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This town first started out as a camp site on the road from Bhur Kohldur through Lightwich all the way to Cindergate. Some of the Dwarven houses of Bhur Kohldur realised they can undercut their rival houses by setting up outside the city. Now Gorgrim is a market town where traders and sellers are constantly trying to get the best deal, even though the leading houses of Bhur Kohldur have been subtly trying to shut it down.   Due to all of the traders that come to town, the population can double on the busy days.


50% Dwarf, 30% Human, 10% Gnome, 10% Other


Gorgrim does not officially have its own government, instead falling under the rule of the dwarves of Bhur Kohldur. The town does have a sheriff and several poorly trained guards.

Points of interest

True Dwarf Inn and Tavern
A large and sturdy stone building of dwarven build, with a large attached wooded stables. This building is still recently new by dwarven standards (about 20 years old). Everything in this building is themed around Dwarven culture.   The building has a number of rooms, both in the basement and in the 2nd and 3rd floor of the building.   The tavern is run by Valida Foamtankard on behalf of her family.
Founding Date
195 PS
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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