27. Outfitter Trade and supply house Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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27. Outfitter Trade and supply house

The Outfitter Trade and Supply House is a bustling two-story building located on the south side of town, behind the shops of the Etterboek market square. This shop is renowned for its wide array of mundane yet essential items, making it a cornerstone of the local community. The assistant manager, Leonyrdo Graves, ensures that the shop maintains its reputation for quality and variety.

Detailed Description

The Outfitter Trade and Supply House stands as a spacious, stone building with a meticulously maintained exterior. The entrance is marked by a sturdy wooden door, above which hangs a sign reading "Graves' Outfitters." The shop is nestled behind the main row of market square shops, providing a quieter yet still central location for patrons. Exterior Features
  • Spacious stone building
  • Sturdy wooden door
  • Sign reading "Graves' Outfitters"
Inside, the shop is densely packed with all manner of mundane items. The shelves are lined with practical goods ranging from twine and cutlery to chairs and tins. The interior is fastidiously clean, with items organized neatly. A bell rings cheerfully each time a customer enters, adding to the welcoming atmosphere.
Interior Features
  • Densely packed with mundane items
  • Shelves lined with practical goods
  • Fastidiously clean and organized
  • Bell rings with each entry
Leonyrdo Graves smiles, and says "What are you after? We can do just about anything you could possibly need; twine, chairs, tins, spoons, you name it! Be warned, these prices might be... out of your range"

History of the Shop

The Outfitter Trade and Supply House has a long-standing history in Etterboek, originally established by Leonyrdo's grandfather. Over the decades, it has grown from a modest store into a well-respected establishment known for its comprehensive stock of everyday items. The Graves family has always prided itself on providing quality goods to the community.  
  • Founding: Established by Leonyrdo's grandfather
  • Growth: Expanded into a well-respected establishment
  • Reputation: Known for quality and comprehensive stock

Politics and Relationships

Relationship with the Lords of Verbobonc
The Graves family has maintained cordial relationships with House Langmuir, providing supplies for their estates and operations. This relationship is built on mutual respect and the reliable service provided by the shop. The family ensures that the needs of House Langmuir are met promptly and efficiently.  
  • Interaction: Supplier for House Langmuir
  • Outcome: Mutual respect and reliable service
Adventure Hooks
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Rare Supply Quest
Leonyrdo requires a rare material for a special order, and he hires adventurers to retrieve it from a dangerous location.
  • Hook: Retrieve a rare material for a special order
  • Reward: Handsome payment and exclusive goods
Sabotage in the Supply Chain
A rival merchant seeks to sabotage the shop's supply chain, and Leonyrdo needs help uncovering the plot and protecting his business.  
  • Hook: Uncover and thwart a sabotage plot
  • Task: Protect the supply chain and shop's reputation
Assistance in Inventory Management
Leonyrdo hires adventurers to help manage a particularly large and complex inventory shipment, offering them unique goods in return.  
  • Hook: Assist in managing a large inventory shipment
  • Reward: Unique goods and alchemical items


The Outfitter Trade and Supply House, under the meticulous management of Leonyrdo Graves, is an indispensable part of Etterboek's community. Providing a wide range of mundane yet essential items, the shop supports both the local economy and the daily needs of its patrons. With a rich history and a commitment to quality, Graves' Outfitters continues to thrive, serving as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Graves family in the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Leonyrdo Graves by 3orcs
"What are you after? We have just about anything you could need."
Leonyrdo Graves
Leonyrdo Graves is the diligent and approachable assistant manager of the Outfitter Trade and Supply House. Known for his meticulous nature, he ensures that the shop is always well-stocked and orderly. Leonyrdo is friendly and helpful, though his dry sense of humor can catch some patrons off guard.
  • Role: Assistant Manager
Personality Traits
  • Diligent and meticulous
  • Approachable and friendly
  • Dry sense of humor
Physical Description
Leonyrdo is an Oeridian with a lean build, olive-toned skin, and dark, neatly-combed hair. He often wears practical clothing suitable for managing a busy shop, typically a simple tunic and trousers. His hands are well-calloused from years of handling various goods, and he carries a calm, professional demeanor.
  • Lean build with olive-toned skin
  • Dark, neatly-combed hair
  • Practical clothing
  • Calloused hands
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Mundane Items for Sale
  • Twine: 1 sp
  • Chairs: 10 sp
  • Tins: 2 sp
  • Spoons: 1 sp
  • Cutlery Set: 5 sp
  • Lantern Oil: 3 sp
  • Candles: 1 sp per dozen
  • Blankets: 4 sp
  • Boots: 8 sp
  • Rope (50 feet): 1 gp

Cover image: by 3orcs


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