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Sun 26th Jul 2020 04:34

Their Own Sick, the Scent Thick

by Memen Aelar Chathi Nailo Pashar

Dear Mama,
After a few days at Bergar, and with all that crazy survey business behind us, we finally set sail to search for Capitan Moonlight’s father! I have to admit, I am VERY excited! Can you imagine what will happen if we actually find him!? And if we can find her father, maybe we can also find—OH! I almost forgot! I learned what kind of ship it is that we are sailing in! I know you like learning new words as much as I do, so here it is: it is called a “Caravel”. …I do not actually know what that means, but that is what our ship is.
Anyway! As we travelled, I decided to try night watches because I wanted to learn how to navigate by the stars. The travellers back home always talked about how they used the stars to find the island, so I wanted to give it a try! The navigator of our ship is an older human named Katrain, and she has been teaching me every night! It is very exciting!
As we were getting farther out to sea, we came across another ship called “The Flying Oak” and it had a green flag with a black skull on it. The Capitan said that flag meant disease, so the people on that ship were probably sick. But as you know, I am really good at healing magics, so I asked the Capitan if we could stop and help and she agreed (as long as we did not take too long, you know, ‘cause she wants to go find her father, which is fair).
The Capitan of the other ship, Finos, introduced us to his first mate, Sholana, who told us the whole story: the sickness in the crew started with one person and spread to many over a week or so. They start by getting green and blue spots all over, and then they were confused, and tired, and eventually they had trouble breathing and started coughing up blood— DON’T FREAK OUT! I know, it sounds WAY WAY too familiar, but it is okay! The spots looked much much different than mine, and the symptoms were similar but NOT exactically like what happened to Maron. So it was not me.
We quickly discovered that a simple cure wounds was not enough, so we had to use the lesser restoration spell you taught me. That one seemed to do the trick! But before we started healing, Dio, Vel, Harley, and myself all searched the ship for anything that could have caused the sickness in the first place. Because if we could not find how it started, people could just get sick again, you know! We did not find much. The ship had been at sea for 6 months, with no interactions with anyone else, but the disease only started about a week ago, so we cannot figure out how the sickness happened so suddenly.
Sholana then shows us to the two sickest crew members; oh mama, it was awful! These poor people were in so much pain! And I found out that they had some sort of acid inside them! Acid, mama! I do not know how to heal acid inside a person!
At this point, Vel and I have healed everyone that we can (she is also really good at the healing magics, thank goodness), so we figure it is time to rest so we can heal more people the next day. I am staying here on the Flying Oak because I did not want to leave the two crew members. Thinking about it now, the Capitan might not have liked that I did not ask her if I could stay, but I guess it is too late now. Harley stayed with me, just in case anything happened, and Vel and Dio went back to the Dawn Chaser to tell the Capitan about it all.
I am really worried, mama. I do not know if I can help these people. But I do not want to watch them die. It is all too familiar…
I miss Maron.
But I am very tired now (there has been a lot of magic use today), so I am going to sleep. I hope I will have better news for you tomorrow.