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Tue 8th Sep 2020 10:53

Under the Sea! Under the Sea!

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Dear Mama,
Well, the Dawn Chaser has gone, our ship has been built, and our crew has been hired. No turning back now. We are officially crewmen to our new ship: the Dawn Bringer (it is in reference to the Dawn Chaser, we are going out to find them the dawn, you see). We set sail in the same direction as Capitan Moonlight, so lucky for me there has not been much need of navigation yet. I only had to do it once so far, and I did not run us into any rocks, so that is a very good start!
Dio is taking to leadership like a fish to water: he is decisive and smart, and really seems to know what he is doing. I am very impressed. Not surprised, because we all knew he would be a good Capitan, but still impressed. Harley and him make a great team, both being very good at deciding what to do next and where to go. Kressara (I think I have been spelling her name wrong before) has been busy with the sails—that is what she does, Sailing Master, not in charge of weapons like I thought—so it is really only been me who has not had much to do. Not that I am complaining! In fact, I am very grateful. The less they have to rely on me for navigating, the better!
But do not worry, I have not been doing nothing! I have been practicing my spells, and my water beasties, and I even swim under the ship every day to make sure we are not being followed by any big and scary creatures.
OH! And just yesterday we came across a man in a boat. He said his ship was destroyed by a big storm that came sweeping through! We had gone through a storm too, but it was all natural as far as I could tell, so I do not think it was like what he described. We think the other storm was magic based, like the one that guy Old Man Storm made to draw us to his island. And the Dawn Chaser was headed right for it! For all we know, they could be hit with the storm and destroyed too! So of course, we had to follow.
And only a little while after, mama… you will never guess what we found! AN UNDERWATER CITY!!! Just like the ones in the stories you tell me! Can you believe it!?
So of COURSE we have to go explore! That is what we are going to do now, so I should go. I get to be a giant ocotapus again! It is my favorite beastie!
I will tell you all about what we find, mama! Promise!