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Sun 26th Jul 2020 04:34

Say No to This

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Mama… today was not a good day. I almost do not want to talk about it because it was so bad. Maybe you can help me find the positives today.
Remember the really sick crewmen I told you about last time? Mama… I could not save them. Just before morning, one of them shot up in bed and started shouting “He’s coming! From below!” and then he threw up a bunch of acid and fell over dead. Not long after that, the other one shouted “He sees me, his eyes are staring at me, watching!” and he too coughed up acid and died. I did everything I could to try and save them, but the acid burned through too much of their insides… there was nothing I could do.
The acid they coughed up started burning through the ship, but I stopped it by freezing water over the hole it was creating. And after examining the bodies, I found out this disease is not something that is natural, but also not something that is man-made. Not very helpful, I know. Believe me, I know.
Oh mine gosh, and when I went up to the main deck, I found out Sholana had the sickness now as well! She is such a good person, mama, I do not want her to be ill.
We talk to both Capitans and ask if they know of any underwater creatures who can curse people with disease, or any myths like that (like the story of the fog you used to tell me) but they do not. It is dead end after dead end.
But then Harley comes up with an idea! Remember how I told you that he washed up on shore a while ago, with no memory of how he got there and some crazy tentacle powers and a little ocatopus friend? Well he thinks he may be able to use his powers (somehow, I am not entirely sure how) to see if there is any kind of creature causing all this. So while Vel is healing more of the crew, Dio and I watch over as Harley does his spell (it took him a while and he seemed a little freaked out about it, so Dio and I were there for support). And oh mine gosh, mama, you’ll never guess what he saw!
There was a creature below the ship! A very big, very powerful creature (according to Harley), and it WAS causing the sickness! We still do not know why, but we did discover how: I used my magics to check the ship for diseases and found out the water was all… um, what is the word… con-tam-ee-nay-ted (mine gosh, common can be very hard sometimes). Using that spell you taught me, I make the water all pure again, so it will no longer get people sick, but we are unable to convince the creature below to leave, so I do not know how long my magics will last.
We tell both Capitans about it, and Finos said that he is going to take his crew to the nearest port and find some healers and hope the creature leaves them alone. And then, after our Capitan had left, he offered to me and Vel to stay on his ship with him and help heal his crew!
Oh mama… you have no idea how badly I want to stay and help. But also… I do not think I can leave the Dawn Chaser! It is my home… and I actually have friends there. Good friends. I have Dio and Harley and Vel and Tuna—oh mine gosh, I don’t think I could ever leave Tuna like that!
Mama, I wish you were here to help. You always have the best advice. I do not know what I am going to do…