10. Merrow Merchant House Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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10. Merrow Merchant House

From the outside this house looks nice and traditional. It has been built with blue stones and has grey brick decorations. Tall, rounded windows add to the overall look of the house and have been added to the house in a mostly asymmetric way. The building is shaped like an L. The second floor is the same size as the first, but part of it hangs over the edge of the floor below, creating an overhang on one side and a balcony on the other. This floor has a slightly different style than the floor below.   From an iron mount and chain swings a weathered wood sign with chipped paint of a boot in a basket.   The roof is low and rounded and is covered with red ceramic tiles. One large chimney pokes out the center of the roof. Several large windows let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof. The house itself is surrounded by a well kept garden, with a grass field and flower patches at the edges of the garden.   Stepping inside you see that the somewhat cramped wooden building is dangerously messy. The shopkeep is sitting, mug in hand. The shopkeep nods at you, and drags his feet over to you, and introduces himself as Ericus Lowell, the current owner of the General Store, and asks what he can do for you. Ericuss young children are trying unsuccessfully at a hard sale.   Ericus Lowell says "Sure, what are you after? Spoons? Be warned, these prices might be... out of your range"
Merrow Merchant House is a charming and traditional general store located in the bustling township of Etterboek. Known for its wide variety of goods and friendly, if somewhat unconventional, service, this store is a staple for locals and travelers alike.

Exterior Description

From the outside, Merrow Merchant House looks nice and traditional. It has been built with blue stones and features grey brick decorations. Tall, rounded windows add to the overall look of the house and have been added in a mostly asymmetric way. The building is shaped like an L, with the second floor the same size as the first, but part of it hangs over the edge of the floor below, creating an overhang on one side and a balcony on the other. This floor has a slightly different style than the floor below.   An iron mount and chain support a weathered wood sign with chipped paint depicting a boot in a basket, swinging gently in the breeze. The roof is low and rounded, covered with red ceramic tiles, and a large chimney protrudes from the center. Several large windows allow plenty of light into the rooms below. The house is surrounded by a well-kept garden, featuring a grass field and flower patches at the edges.

Interior Description

Stepping inside, you see that the somewhat cramped wooden building is dangerously messy. Shelves are cluttered with various goods, and the air is filled with the scent of herbs and spices. The shopkeep, Ericus Lowell, sits with a mug in hand. He nods at you and drags his feet over, introducing himself as the current owner of the General Store. Ericus's young children are in the store, trying unsuccessfully to make a hard sale.

Relationship with the Community

Ericus Lowell maintains a good relationship with the community of Etterboek. His store is a common stop for locals, who appreciate the variety and convenience it offers. Despite the occasional mess, the store is a beloved fixture in the town.
  • Community Role: The store serves as a gathering place where locals can catch up on news and gossip.
  • Supportive Business: Ericus often supports local events and contributes to the community's well-being.

Politics and House Langmuir

Merrow Merchant House, while primarily a business, also plays a part in the local politics of Etterboek. Ericus maintains a neutral stance but is careful to stay in the good graces of House Langmuir, given their influence over the area.
  • Political Stance: Neutral, focused on business and community support.
  • Relations with House Langmuir: Respectful and cooperative, ensuring smooth operations within the township.


Merrow Merchant House is more than just a general store; it is a cornerstone of the Etterboek community. With its traditional charm, variety of goods, and the ever-friendly presence of Ericus Lowell, the store continues to be a beloved and essential part of the township.
Merrow Merchant House by 3orcs
"Welcome to Merrow Merchant House – where you might find anything, and everything finds you!"
Key Figure: Ericus Lowell
  • Description: Ericus Lowell is a middle-aged man with a friendly demeanor, though he often appears tired from managing the store and his lively children. He has a robust build, with a hint of gray in his hair and a permanent smirk on his face.
  • Personality: Ericus is a laid-back individual who enjoys the simple pleasures of life. He can be a bit sarcastic but is generally well-meaning and approachable. His easygoing nature makes him a favorite among regular customers, though his children often add a chaotic element to the store.
  • Motivation: Ericus runs the Merrow Merchant House not only as a business but as a way to provide for his family. He is dedicated to keeping the store stocked with a variety of goods to meet the needs of the community and passing travelers.
Services and Goods
Merrow Merchant House offers a wide range of goods, from everyday essentials to unique items that might surprise you. The store is known for its reasonable prices, though Ericus often jokes about the cost.
  • Common Goods: Basic utensils, tools, clothing, and household items.
  • Specialty Items: Local crafts, rare spices, and unique trinkets.
  • Food and Drink: Fresh produce, preserved foods, and a selection of local brews.
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Ericus Lowell by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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