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Thu 12th Nov 2020 12:40

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Hag

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Mama… oh mine gosh, what a day.
Ok. So. We go down to the underwater city, and it was SO BIG! There were all these buildings and roads and stuff, and they all looked old and rotting away. Dio and Harley said that it did not look like the city was built underwater, but somehow sank there! How is that even possible, mama!? Not even our elders would be strong enough to do that, right?
Anyway, so we are looking through and we find some treasures and stuff, when all of a sudden, there is something moving in the water. It was snakes, mama! Underwater snakes! They attacked us, and we fought back, and it was not a big deal until one of them bit me and suddenly everything went dark. And mama, when I woke up… I was still an ocatopus! How!? Every other time I have ever gone unconscious as a beastie, I have woken up as Memen, but not this time! How is that possible!? It was really scary mama, I have no idea what happened, but I will be very careful of sea snake bites from now on.
Oh, but do not worry! I am totally fine now! And mama, guess what? When I woke up, Harley and Dio and Kressara were all there around me, making sure I was okay! They did not leave or continue exploring without me, they waited till I woke up to make sure I was not hurt.
They waited, mama. They worried. About me. Can you believe that? I mean I know YOU can, cause you are my mama, but you know what I mean. They are very good people.
Ok ok ok, so we continue to explore—no more sea snakes—until we find the city center with the most important looking buildings. And in the center of the center (I just like saying that) there was a statue with the words “Bri Dune Celebration of Heritage Day” on it. Do you know what this “Bri Dune” is? Have you ever heard it before, mama? None of us had. But OH! Kressara found a sword in the statue that had a golden hilt and a magical aura around it! It looks really good with her armour, mama, she looks so intimidating.
After searching around a bit, I drop form and become Memen again so I can look around for any magics in the area, and I spot one inside the biggest building.
Now mama… here is where it gets bad. I mean, we are all ok and everything, so do not freak out! But I definitely made a big mistake…
You see, I followed the magic to this… arena looking room inside the building, but when I found the source of the magic, I did not think to look at what kind of magic it was till later. Inside was a group of 3 sea elf sisters named Amatine, Arowill, and Molthean, who said that the platinum and things that we found were theirs. So of course I say we should give it back, you know, it is the right thing to do! But just as Dio stepped up to give them the treasures, I suddenly realized what kind of magic it was… it was illusion magics mama. They were not sea elves… they were sea hags!! And they attacked us!
If only I had noticed sooner!
They were very vicious, mama! They used their magics to frighten Kressara, and put Harley to sleep, and hurt Dio… it was bad. Very bad. Fortunately, my friends are very powerful people, so we managed to beat the hags, but it was a close one mama. Too close. And it was my fault. Again.
Anyway, so we get the treasures and we head back to the surface—I finally learned how to use the water walk spell you showed me, so we did that to get back—and then we divide up the treasure between us and the crew. When everything was done, I spent the rest of the evening telling Tuna about what happened. He is an excellent listener, mama.
What a crazy adventure that one was. And I know I messed up and people got hurt and everything, and I promise I will try not to do that again, but… you know… they waited, mama. They waited for me.
It was a good day.