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Sun 26th Jul 2020 04:35

No Probllama

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Well mama, it is decision time.
This was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make in my entire life, but… I decided to stay with the Dawn Chaser. I know my magics can do a lot of good on the Flying Oak, and I know the right thing to do is always to help people in need, and I really really wanted to stay because I could not help Maron when he was sick, but I CAN help these people, but…
I have made many promises to the Dawn Chaser. I promised Dio I would get him home to his family (alive, or dead, but definitely alive), I promised the Capitan to help find her father, and I promised Tuna—well you know what I promised Tuna. He saved my life, I cannot just leave him like that. And I try to always be a person of my word: I do not make promises if I do not think I can keep them. But these I can keep. So I will.
My stomach was nauseous all day.
The only thing that makes me feel okay about this choice is that Vel is going to stay with the Flying Oak. She is very good at healing and she will be able to keep them safe until they can find help in a port somewhere. I am going to miss her SO SO MUCH, but I also made sure to thank her, because if she was not staying, I think I might have.
Before we go, Vel and I make sure to heal Sholana and I give her all of the money I have from working on the Dawn Chaser (it was a bunch of silver pieces, I do not know exactically how much, money is still weird to me, mama) to hopefully help with hiring more healers. And I also give Vel a little bead charm that I made for her to remember us by.
I am really not good at goodbyes, mama. I will change the subject.
We set sail! It is all smooth and easy going for a few days, which is nice (it has been stressful lately) and I get the chance to learn more about navigating the stars.
Then—OH MINE GOSH!—mama! It came out of nowhere! On our fourth night of sailing, suddenly these creatures riding sharks—they were riding sharks, mama! I thought they might be druids, but they were definitely not—come out of the water and start attacking the ship! We beat them back as fast as we can, but then this GIANT one jumps onto the ship! He was as big as me as big brown bear! We fight and we fight and we beat him, but the poor Dawn Chaser was really not looking good (I think they were really trying to sink us, mama, can you believe that?) so we head for the nearest island to make repairs as best we can.
And you will never guess, mama… someone was waiting for us on the island! I KNOW! Crazy, right? This person said their name was Rosco (he is a very short little man) and he was riding a llama! A llama, mama!
Hehe. Llama mama. That is a fun thing to say in common.
I will tell you all about what happened after some rest, I promise!