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Sat 25th Jul 2020 06:41

Guns and Ships

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Dear Mama,
OH MINE GOSH! You’ll never believe the day I had!
Ok ok, so! First Tuna brings me to the ship (only don’t tell anyone I call him Tuna, he’s the Quarter Master of the ship, so he prefers to be called by his full name “Tunaka”) and the minute I step on board I got to meet the other new crew members! First there was Dio Hartbrand; a tiefling with beautiful red skin and wonderful clothing, who says he is very good at “machines”. I do not know exactitcally what that means, but it sound very very important! Next there was Velenara; she says she is a Sea Elf! I did not even know there were such things in the world! A sea elf! She is beautiful and tall and just a little bit quiet, but she seems to be very good at being on a ship. Finally there was Harley Hartford (I really enjoy saying his name). He is a human who says he had been found washed up on shore by this ship and is now going to be part of the crew. I do not know exactically what it is that he does, but I do know he is not very good at cards.
SO! On our first day we met the cabin boy—who is actually a girl so the title greatly confused me—named Paige, and she showed us around the ship and took us to Gerald who told us our jobs for the day: Dio and I learned to tie knots (which I was very good at, if I do say so myself, and Dio was… well he was very good at undoing them)! Then we all got to bunk together in our room. I have never EVER had roommates before, so it was very exciting to have other people around at night!
Anyways, the next day we continued with learning what to do on the ship, particularly in the event of a emergency. And then at the end of the day, Vel and I got to be on night watch! It was very exciting! Nothing really happened, but we got to be out watching the water at night, with the moons up in the sky and the stars shining so bright… oh, it was wonderful. Just like home!
Oh but OH! OH MINE GOSH! Then right after Vel and I went to bed (which was just as the sun came out, which was weird, because I am not used to sleeping when the sun is out) a bell started to ring on the ship! I had no idea what it meant, but I woke up Vel, and we ran up to the main deck, and you’ll never guess what we saw!! GOBELINS!!! There was an entire ship full of gobelins that was on their way to attack our ship! So we all sprang into action! Dio went down to help with the “canons” (Tuna said they were some sort of “gun” but I do not know what either of those things are, but I did not ask about it now because it was not the time) while Harley, Vel, and I got ready on the deck!
And BAM! Suddenly we are in a battle! Gobelins are coming from every direction, and the crew is fighting them off left and right! Harley made some sort of tentacle appear out of nowhere to fight with us (so cool) and Vel was swinging her sword around and taking down gobelins with almost every swing! I tried to use my magics against them, but I was not doing too well, so instead I turned into a giant hyena and shouted at them “BRRRRING IT ON!” And they did, they really brought it. They made me turn back. But then Dio somehow gave us health, and I turned into a giant grizzly bear and I TORE OUT THE THROAT OF THE LEADER! GRRRRRRR! I was so vicious, really I was! It was so exciting!
We beated the gobelins in only a few minutes, that is how good we did! Then the Capitan took us onto their ship and we found some sort of silver trinket. I do not know what it was, but the Capitan took it to put in her office or something. And Vel and I were finally allowed to go back to bed and get some sleep.
But OH WOW! What a great and amazing first day on the ship! If this is how exciting it always is, then I cannot wait for what else we may find!
I love you and miss you very much, mama! I will talk to you soon!
P.S- I know you will probably never read these journal entries, but you were right mama, writing to you makes it feel like you are here! And who knows, maybe one day I can find a way to send these to you!