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This town is at the base of a valley that leads to a frozen lake of the same name.   The town is divided into four areas: West Village, East Village, Easter Village, and Icegulch.   The town is only really active during summer, with no caravans tending to the town for the other seasons. During winter the town pretty much shuts down completely with access to and from the valley being near impossible.


90% Halfling, 5% Goliath, 5% Other


The town is run by Jilara Autumnmoon and the church of The Mother Earth on behalf of the The Second Oriana Imperium. The Imperium does not pay a lot of attention to this town, making it a good place to hide if you are in trouble with the Imperium government.


The town have a basic guard known as the Ice Guard. They are trained locals that attempt to keep the town safe.

Industry & Trade

The town has a strong fishing industry in the summer, when the ice on Lake Icegulch is the thinnest. Visitors are encouraged (and paid) to assist with fishing.   In the summer, caravans visit the town and set up along the main street. On any given day, there is a 20% chance that a set of caravans are present.


The main town of Icegulch is a dense collection of buildings that form along a main street. At the southern end of the main street is the Church of Gaia. Between many of the buildings are leather and thatch roofs that allow for quick movement during snow storms.   West Village
The West Village is a fishing village. The halflings here make their way onto The Frozen Lake, drill holes, and go fishing.   East Village
The East Village is also a fishing village, using the same strategy as the West Village.   Easter Village
Home to many Goliaths who wanted a place to settle down.   The High Lands
A small island in the middle on Lake Icegulch. On the island is a small hut that is home to up to 25 Halflings during the Spring and Summer months.

Points of interest

Church of Gaia
There is a group of Halfling Priests that worship The Mother Earth that run this church. They appear to be able to create magica supplies of food with the blessings of the Mother Earth.   During the darkest days of winter, most of the town's commoners live in the church. The church does not charge for this but donations are expected.   The head of the church is an older female halfling called Jilara Autumnmoon who is also the leader of the town.   The Boarding House
Located in Easter Village. A place where people stay for a donation and no questions asked, great for someone who needs some time away from Oriana, also a good place to find work with the rangers.   The Boarding House is run by an older Goliath called Keenarm. He used to be an adventurer himself until he got too old, now he passes on quests to new adventurers. He dreams of one-day dying in combat.   Icegulch B.A.T.H. House
A large house that has been converted into a bath house and sauna. Further details can be found here: Link.   The Fingers
To the north of Lake Icegulch is a large hill with three trees that look like fingers. Used as a landmark by the local Halfling fisher folk.


This town is at the base of a steep valley that leads to the frozen lake of Lake Icegulch. The valley walls make a good defensive barrier should the town ever come under attack.

Natural Resources

Lake Icegulch has a great supply of freshwater fish. The trees in this region are slow growing, making for high quality timber.
Founding Date
1451 ED
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
by Wizards of the Coast (Rime of the Frostmaiden)
Icegulch by Karl Ward

Articles under Icegulch


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