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Mon 4th Jan 2021 10:29

Out-Gunned Out-Manned

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Dear Mama,
What I have to tell you is very frightening, but I need you to promise not to worry or freak out or anything, because I am sure we will find a way out of it. Somehow…
Remember how I said that there was this ship coming towards us and readying to attack? Well, they did. They attacked and they attacked hard! They swarmed our ship and charged at our crew without mercy. They were so powerful mama… but you know, I think we could have taken them if it were not for their magics.
As we were fighting, I turned into a polar bear (just like yours mama, I finally figured out how to do it!) and was doing what polar bears do best, when suddenly this magic guy from the other ship casted a spell on me! Suddenly Harley and I were attached by some magical chain, and anytime he got hurt, so did I. Not so big a deal, you know, with my super strong polar bear body. BUT! It also went the other way: when I got hurt, Harley did too! And he did not have a big polar bear body to absorb the hits with. And I could not heal him because I still do not know how to cast spells when I am a beastie.
But you know, I think we were still doing okay. Our crew was fighting back and we were keeping them at bay, until—now remember, do not freak out, I promise I am okay—they sent a GIANT FIREBALL at us! Oh mine gosh, it was so big and so powerful! That was when things really started going bad… we were all really hurt and their people just kept coming, AND they had another mage with them to throw magics at us… it was not looking good at all.
That is when their Capitan stepped onto our ship. He said his name was Rodger LaughinSteel, and he promised not to kill us if we surrendered right away. So Capitan Dio, being as smart as he is, did just that. He ordered us all to surrender. I do not know if it was the right thing to do or if we could have won the battle, but I trust Dio with my life, and I am certain he knew what he was doing.
After we surrendered, some of our crew had to go onto the other ship, and some of their crew came onto ours. Now they have taken over our quarters and are ordering us around all the time. I do not like it, mama, but it definitely could be worse, you know?
That is where we are right now. We all have to sleep on the deck of the ship with guards walking around us all the time (I am sitting beside Tuna and his body hides me a bit, so I do not think anyone will notice me writing).
Mama… if I am to tell you the truth, I am very scared right now. I do not know where these people are taking us or why they wanted our ship, but I do not have a good feeling about any of it. And I am afraid that I will lose my friends… especially Dio, Capitan Rodger has been keeping him separate from us because he is our Capitan and it makes me very very worried. But thinking of you and remembering what you told me about there being a solution to every problem makes me feel a bit better.
I miss you so much mama. I promise, we will find a way out of this. I do not know how, but I trust my friends and you should too. Please do not worry, okay mama?
Your Memen