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Sat 25th Jul 2020 08:52

Zombies and Monkeys and Storms, OH MY!

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Dear Mama,
After our battle with the gobelins, our ship was a little beaten up, so we had to take time to repair as we sailed. Everyone did their part, but I am sorry to say I was not very helpful. Not that I did not try! I just, you know, my magics are much better at healing people rather than ships.
As we were working, I got to talking with Dio, Vel, and Harley, the other three newbies. Dio was very shaken up after the fighting because it is not something he has done before and he was afraid he was going to die and never make it back home. How sad is that!? Can you imagine him dying and then never getting to see his family again!? I could not stand for it! So of course, I promised him that I would protect him and keep him safe, and IF anything should happen to him, I will get him back home to his family. BUT NOTHING WILL HAPPEN! Because I am super strong and I can turn into many beasties that can protect him (also I do not know where this place called “Newood” is, so I would have troubles bringing him home if he was gone).
I do not like talking about that anymore. I will move on!
The next thing we know we are caught up in a terrible storm! It looked like the ones the elders on the island can conjure up out of nowhere! It was so powerful, it pulled up towards the nearby island, and as we got closer, we found the ship the Capitan had been looking for: the Fortunate Son. It was very much in ruins and the crew was completely missing, but the Capitan wanted to check it out anyway. She took us four, and no sooner had we stepped on the ship than we were attacked by zombies! Yes mama… zombies! I KNOW, CRAZY RIGHT!? They had ink black eyes and lightning flaring from their bodies! Have you ever heard of such a thing!? But it is okay mama, because we beated them very quickly (my new friends are crazy powerful) and we found out that these zombies were what was left of the crew!
I felt very bad for having to kill them, but I think because they were attacking my friends and they were zombies (so they were technically already dead) it was okay.
And OH MINE GOSH! As we were searching the ship, we found a monkey who could talk! I mean, I know all monkeys can talk, but this one spoke in common so everyone could understand! He said he was name was Pooka, he lived on the island, and he was SO CUTE! Oh mine gosh! OH! OH! And he told us this story about an entity called “Old Man Storm” who had a temple on the island that was missing an idol. And guess what!? The idol was the silver thing we found on the gobelin ship! Crazy, right!? So of course we had to return it! But before we did, we had to finish searching the ship, and in the lower levels—oh mine gosh, mamma, this is the best part!—we found maps that were made by… you’ll never guess… THE CAPITAN’S MISSING FATHER! OH MINE GOSH! It was crazy! The Capitan even teared up just a little bit at seeing that her Father might be alive—Oh! But I was not supposed to tell you that! Pretend I did not write that!
So now we are resting before going off to the temple to return the idol and hope this “Old Man Storm” will let us off the island.
I promise, I will tell you what happens tomorrow!
Love you mama!