a little beaten up, but not too bad) we start heading to where Rosco’s ship “The Whispering Serpant” (or the wandering serpant, or something? I dunno, I was WALKING ON WATER because I can do that now, mama, it is so cool) last was seen, but when we get there… no ship. So we head to the nearest islands to keep looking. Around the first little island, nothing. Around the second island, nothing. Around the third island, nothing.
I was starting to get worried, mama. What if we come this close and then the Capitan’s father is gone?
On our way to the fourth island, a rowboat comes towards us and a guy called Galeo Cuvier comes on board. He seems a little rude to me, but not threatening, so we listen as he tells us about the fish people who attack unsuspecting boats in the area. They are called the “Sahouagen” and they are the same type of fish people that attacked our ship before. Galeo offers to help guide our ship and protect us (for a fee, of course, because apparently everything out here costs something) but we say ‘no thank you’ because we are well protected as it is. He does not seem to like that very much.
Dio took some leadership and spoke to Galeo alone, I think offering him some money to go away, or for information or something? I do not know exactically what happened, all I know is suddenly Dio is throwing a thunder wave in Galeo’s face and telling him to leave our ship! It was crazy! I have never seen Dio act like that before, I think this guy must have really annoyed him or something. Whatever it was, if Dio doesn’t trust him, I do not trust him!
The Capitan thinks that Galeo may cause trouble for us now, so she has us stay up to keep watch over night. And of course, you know me, I cannot let this opportunity go to waste! So I start trying to get to know my friends!
First I ask our newest member, Chressara, about her family and her childhood and her parents and all that, and I found out she is an orphan! She lived in an orphanage (which she said was as bad as it is in the stories) and has been on her own since she was 14! Mama, you know how much I love you, and I cannot possibly think what life would be like if I had not had you with me to help me through things, and give me advice, and teach me magics and languages, and tell me stories, and give me hugs, and share meals me with me, and say goodnight and good morning to me every day, and everything wonderful that you do! So hearing that Chres never had that in her life at all… it made me very sad for her. But you know, she does not seem sad about it! She is super super strong and very kind, even without any parents to help raise her. I think she is probably one of the bravest people I know, mama. To face the world with a smile after being alone for so long… I do not think I could have done it.
Talking about all this really makes me miss you so so much.
Ok, but no more sad! We talked all night, so there is a lot for me to tell you! Oh, and—OH! Mama! You will not believe this! I found out that not only does Dio come from a rich family with both parents alive and well, but he also has ELEVEN SIBALINGS! ELEVEN! Can you imagine it!? I mean, I always thought a family was very very big when it had five children in it, but twelve!? Mine gosh… his parents must be very good with kids to have raised so many! Dio also said that he had tried his hand at being a wizard at one point, but did not really enjoy it, so he became what he is now (an “art fisher” I think he said? It was a long word, I do not know if I am saying it correctly). He is good with machines, but I still do not know what those are, so… I just know he is very very smart. In any case, it was good to hear that he is out exploring and doing what he likes, though I admit, I am not sure I understand why anyone would want to adventure so far away from their family for so long.
Next was Harley! I learned that he has three sibalings, he is also from a rich family, and they live on a coastal town called Arlen. But apparently, his family is not very nice. He says they are… cold? I am not sure I understand what he means, but Dio said he understood, so I wonder if his family is cold too? Maybe it is chilly where they are from? I do not know. But again, I do not understand wanting to be away from family like they do, so clearly I am missing something. Maybe I will ask again another time.
And do not worry, I told them all about you and how amazing you are! I tell them all the time! I say that you are the most wonderful and kindest and smartest and best human being who has ever existed! I did not tell them about the rest of the family though. I was not sure if I should, and they did not ask, so I think I will keep it to myself for now.
I was hoping to ask more about them, but our group bonding was interrupted by a small boat appearing nearby with 5 passengers. They looked like they were readying to attack us, but we tried to talk to them anyway. And then… they attacked us. I mean mine gosh, what is it with people and attacking random strangers!?
Uh oh. It looks like there are more Sahouagen now too. I think this may be more serious than it looked at first.
Sorry mama, I will have to finish this later.