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Mon 10th Aug 2020 07:10

Bartering for Boats at Berger

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Dear Mama,
I… I do not even know where to start. So much has happened in so short a time. I… I do not know… I think I am still trying to process it all. It is a lot.
So we found the Capitan’s father, yes? And I was so excited to hear where he had been and why he left and the whole story! But when we brought him back to the ship, he and the Capitan stepped into her room and closed the door and we didn’t get to hear ANYTHING! Can you believe that!? I mean, I guess it was probably some very personal stuff and all that, so I guess I understand, but I WANT TO KNOW! I was even going to turn into a little beetle so I could crawl into the room and listen, but Tuna stopped me; he said I should let her have a moment with her father. He was right, I know, I should not listen in, but I am still SO CURIOUS!
Anyway, after a few days, the Capitan and her father (his name is Rowan, by the way) bring us into her room and he thanks us for our help and everything, and we tell him all about the spiders and the zombies and the giant tentacles and all that, and THEN he tells about his magical box! Apparently it holds all of his research about the possible location of these things called “the Mortal Swords”, which are actually not swords but people (which is very confusing) who were special to some gods or something? I will admit, there were a lot of words and things being talked about that I did not know, so I was a little confused, but basically these sword people are very important to people who know these god beings, and finding them would be a very big deal. But it is super dangerous too, because there are people out there who do not want these sword people to be found.
Mama, you know we do not have “gods” on the island (in fact, I am not sure they actually exist) but even in a place with such strict rules as our home, I do not think anyone would ever stop someone from believing if they wanted to, right? I mean, that would just be silly and rude for no reason. But apparently there are people out there who do just that; they do not like people worshipping or even knowing about these higher beings. They are called “the Order of the Purifying Flame” and if they find out you are a believer, they attack you or lock you up or even kill you! How crazy is that, mama!? Why would anyone want to kill because of a difference in opinion!? That just sounds so silly, right? And cruel! But that is why we cannot tell anyone about Capitan Moonlight’s father or his research, because if anyone finds out, he could be in a lot of danger! Promise not to tell anyone, ok mama?
Oh! And also, I found out that Dio is a believer of one of these higher beings! He believes in this person called “Mist Splitter” who is apparently someone from Newood (I think, I got a little confused). He and Harley both knew a lot about The Order and the sword people and stuff because it is common knowledge where they come from. Dio and his family especially because they are, as Dio said, “devout followers”. I am not sure I understand, but it seemed pretty important to him. OH! BUT MAMA! You have to keep that a secret too! Because if those Order people find out Dio is a believer, he could be in danger too! I mean we would definitely protect him, so I am sure he would be fine, but just in case!
That was the most exciting part of our journey so far. But mama… the next part was not so good.
When we reached the next port (Berger, the same place we were last time) the Capitan’s father took us to a friend of his and said he was collecting a favor or something? And then all of a sudden, his friend is asking us about ships: styles and crew and size and everything! Rowan said it was his thank you to us for helping with his box and all that.
He bought us a ship, mama.
And all of my friends were so excited. They started picking designs, and how many rooms, and how many crew we needed, and even who would do what on the ship! Before I knew it, Dio became the Capitan, Harley was the first mate, Chressara was the weapons person (I think is what it was) and I was made navigator!
I did not even have a chance to say anything! One minute we were on the Dawn Chaser, and the next, we had a ship of our own and were creating our own crew! It was so much at one time to understand that I do not think I talked for a whole two days. I just stared and thought and tried to think of something to say. I have never not had words to say, mama. Never. But I had none for this.
Now mama, I know what you are going to say: “change is how the world unfolds your future” and it is all a part of nature and everything, but mama, I was really starting to like the crew of the Dawn Chaser. They were my friends… they taught me about the ships and the sailing, and they were there with us through all the tough battle times, and they even came to rescue us when we were kidnapped. I… I do not wish to leave them. I really look up to Capitan Moonlight: she is so calm, and cool, and smart, and a great leader, and I was hoping to learn how to be like her. But now we are leaving… we are leaving the Capitan behind and Paige and Gregor and Katrain and… and I do not want to go.
Tuna made it a little better. I talked to him about it and he said he would come with me to the new ship to look out for me and keep teaching me sailing things and all that. Thank goodness, because if he was not coming, I do not think I would either. He is super smart with ships and sailing and everything, so if he is there I will feel much better.
He is such a great guy, mama, you would love him. I wish you could meet him.
But even with Tuna there, I still am not sure I am okay with this. And not just because I will miss the Dawn Chaser, but because I do not think we are ready for this. We have not been sailing very long, and now suddenly we are in charge of a whole ship and crew all ourselves. If anything goes wrong, if anyone gets sick or gets hurt or dies, it will be all our fault. And they made me navigator! Mama, I have only just begun to learn how to navigate with Katrain and suddenly I am on my own and have to learn it all by myself and what if I mess up and strand us somewhere and we all starve to death because I got us lost!?
Oh mama... I am… I am very very scared. I am so scared, I did not even go explore the city while we were here because I wanted to spend as much time as I could with the crew of the Dawn Chaser! I really do not know if this is a good idea. But I cannot say anything because everyone else seems really excited, and we already have a crew and everything. I really hope the others know what they are doing, because I definitely do not. Harley is good at improvising, I think, so he will fine. And Dio is very smart, so being Capitan will not be hard for him. And Chressara is super strong so she probably never gets scared, so she will be okay. I am sure they will all be great on the ship.
I really hope I do not let them down. I wish you were here, mama…