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Wed 18th Nov 2020 12:42

Hide and Seek

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Do you remember how I told you we found that guy (Rowan) floating in a boat who was all starving and said his boat had been destroyed in a storm? Well, we let him stay on the boat and rest and feel better—because we were trying to do as you taught me mama, be good to strangers whenever you can—but he sat in his room and did nothing but eat our food and drink our water and annoy the rest of our crew. And then he said he was still not feeling well, so we sent him to see our doctor, and that is where EVERYTHING went wrong.
The doctor is suddenly running onto the deck telling us Rowan punched him out and disappeared! Crazy, right!? So we run downstairs to try and find him (I turn into a wolf, naturally) and we track him from his room to the doctor’s, but that is it! No scent anywhere else, mama! The only other place I find his scent is on the doctor.
Okay… so… here is where I make a mistake mama. A really big one.
Because, you know, the doctor (his name is Earl, or Dane or something?) he is the only one who has Rowan’s scent, he was the last one to see him, AND the scent disappears in his room. And I know that it possible for people to change the way they look for a really long time—people on our island do it all the time—so I thought maybe the doctor was actually Rowan in disguise! So… to try and frighten him into showing himself… I bited him, mama. I KNOW I KNOW, I should not have done it, but it seemed like the best idea at the time! And when we asked him about Rowan, he was lying about something (though I could not tell what at the time) so it was all very suspicious!
Capitan Dio said he trusted my instincts, so he started a search of the area, while I stayed with the doctor to talk to him some more. And while we talked, he finally admitted that he was holding something back (which I will not say because he was really embarrassed about it and REALLY did not want people to know, so I will keep it to myself) but it had nothing to do with Rowan or our search!
I felt really bad, mama. Even worse when I tried to heal his wound and he pulled away because he was afraid of me... it was like being home again. I did not like it. At all.
But anyway, we caught up with Dio and the others and continued to look for Rowan on the ship. We searched high and low and all around and we found nothing! No sign of him anywhere at all! I could not even find his scent anywhere anymore. We gathered all of the crew together and told them we were still looking for him, and offered a reward if anyone found him, but so far no luck. Dio thinks he may have left to go back to a ship and tell them all about us and what we have and how many crew we are so they can attack us, so we are all making sure we keep a good look out. Especially at night.
I am very worried, mama. This is the second time I have caused trouble in two days… I think Capitan Dio may have to throw me overboard.
I miss you mama. I miss you so so much.