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Sat 27th Feb 2021 04:03

The IceDragon Cometh

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Ok ok ok ok ok, here is what happened.
I was downstairs in the storage talking to our pirate friends about what to do about Rowan, when all of a sudden I hear Kressara shout from the top of the ship! I go running up as fast as I can and come face to face with some sort of dragon! It was blue, with shiny scales, and wings that looked like a manta ray. It looked pretty scary, mama, until I saw the other two little ones with it—it was just a mama or a papa dragon trying to find food for it’s babies! So of course, I try to talk to it and tell it that we do not want to fight, we can give them food if that is what they need, and then they can be safely on their way. But they must not have understood me. Because—now mama, do not freak out, I am okay now—the next thing I know, it is hitting me with a blast of ice from it’s mouth!
I will not lie to you, mama, it hurt a lot. But only for a second, because everything went dark very quickly. The next thing I know, I am waking up in the water, with Dio beside me keeping me afloat. Apparently, the ice blast knocked me out so hard I got pushed off the boat and thrown into the ocean!! I almost drown, mama! If it had not been for Dio, I would not be here writing to you.
BUT DO NOT WORRY! I am okay now, I promise! Nothing a few hours of sleep cannot cure.
From what I was told, it sounds like Dio saw me go overboard and just jumped into the ocean right after me! Can you believe that, mama!? Dragon or no dragon, cold ocean or no cold ocean, he just jumped right in and saved my life!! I definitely would have drown if he did not get to me when he did.
And he was all worried that he is not a good Capitan. Who else would jump into an ocean to save a crewmate from a dragon!? He is such a good person, mama, I really owe him big this time. I will have to think of a way to repay him for this. Maybe I can make him something? Or help him with his forge? I do not know, but I will think of something.
Back to the dragon! Dio does his super Capitan thing and saves my life, and then I turn into a giant spider and climb us up the ship to get back in the fight. It was really quite a site mama, with Dio on my back as we hopped back onto the deck, he looked like a hero out of one of your books! I am sure our crew were very impressed. By that time, though, the dragon was already very hurt. Dio only had to shoot at it once and it went down hard. I was happy the crew was safe, but honestly mama, it was sad to see it die. I know it was only there to feed it’s babies. If only I had been able to find a way to speak with it, we would not have had to kill it…
But I shout to the rest of the crew to let the babies go, because I know that once their parent is dead, they will not want to stick around. Sure enough, the babies fly off as soon as they get the chance. I really hope they are okay. The poor things were just hungry…
Since the dragon is now dead on our ship, I decide waste not want not, and harvest some scales and some teeth, because Dio said he could use them for something. The rest of the dragon Kressara and I push into the ocean, and I druid crafted some flowers to float above where it lay, as a little token for it to rest in peace.
It was such a crazy fight, mama. I think I need to learn to speak dragon so that does not happen again.
Once the fighting was over, I heal some of the crew and then go down to see Tunaka and the pirates to make sure they are okay. And you know, Tunaka looks at me all worried and stuff because I look a little banged up—really I am okay—and it was so sweet that he was worried about me! I gave him a big hug so he knows I am okay and then I have to get back to navigating the ship.
It is a busy life being a sailor sometimes, mama. So much to do in a day!
With how fast we were going, it was not much longer until we finally make it to the Onclave islands. Mama, have you ever heard of the Onclave? It is a very strange organization from what I have seen. For one thing, as we were nearing the island, we suddenly felt this strange… pull. Like we instinctively knew where to go. It was very weird. Apparently, it is something you get when you become part of the club, but I am still confused how it is we got to be part of them in the first place.
Kressara steers us into a cavern on one of the islands, and we see ships everywhere! So many ships! Some bigger than us, some smaller, ships everywhere you look! When we dock, Rodger says he will take us to their leader so we can have some of our questions answered. I was hoping for a chance to speak with Joseph one more time, but maybe I can do that later.
Anyway, Rodger leads us to this big beautiful building, where two people in white robes greet us at the door. We move past them into a chamber with marble floors and a big still pool in the middle. It was very beautiful, mama. Very… what is the word… elegant. It is there that we meet an old human woman named Katrain Duststone, who is dressed in the same robes as the other people. She is the administrator for the Onclave. She takes us into a room to talk so we can finally get some answers.
It is a long conversation, mama. Dio and Harley asked a lot of questions. I am still not sure I understand their mission, or what they are, it was a lot of information at once. They say they want to learn as much as they can about history, and about undiscovered things in the world. Normally that is something that would not worry me—nothing wrong with wanting to learn, you know?—but I remember what you taught me about knowledge being power, and how power can do crazy things to people. So I am… cautious.
Dio and Harley seem very excited by all this, especially Dio since he is very much wanting to learn about the histories of Falonde and their deities and stuff. Kressara, as usual, seems not bothered by any of this. So I think it may only be me who is worried. Which is strange, because you know me, I am normally very trusting of people.
I think it may have been something Katrain said that made me suddenly worry. She said they were always looking for things undiscovered. Things that are new and hold interesting secrets. And mama… that is home. Our island is one giant secret full of interesting treasures. I think I am afraid that these people will try to get information from me or something.
I do not know… But I will try to keep my worries to a minimum. It is not right to mistrust others because of my own fears, I know.
So that is where we are right now, mama. We are on the Onclave island, and we are about to go meet these “Protectorate” people, who are the people who created and control the Onclave. Maybe I will get more of a sense of whether or not we can trust this group from them.
I know it was all a little scary today, but do not worry mama! I promise, I am okay. I may not be home with you, but I am starting to realize how good the people around me are. They have all been kind and generous and forgiving, and you know, not one of them has ever asked me about my skin or looked at me strange because of it. They are just really good people. Really. Between Tunaka and Dio and Kressara and Harley, I am very well taken care of. So you have nothing to worry about, your little Memen has made some very good friends. The best of friends!!
I love you mama! I will write soon!
Your Memen