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Sat 27th Feb 2021 04:03

Part of the Ship, Part of the Crew

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Dear Mama,
I am… not entirely certain what is going on at the moment. I will try to explain, but I apologize if it makes no sense, I am still trying to piece it together myself.
Remember how I told you we were able to take our ship back from the pirates? Well right after, the fake Capitan (Rodger Laughingsteel) said that he had to speak with Capitan Dio because there were important things he needed to know about the Onclave, and he could only say them in front of a Capitan.
Mama, poor Dio has really been through a lot lately. He is only a new Capitan and he has already had to make some really hard choices for our ship and our crew. And now with half of our crew still missing and these pirates still aboard… I think it is really taking its toll on him. He did not want to talk to Rodger at all, he just walked away to his room. So I followed him to try and make him feel better, but I am not sure how much I helped. I know Memen hugs are magical for you, mama, but they do not seem to have the same effect on other people. I just hope Dio knows we do not blame him for the bad things that have happened. He is really a good Capitan, mama. I will try to help him see that.
He did calm down after a bit and agreed to talk with Rodger, so we all gathered in Dio’s room where Rodger told us that somehow—I am not understanding how—we are now part of this Onclave. Apparently, when we surrendered during their first attack, that made us part of their club? There are a lot of rules that we are meant to follow, and a lot of mysteries that the other crew will not tell us about, but still they insist we are part of their group.
It makes no sense to me, mama, but Rodger seemed very serious about it all. He said that not listening to him and obeying the rules would cause a lot of trouble for us in the future, and unfortunately I believe him.
BUT! The good thing about all this is that he said we will not be harmed when we get to their island, so this is at least one less thing too worry about. It means we may be able to just pick up our crew and leave without any trouble. So we are currently on our way to their island to (hopefully) do just that.
As we are sailing, I go down to our storage room which we are using as a brig (that is a sailing term for jail, mama) where we are keeping the pirates for now. I was thinking—like you always tell me—that when I cannot find the answers inward, it is time to look outward and not be afraid to ask for help. So I decided to ask the pirate people if they might know how it is that this Rowan guy keeps disappearing. He has really been on my mind a lot, mama, because he was last seen on the other ship with the rest of our crew, and I am afraid he may disappear with them or something.
So I asked the pirates (especially the mage) if they knew any way someone could be disappearing like that. The mage—her name is Hildegard—said she did not know the specific magic Rowan might be using, but it sounds like he is extremely practiced at it. Like he’s been doing it for years. And I think I agree with her. He must be pretty powerful.
Do you remember how I told you last time that one of the pirates was being particularly rude to me? Well, his name I found out is Joseph, and he said something that sort of… frightened me (not on purpose, mama, I think he and I will be friends one day). He said that he thought Rowan might be killing people like this just because he likes killing. No other reason behind it, just that he likes it. I have never heard of such a thing. I mean, in the stories you would tell me, even the bad guys had reason to kill, you know? Like to get powerful, or to get rich, or to win their lover, or that sort of thing. Their reasons may not have been good, but there was always a reason. I never ever would have thought there were people out there in the world that kill just because they like it… it is frightening to think about. I know there is evil in the world, I know there are bad things and bad people, but someone taking life just for fun is too much.
I really hope I never run into someone like that.
Anyway, we are still on the journey to this island, and I am spending most of my time with Tuna. Whenever I am scared, being around Tuna makes me feel better. Though a hug from you, mama, would go a reaaaaally long way too!
I miss you so much, mama! I hope you are safe and healthy and happy!
Your Memen
P.S- I forgot to say, there were dolphins swimming up to the ship one day, and one of them squirted me in the face and jumped out of the water right in front of me! It was magical, mama! I wanted to talk with them so badly, but I had not looked at that spell yet, so I could not. THEY WERE SO CUTE! Next time, maybe I will just turn into one and swim with them beside the ship!