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Mon 4th Jan 2021 11:14

The Dawn Bringer Strikes Back

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

It was crazy! So crazy mama! I still cannot believe we were able to do it! Oh mine gosh!! There is so much to tell!
Ok ok ok ok! I start at the beginning.
The pirates (they call themselves “they Onclave”) are on our ship and they are taking us to some island far away. They will not tell us where, or why, or what we are to do when we get there, AND they are not being very nice, mama. This one guy especially did not like me. He was very rough and rude and just not nice at all! I do not like these people very much…
A day after we started sailing towards this mysterious island, we stop to connect with the other ship. All of a sudden, Rodger is getting all up in a huff and storms over to our ship and takes Dio down to the Capitan’s quarters! I was so scared he was going to kill Dio, I almost turned into a beetle to follow them (Tuna told me it was a bad idea because I might get someone else hurt by disappearing). When Dio returned (safe and sound, thank goodness) he said that someone on the pirate ship was killed and—ready yourself for this one mama—THE EARL IS MISSING! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?!? I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!! I SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED MY INSTICTS AND I SHOULD HAVE BIT HIM HARDER BEFORE! I CANNOT BELIEVE I LET HIM GO!!! AAAAAH!
Obviously we knew that Earl must have been Rowan in disguise, and he must have been the one to kill the person on the pirate ship, but Capitan Rodger did not believe our story! He did not believe that Earl was able to make himself look like someone else or that we could not find him or any of our story! He thought that Capitan Dio ordered the Earl to kill that crewman in order to take over the other ship or something. But, since our crew all said the same thing about Rowan, Rodger decided to give us one day to prove our story AND find Rowan. If we did not find him in that time, Rodger was going to kill one of our crewmates!
So we rush off to try and find Ragnar—Rowan—whoever he is! I went back to the medical room to try and figure out once and for all what happened there, and you know… I did. The pirate guy who had not been nice to me had to follow me to make sure I did not try to escape, and he said that the scratch in the wall that we could not figure out, was probably from a button or something scraping against it. And since it was right by the window… I believe the real Dane Ragnar was killed by Rowan and thrown out the window. Then Rowan somehow took his shape and pretended to be him!
I knew it, mama… I knew it all along that he was lying and he smelled like Rowan and… and I still let him go. I should not have let him go.
Anyway… even after learning all of this, we were not able to find him. I even turned into a wolf again and I sniffed all around the pirate ship and our ship and found nothing. I do not know how he is disappearing like this mama. Of course I know of magics that change the way you look or make you look like other people, but this must be crazy powerful if he is even able to change his scent.
We were very worried, mama, because we could not find Rowan with any of our tricks and magics before, so we knew we could not find him now. That is when Harley stepped in—mama, he was such a good talker! He somehow managed to convince Rodger not to kill our crew for not finding Rowan! He was like a magician with his words! I was super impressed.
Instead of killing us, Capitan Rodger gave us less rations for the day. It did not bother me because, you know me, I do not eat much. But I was really worried about Tuna because he is a big guy so he needs a lot of food, you know? I tried to give him some of my bread, but he said no, of course. But I convinced him that tomorrow he would take my bread no questions asked, because otherwise I would worry!
(I tell you a secret mama… Tuna cannot say no to me when I show him my big puppy eyes! I do not do it a lot, because I do not like making Tuna do things he does not want to do, but sometimes he forgets to take care of himself, so that is when I use it.)
Ok mama, here is where it all turns around!
We come upon this crazy big storm with wind rushing and rain pouring down (it was a little nostalgic of home, to be honest) and guess what!? I actually help navigate us through it! I think it was because I know so much about storms and nature and all that from watching the elders at home, so I could tell which way to go to get the least wind and avoid the crazy waves and all those things mama. It was so exciting! I have never felt like I did something so well! But after we got out of the storm, we were separated from the other ship (we think they maybe did not fair the storm as well as us). So… Capitan Rodger needed me to navigate for him! Which meant I got to learn where their super secret island was!
So now I know where we are going, the other ship is gone (but still heading toward the island, Rodger said) which means no back up for the pirates… are you thinking what I am, mama? I am thinking all we need is someway to distract these pirates and we can take our ship back!
And wouldn’t you know, mama… you were right, all we had to do was be patient. Because the very next day, we were attacked by these crazy jelly fish with SNAKES FOR TENTACLES! They were very big and powerful, but me and my friends were able to take them down without too much trouble.
The pirates though…well, they did not do quite as well.
This was our chance, mama. And we took it!
We helped them kill the last jellyfish, and then we attacked! Kressara went in swinging with her big sword, Dio blew two of them off of the ship, Harley came in behind and blew the other two off, and I took care of the mage with my lighting. We were so fast, they never saw it coming!
But now we had to figure out what to do next. Some of our crew were still on the pirate boat that is headed back to their island, and we cannot abandon them.
Dio decides we will keep the pirates alive, but as our prisoners. He says we will trade our crew for the pirates, and then we will leave and (hopefully) never see them again!
So that is the plan, mama! We have the pirates tied up now (I had to turn into an ocatopus to get them from the water) and we are on our way to their secret island to find our crew!
I told you it would be okay. My friends always figure something out. They are pretty awesome, mama.
Love you and miss you so much, mama! I hope you are happy and healthy.