Azimuth 2 - Session 33 - History and Heroes

General Summary

New Keeleon

Highland Hills
In the morning of 16 Adroth, Chaka was awoken by Nedurr standing over him. Chaka quickly crafted another magical clay ball, and Nedurr contentedly took it to the corner.   The group prepared for the day. Captain Ruslan asked Demitri to speak with him, and they headed to the balcony in the rain. Ruslan hadn't slept well and appeared conflicted. He said, “You all helped me with caravan job. I’ve been feeling more and more like I want to stick around and help, if possible.”   Demitri asked if his change of plans was a result of his death at the riverside. Ruslan said the group and their endeavors seemed more important than returning to the Santeem Republic.   Demitri said Ruslan would be deserting the Santeem army. Ruslan had shared how this caravan posting was political, and aside from his sister, he didn’t think he’d be sorely missed. Ruslan wasn’t sure how to tell his sister, though, without also alerting the government. Mortimr said sticking with them would be a good way to earn a wanted poster.   Gertrude said she had connections in high places. She could try to get Ruslan appointed by the church to her mission as a way for her to repay him for saving her and avoid trouble with the Santeem government. Ruslan agreed to help.   As they ate breakfast, Demitri said, “So if you’re in it for the long haul, here’s the thing…” and he shared all the missing details Ruslan had not yet been told, bringing him fully up to speed with the party’s actions, plans, and information.   Ruslan wondered about the prophecies from Naran, saying to be careful. He was curious about the group’s connections to more than one Dragon.   Meanwhile, Mortimr approached Gertrude, saying, “Oathenhammer, are we good?”   She replied, “I don’t know what you’re taking about. We’re fine,” and the conversation ended.  
Planning Over Breakfast
Al'phonas arrived at Argilla’s home and asked Chaka about the painting. Al’phonas was impressed with the progress, and he could tell the Phoenix was what remained. Chaka was humbled that he could tell so quickly, but Al’phonas encouraged him, saying, “If you can make art like this under a deadline, I would be excited to see what you could do with the proper time and resources.” He was sorry they wouldn’t be able to attribute Chaka’s name to the painting.   Al’phonas gave Chaka a sealed parchment, which contained his registration papers for the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria. Everything was set for Chaka’s art submission, and Argilla and Al’phonas would take it to the gallery by midday.   They discussed who would enter the gallery and who would be best posted outside. Romsca said Romulus was good at getting into place unnoticed, and Mortimr said he could find his own way in, if needed. Romsca also said Ilmendwyth was the swiftest and stealthiest and suggested he remain outside for his skill in spotting people.   Al’phonas said weapons and armor weren’t going to be allowed into the gallery interior. Demitri asked who could function well without weapons and armor. Ilmendwyth could conceal a weapon, and Mortimr didn’t use weapons or armor. Gertrude asked Romsca, if she was staying outside, to hold her shield and warhammer.   Romsca didn’t believe she was well suited to this mission. She said she wasn’t stealthy and wouldn’t fit in at a gallery showing. She said her people didn’t appreciate art and it would be suspicious. Chaka pointed out that Romsca had an interest, though, but Romsca said she was the exception to her tribe.   Mortimr replied, “Find a way to be useful, goddammit. Quit your bitching.” Gertrude told him to simmer down.  
Victory Market
With a tentative plan, Demitri suggested the group go shopping for clothes better suited to an art gallery. Al’phonas agreed. He had made arrangements so they could go get sets of fancier clothes. Several of the group headed to Victory Market.   Arwin went to Gralphank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium. Gralphank and Lord Lortuk were disheveled from a long night of work. Arwin thanked them and admired his enchanted bow.   Lortuk apologized he couldn’t set Arwin’s meeting with the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. Arwin asked if there was any news, and Lortuk said Sir Talmid hadn’t been seen around town for a few days. He cautioned that whatever he may be up to, he seemingly didn’t need to leave the guildhall to do it.   Meanwhile, Demitri, Gertrude, Ilmendwyth, and a disguised Mortimr entered Leka Fabrics. Gertrude and Demitri received fancy clothes influenced heavily by both traditional and modern orcish styles. Mortimr disguised himself as a noble and acted haughty and aloof. He took notes about the styles of clothing to prepare for his future disguises. Ilmendwyth didn’t get any clothing, as he was dissatisfied with the cloths. Arwin joined them and got a Brancan-style outfit fashioned from thick orcish fabric.  
After they returned to Argilla’s home, Gertrude gave a wrapped parcel to Romsca. Inside was a soft leather sash. Romsca put it on and said she didn’t have anything to return. Gertrude said she didn’t have to, as that’s what gifts were for.   Chaka continued working on the Great Phoenix painting. With aid from the group, and while holding Mortimr’s brother’s armor piece, Chaka completed the rendition of the flying, emblazed phoenix surrounded by roaring flame. With the roiling storm of the scene and the effect of Chaka’s influence on the piece, it was truly a masterwork of art.   With the decoy piece completed, Chaka turned his attention to which of his own pieces he would submit to the showing. He debated with the remaining time he had and chose one he felt fit the theme. He chose "Work #53: Pa Gathering Firewood", which depicted his father.   