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Fri 21st May 2021 11:44

Running in the Deep

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Ok! I am back, Mama!
Where did I leave off... oh yes!
We decided to continue down the tower and try to find the other prisoners. The ones we already freed we told to wait by the entrance so we could all leave together on the way out.
The next part of the tower was in water, so it was much harder for me to get around, but we wonder and wonder (this place is like a maze, mama!) until I find a door that is unlocked. I peek in and see the strangest thing! I still do not understand it:
There were some sahouagen priestesses chanting at an alter made of shark teeth and eyes, and they had something trapped in burlap sacks beside them (for sacrifice, I think) AND... there was a GIANT TWO-HEADED SHARK just swimming in circles above them!!! I think they were praying to it or something, but when they stopped it ate two of them, so I do not know! Everything that happened next happened so quickly, I did not get a chance to do much. Suddenly the priestesses attacked us, and then we attacked the shark, and then Harley said he wanted to try talking to the shark (I do not know why, but I definitely would have preferred to talk instead of fight it), but Kressara was raging so she could not stop fighting so she killed the shark... it was a lot.
With the shark and priestesses now dead, we search the room for a way down or any secret openings or something, and I find out that the sacks were filled with little baby sahouagen! THEY WERE GOING TO SACRIFICE THEIR BABIES!!!! Mama... what are these things!? Have you ever heard of a creature sacrificing it's own baby before!? Ugh! So many questions and no answers to any of them!!
Anyway, we leave the babies and continue on, but we keep running into more and more sahouagen--they are unending!--and we are running out of ways to fight them. There are just too many! And Kressara was really hurt, and I was almost out of spells, and Capitan Roger almost died, so Dio decides it is time for us to leave.
I did not want to go, mama. We still have crew down there, leaving means they could be killed! But orders are orders... and I did not want to leave my friends to fight their way out alone.
Though maybe it would have been better if I had stayed. I caused so much trouble on this next part, mama.
But I think I will write about that tomorrow. I am very VERY tired after the day we had, so I will get some sleep now, I think. I promise I will finish the story tomorrow!