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Fri 19th Mar 2021 01:57

Deep Sea Chase

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Dear Mama,
At this point, I am certain it is not surprising to you, but we had another CRAZY day!
It started off pretty normal, we were exploring the island and getting to know the area a little more: Dio and Harley went to the library to see what they could learn there, and Kress and I went to go talk to some plants. I do not know how the research went, because we did not have time to discuss it (you will see why in a minute), but Kress and I had a great time! I talked to the only plants I could find in the area, and they were not really doing well, mama! No one ever waters them, or gives them sunlight, or anything to help them grow big and strong! Why have plants if you are not going to take care of them!? And they were so tired and hungry, they did not have any information for me. But I made a deal, that if I bring them some water every time I visit, they will keep an ear out for any cool information (I know it is not likely they will tell me anything crazy important, but honestly mama, it was just nice to talk to plants again. We have been on a boat for so long, I have not been able to do it for some time). Then, just as we were about to go catch up with the others, Capitan Laughingsteel came storming by and into the building!
Now mama, you know how I used to sneak into classes at the school by turning into bugs and sitting in the window? Well, I did it again! Only this time, I followed Laughingsteel into a room with Katrain! And they were shouting back and forth, and I did not hear much, but Roger was very upset. And suddenly he was leaving, so I jumped onto his shoulder and hid there as a spider! Then when he got outside, I just jumped off and became Memen again! It was super cool! I was so stealthy, I was like a super ninja from your stories!!!
But there was no time to celebrate my fun because Roger was on his way to Dio and Harley. He tells us that his ship--the one that holds some of our crew--has been taken by some Sahuagin (you know, those fish creatures we have been attacked by before)!! Of course Dio says we have to go after them--they have our crew!--so we rush off to get the ship prepared to leave!
Since it is Roger’s ship that has been taken, he comes with us on the rescue mission, and brings some of his crew along (including Hildegard and Joseph), so we are definitely ready for a fight! Which is good, because apparently the Onclave has tried to attack the sahuagin base before and they weren’t strong enough to get far. These fish guys are pretty powerful, mama, so we think it will be best to try and get our crew back stealthily.
The journey takes two days, so on the way I decide to practice my flying beasties--it is the wings, mama, they are very very difficult to get to right. I think that if I jump from somewhere up high (like the crows nest) maybe it will give me enough of a boost to get my wings going. So far it has not worked, but I am getting better each time, I think! I will get there mama, do not you worry!
So that is where we are headed. We are going to find the crew, for sure this time!
Of course I will write you to let you know what happens!
I love you mama!
After I finished writing this, I went to right to sleep, but I was woken up in the middle of the night by someone screaming! I went up to the deck of the ship, and there were two of our night crew face to face with some SAHUAGIN! It was crazy!! How did they even know we were coming!?
We beat them back, but two of them escaped, and we could not let them go back to the island and warn that we were on our way! So Harley and I took off after them (each in different directions). When I got back to the ship, Harley had gotten his seemingly without trouble (that guy just gets more powerful every time we fight), but mine took a minute. I had to follow him in the dark as a giant ocatopus (because you know, they move pretty quickly). I think the alcohol was still affecting me, because it took a while for me to spot this guy in the water, but when I finally did, I grabbed him and squished him before he could run away again (I actually meant to keep him alive and bring him back to the ship to talk, but I was afraid I would accidentally let him go, so I did not).
It was crazy, mama! Maybe I should try sleeping during the day instead. We seem to get attacked a lot at night.
Anyway... I am going to try and sleep again. I am still very very tired.
Goodnight mama!