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Capital city of The Second Oriana Imperium. Named after a pillar in the center of the city built by a long lost ancient people.   Home to the the Oriana Family, who have ruled the country since the beginning of the first age of humans.   Home to The Imperium Alliance, a team of the best warriors and spellcasters in the country.


80% Human, 10% Dwarf, 5% Halfling, 5% other


The city is ruled by a council that have been appointed by the Oriana Family.


Cindergate was the home to the first railway station and the start of the Oriana Oceanic Rail which now runs along most of the coast of The Second Oriana Imperium.   The Cindergate District is rumoured to have emergency magical shielding in place in the event of war or uprising against the city. Something of that power would have required a significant source of magical power.   The Dock Ward contains many large docks for commercial and private ships.   The Hydra Ward contains canals that are kept clean and flowing through the use of magical enchantments. This is often a tourist attraction to the wealthy that visit the city. There are also some locals with their own private docks in the canals.   The Archlamp Slopes, located outside the city walls, is condsidered to be quite unique due to the fact that the streets are lit with automated gas powered street lights.


Dragonspeak Ward

This district is a combination of residential and commercial. The district is named after a dragon themed castle on rocky outcrop.   Dragonspeak Castle
Home to The Imperium Alliance.   Hillshadow Cafe
A small quite cafe near the Dragonspeak Castle. Often used by the workers from the Dragonspeak Ward and Greatbell Ward.   Braylen Combat School
A combat school that focusses mostly on unarmed combat.  

Ravenshill Borough

This district is a combination of residential and commercial, though mostly residential. There are large groups of Haflings living in communities in this district.   Quietridge Restaurant
A very nice cafe and restaurant that is run by a elderly Halfling couple.  

Gate District

This district is a combination of residential and commercial. The buildings are dense and form almost maze-like patterns of alleyways, though the main streets are wide and well maintained. The main road leads from the North Gate to the Cindergate District.   Imperium Military – Cindergate Branch
This large building hosts members if the Imperium Military. A lot of the roles here are administrative.   Imperium Military – Internal Affairs
This unofficial branch of the Imperium Military is based in the Cindergate Branch. It many focuses on internal threats to the rule of Oriana. It is run by General Quinn Cornwallis.   Captain Eleanor Grey is in charge of assigning quests to third parties.   Silver Tongue Dragon Inn
This large timbered building is marked with an iron statue of a dragon sticking out its tongue over the front entrance. While this may not be the most fancy Inn in town, it is well maintain and kept clean.   Cindergate Adventurers Guild
This large building includes barracks, training area, and storage facilities. New adventurers are invited here to allow adventures and quests to be given out quickly rather than adventurers and quest-givers making their way from tavern to tavern.   Adventurers that make a name for themselves can be promoted to the Imperium Alliance Brigade.   Orc Fried Goat
One of two Orc Fried Goat stores in Cindergate.   Gateway Cafe
A small but popular cafe down a narrow alleyway off the may street in the Gate District. Has a lot of milk drinks, including Seal milk.  

Greatbell Ward

This district is a combination of religious buildings and residential buildings, along with the odd commercial building.   Hall of the Bone Collectors
This large stone building used to be a prison of some sort before being claimed by the Bone Collectors for use as a museum. The bone collectors collect ancient bones, relics, and anything else that is old and put it on display for all to see in their halls. Their are rumours of magical relics held underground but no one has confirmed this more than a rumour.   Hall of the Frostbearer
A smaller older building marked with the symbol of a snowflake.  

Unicorn District

Other than the Kingstower District and the Cindergate District, this is the most wealthy district in Cindergate.  

Hydra Ward

This district is a combination of residential and commercial, though mostly residential. Highlights of the area are the canals that attract tourists in the summer and freeze over in the winter.  

Kingstower District

This district if full of large manors and keeps that are owned by the wealthy people of Cindergate.To the east of this district are businesses that cater to the wealthy.  

