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This town is a large collection of villages set into the mountainside. The villages were founded by criminals looking to run from the Oriana police and military.   In recent times, Roguehollow has become the home to many of the criminal organisations of Oriana.   Organisations and businesses in Roguehollow have been constructing casinos since 290 PS as a way to get tourists to visit the town.

Guilds and Factions

It is rumored that a group of The Old Guard operate out of Roguehollow.   Many of the casinos within the town are run by members of the Shadowkind.

Points of interest

Organisations and businesses in Roguehollow have been constructing casinos over the past decade as a way to get tourists to visit the town.

The Allure Casino

This casino was the scene of a deadly conflict over one afternoon in early 300 PS, and resulted in over 20 dead people including the owner at the time Luth Helder. It is believed that everyone killed was involved with the Shadowkind in some shape or form.   The casino is currently (as at 301 PS) run by a genius Gnome called Celza Klorhana, who has had the casino undergo major renovations.   Other Casinos Other Casinos include:
  • The Dove Casino
  • The Aeros
  • The Indigo Griffon Casino
  • Windy Top Casino
  • The First Stop Casino
  • The Central Casino
1,500 (80% Human, 5% Dwarf, 5% Goblin, 5% Halfling, 5% Other)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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