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Wed 18th Nov 2020 12:54

Prophecies, 'Pologies, and Pirates

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Ok ok ok ok ok! So we were getting the ship back on track after that whole Rowan problem, and I was up on the deck doing my job (navigating, you know) when all of a sudden this black smokey cloak appeared behind me! He was warning me about the area we were sailing into, I think. He had this really creepy voice and he said “Dangers lurk in these waters beyond your mortal understanding” and then… HE DISAPPEARED! RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES! It was crazy!!
I ran down and woke up Capitan Dio (and Harley, by accident) and told him about it, but he decided we should keep sailing the way we were because it could mean we will discover something new or exciting (and Harley was hoping we might find treasure).
Now, since I had woken Dio up already, I took the opportunity to tell him how sorry I was for all the mistakes I have made lately. I have caused so much trouble, mama, I would not have blamed him for kicking me off the ship. But he did not! He was very kind, mama, and very forgiving. I think he is also worried he is messing up as Capitan—which I do not understand because he has been very good at making decisions and keeping us safe and all of those things Capitans do—so I am going to do my absolute best to make things easier for him. Mainly by not messing up any more. Or at least less… I hope.
ANYWAY! So we continued sailing and the next morning we find an island in the distance, and the closer we sail to it, the tougher it gets to navigate. There are rocks and reefs and all kinds of things that are dangerous, so we have to sail much slower. Thank goodness I had help, or I do not think we would have made it through.
Once we got very close, another ship appeared! And mama, the people on that ship were very much NOT friendly. At all! They are getting ready to attack us, so I try to knock them over with a tidal wave, but my wave is not quite as powerful as yours mama… I did not even tip the ship over. But I did knock a few people overboard, so that helped, I think!
They are still coming towards us and they are readying all of their weapons and things, mama! Now all we can do is wait as we get ready to be boarded by these… these… PIRATES!