Argilla and Al’phonas took Chaka’s art and headed towards the Watermill Gallery to submit it. As Chaka’s unease at the showing grew, Romsca put her hand on his shoulder and said, “You will eventually get used to it. And you deserve it.”   While waiting, Romsca presented the crafted sword she had made to Demitri as a gift. She said his current blade wasn’t made for combat and thought this would be better suited to his needs. She said, “I was told by Ambera that we’re supposed to name pieces we’re proud of, and so I decided to call ‘The Lion’s Fang’ in hopes that it might make up for the tusks that you were forced to lose.” Demitri took it and was speechless.   Romsca said, “You were never meant to be Demitri, but you also never got a chance to be Kugo. But I think you’ve been doing a wonderful job of deciding who you are here, and I think that you could very easily become a great hero of Tarteria.”   Demitri thanked her and said, “I can only hope that with this blade I can carve the future that you can see for me.  
Entering the Watermill Gallery
The group prepared for the show in the evening and decided their plan of action. They scouted the building, where guards were stationed at the entrances and patrolling the roadway outside. Romulus used his druidic magic to befriend a squirrel and sent it towards the gallery to test the guards’ wariness towards animals. However, the squirrel was quickly shooed away.   By the time of the showing, the heavy rain had ceased, leaving the streets slick with rainwater. Chaka prepared to enter with Demitri, Gertrude accompanied Argilla, and Mortimr was with Al’phonas as they mingled outside. They overheard some excitement from the gathered nobles about the rumored rare art on display. Gertrude and Chaka shared a quick look as they headed inside.   Before departing, Romsca cast a protective bonding spell on Gertrude, using the platinum ring she had forged her as a gift. Then, Romsca and Ruslan moved off to wait north of the gallery with the equipment from those headed inside. However, they were quickly approached by the patrolling guards and made to move farther back from the building.   At the same time, Romulus cast a water-breathing spell on himself, Arwin, and Ilmendwyth. Hidden by the muddy clay water of the Rexun River, they approached the gallery. Arwin and Ilmendwyth positioned beneath the back patio. Romulus snuck to the gallery’s roof and used Wild Shape to turn into a dark-furred jackal. He curled up, hidden on the roof, and used the jackal’s senses to monitor the guards and the street. As staff members moved into the building, he caught a strange sulfuric scent coming from them.  
The History and Heroes Showing
Inside the Watermill Gallery, art pieces were on display in the main and side galleries. The Great Phoenix painting was displayed in the center of the gallery near the main entrance. Meanwhile, Chaka’s personal piece was on the left side near to the staff room, and Argilla’s was off to the right towards the side gallery.   Staff buzzed around near the paintings to attend to the visitors and serving tables. Light music played from a hired bard as the artists and visitors mingled among the artworks.   Al’phonas stood near the Great Phoenix art piece and talked to the patrons about the work and its significance, linking it often to The Unsigned Paintings of the Great Beasts. There was a lot of attention on the artwork as the group mingled.   Chaka and Demitri explored the side gallery. As they looked at a blended oil painting of Brigitte, the Grayguard, Demitri said it reminded him of an impressionist art movement going on in Santeem. The pair chatted, and Chaka wondered if he would benefit from studying different art styles.   While contemplating the piece, Chaka overheard two elves making snide comments. These were the same two elves Chaka overheard from his last showing, and he pointed the pair out to Demitri.   In disguise, Mortimr went to Chaka’s submitted art where several patrons were discussing the piece and its meaning. He shoved by them, saying, “This is the only piece in this entire gallery worth anything. This drab of true heroes makes me nauseous.”   An attendant asked if he wanted to bid on the piece, and Mortimr loudly proclaimed a bid for three-thousand gold pieces. With the showy declaration, many of the gallery guests moved to view Chaka’s piece and discuss it. This caught Mortimr among the crowd and left the center of the gallery near Al’phonas relatively empty.  
A Finely Dressed Orc
As the show continued, Gertrude saw a well-dressed, bald orc wearing mercantile clothing enter the gallery through the front entrance and begin to wander the gallery. Gertrude didn’t recognize him, but she kept watch on him as he browsed the art.   With the ruckus put on by Mortimr, this figure was able to easy approach Al’phonas. He asked about the Great Phoenix painting and seemed impressed with the quality of the art. The orc started to ask pointed questions about the painting, its origins, and its relation to the other paintings of the Great Beasts.   Chaka and Demitri returned to the main gallery and rounded the corner. Chaka saw the orc speaking with Al’phonas, and he recognized him as the cloaked orc he’d seen in the alleys of the Victory Market.   The orc pulled out a small device and dropped it. Immediately, the room started filling with black smoke. The orc said, “How convenient that it’s so close to the front door. For the Prophets!”   In response, many of the staff pulled out hidden blue cloaks. On the inside, they pushed and made their way towards the gallery center as the orc figure moved towards the painting. Outside, staff members attacked guards with concealed blades. A number of posted guards turned on their companions in the street.   The Watermill Gallery turned to confused chaos as the patrons inside began to panic.
Report Date
13 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
16 Adroth 5A 352