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Blightfell Bog

The Blightfell Bog is a massive area of swampland on the west coast of Oros. It is home to a large population of Lizardfolk and Tortles who live in small villages, often moving every few years. There is also a rumour that a tribe of Yuan-ti have moved in all the way from the Kingdom of the Forked Tounge.


The Blightfell Bog covers an area over 300 miles long and 200 miles wide. The swamp is fed water from the rivers that descends from the western mountains and from the The Exuberant Ocean. The swamp is made up of slow flowing water ways that feed into the rivers, and soggy landmasses.    The bog is considered to be impassible, with travellers having to travel along the base of the western mountains to bypass the swamp.


Since the Scouring, a wide range of swamp dwelling plants and animals began to flourish. Such animals include a wide range of birds, otters, rats, wild cats, rabbits The, and alligators. There have even been sightings of saltwater crocodiles near the ocean. There has also been rumours of invisible Owlbears living in the swamps.


The weather in the swamp is warm and damp. It rains on and off almost all year round, with most of the swamp flooding during the weather.


Despite its large size, the Blightfell Bog is quite a recent land feature of Oros. Originally it was the Capital Planes and home to the Capital City which was at one point the capital of the The Exalos Dynasty.   During The Scouring a conclave of Human druids and witches gathered and assaulted The Pyreburner on the Capital Planes. The fight was quick but explosive, with the Pyreburner easily defeating the conclave. But the fight released so much magical energy that the weave of magic pulled at the physical world. This pull from the weave sundered the Capital Planes, sinking the Capital City, and flooded what remained.   It is rumoured that the bog is still slowly sinking into the sea.
Alternative Name(s)
The Evergreen Swamps
Wetland / Swamp
Location under


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