Iron District

The Iron District is the industrial district of Cindergate. Here goods are made, they are shipped in from and to the Dock Ward, and at times loaded onto the Oriana Train System.   A large population of Dwarves live here.   Cindergate Train Station
The Oriana trains make a stop here for all industrial and residential transport. In fact the train rail follows the outer city wall instead of cutting through the city. The trains are known as the Oriana Oceanic Rail.   The train station is guarded by both the Cindergate City Watch, the Imperium Military, as well as private security hired by those using the train.   There are emergency trains stops located at each tower on the outer city wall.   Anvil Rest Tavern
This rough tavern also provides dirt cheap accomodation.   Mary's Marvellous Blades
This two story shop sells secondhand weaponry.   Arryn's Armour and Shields
This two story shop sell various armors and shields.  

Goldenorb District

The Goldenorb District is a mixture of residential and commercial. Named after a Dragonborn lord that lived here when the city was rebuilt.   Orc Fried Goat
One of two Orc Fried Goat stores in Cindergate.  

Rosescepter District

This district is a combination of residential and commercial.   The Ruby Heart
A very upmarket restaurant and cafe.   Talon's Kebabs
A quiet cafe that focuses in kebabs, but also sell a variety of teas, coffees, and a range of other hot and milk based drinks.  

Coin Borough

This district is a dense commercial district.   Arthon's Arcane Surplus
Run by Coven Arthon. He and his group of mage workers create an sell magic items, or at least that's what he wants everyone to believe. Most of his magic items come from the Cindergate Arcane Academy.   The Vineyard
A very upmarket restaurant that sells a variety of wines. Run by Althar and Silvia Oakhand.  

Dock Ward

This district outside the city walls contains the city docks with the homes and businesses that serve it.   The current Dock Master is Daarin Tazrinn, a Silver-scaled Dragonborn. He is not one for nonsense, but will break the rules for a good cause.  

Southern Fields

A scattering of homes and businesses outside the South Gate.  

North Hill Village

On the hills north of the city walls are a dense collection of villages. While mostly human, there are villages of Halflings and Gnomes.  

Archlamp Slope

Sprawling houses and businesses spread out from the eastern wall. The Gnome population of this area have installed arching poles with gas lamps for which the district is named after.   Acorn Hall
A small tavern popular with the younger folk of the Archlamp Slope. The tavern is run by a young Tiefling woman called Yumeia.

Cindergate District

Home to the Royal Oriana Palace, the Government Towers, and the Cindergate Monument.  

Wolfden Village

(Not on Map)   This village is to the north east of the city, just off the main road.   The village is a combination of small houses and small businesses, with the businesses located closer to the main road.   The Stack
The Stack is a monstrous building. Once a large set of stone buildings set in close formation, over the years the owners have called in builders to add additional stories to the structures, until they became 5-6 stories tall and are all interconnected in a labyrinth of hallways that prevent most of the light coming in.   The Stack is managed by Handsly, who takes a cut of the rent before passing on the rest to the rich owner who lives somewhere in Cindergate.   Tenants include:
Scoria – A silver-haired Tiefling in her early 60s. Despite her age, she still has plenty of male customers visit her in her room in the stack.
Krelkott – A Tortle in his elderly years. He is nearly blind, but produces his own high quality vodka that he sells to people he knows.
Russ Douglas – A Human man in his early 20s. He runs a smoke den where he sells tobacco, Halfling weed, and some stronger products. He is always trying to find out about the latest going-ons in Wolfden Village.   The Stile
Named after the section of fence where local farmers would meet to chat, exchange information, and often have a few drinks. The fence is long gone, now replaced with a sturdy yet small stone building.   This tavern is run by Eloise Warren. This tavern is considered cheap, however prices seem to mysteriously rise when lost travellers call in.   Brusan & Nolmot Heavyshaper, Dwarven brothers and mercenaries, spend a lot of their time here waiting for some mercenary work to pop up, however they rarely accept a job. They will hire themselves out athigh prices, but you have to hire both of them.
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