9. Sidowan's Lodge Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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9. Sidowan's Lodge

Home of the Sidowan family, this comfortable two story stone inn is bustling with merchants, traders, caravan guards, and locals. From the outside this Inn looks intimate and cozy. It has been built with white stones and has mahogany wooden decorations. Tall, rounded windows let in plenty of light and have been added to the building in a fairly symmetrical pattern. The building is rectangular shaped. The house is half surrounded by overgrown wooden overhanging panels. The second floor is the same size as the first, which has been built exactly on top of the floor below it. This floor has roughly the same style as the floor below. The roof is high, triangular and layered and is covered with black roof tiles. Two large chimneys poke out the center of the roof. A few large windows let in just enough light to the rooms below the roof.   Stepping inside the air is filled with the smells of good food and the sounds of pleasant music. Mounted behind the bar is the skeleton of a young black dragon, roughly the size of a cart horse. Next to the bones, mounted on a oak plaque, is a partially melted shield.   Behind the counter is who you would assume to be the bartender, a thick human who is currently taking an order from a customer. You walk up to the bar, and strike up conversation with the man, who introduces himself as Julyan, the caretaker of Sidowan's.
Sidowan's Lodge, located on the south side of Etterboek near the Nigb’s Run stream, is a bustling inn and barn that caters to merchants, traders, caravan guards, and locals. Known for its cozy atmosphere, excellent services, and the legendary Etters Spittle beer, the lodge is a central hub for travelers and townsfolk alike.

Historical Background

Established by the Sidowan family, the lodge has grown from a small inn to a well-known establishment in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Its strategic location and excellent services have made it a favorite stop for those traveling through Etterboek.

Description of Sidowan's Lodge

Sidowan's Lodge is a comfortable two-story stone inn, built with white stones and adorned with mahogany wooden decorations.
  • Windows: Tall, rounded windows in a symmetrical pattern allow plenty of light to enter. 
  • Shape: The building is rectangular with overhanging wooden panels and a high, triangular roof covered with black tiles.
  • Chimneys: Two large chimneys rise from the center of the roof, adding to its stately appearance.
  • Atmosphere: The air is filled with the smells of good food and pleasant music. 
  • Decor: Mounted behind the bar is the skeleton of a young black dragon and a partially melted shield.
  • Bar: Behind the counter is Julyan Sidowan, the caretaker and owner, who welcomes guests with a hearty demeanor.

Notice Board

Located next to the wooden bar, the notice board displays various barter requests and local announcements, including missing pet notices.

Relationships and Politics

Sidowan's Lodge maintains good relationships with the local lords and townsfolk.
House Langmuir
  • Support: The lodge has the support of House Langmuir, ensuring protection and patronage. 
  • Politics: The lodge is a neutral ground for political discussions, often hosting debates and gatherings of local leaders.
Local Influence
  • Community Hub: The lodge serves as a central hub for the community, providing a place for social gatherings and news exchange.
  • Trade: It plays a vital role in the local economy, attracting traders and merchants from across the Verbobonc, Viscounty.


Sidowan's Lodge stands as a testament to the hospitality and community spirit of Etterboek. With its rich history, excellent services, and central location, it continues to be a beloved establishment for travelers and locals alike.
Sidowan's Lodge by 3orcs

Notable People

Julyan Sidowan: The owner and caretaker of Sidowan's Lodge. He is a thick human with a welcoming smile, always ready for a conversation.
Julyan Sidowa by 3orcs
  • Roge: A rough-looking scholar fascinated by languages and runes.
  • Dolpheard: A good-natured craftsman with golden hair and light green eyes, known for his mousy voice.
  • Eldad: An exceptionally beautiful professional cursed with tremors, carrying a fine stiletto.
Patron secrets
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These locals haunt this Inn for their own reasons.
  • Roge: Male Human Scholar, Evil. Roge is rough in appearance, with copper hair and brown eyes. He wears tailored clothing and several pouches hang from his belt. Roge is fascinated by languages and runes.
  • Dolpheard: Male Human Craftsman, Good. Dolpheard has a round face, with thick golden hair and light green eyes. He wears well-made clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Dolpheard speaks with a mousy voice.
  • Eldad: Female Human Professional, Evil. Eldad is exceptionally beautiful, with silver hair and brown eyes. She wears fine clothing and carries a fine stiletto. Eldad is cursed with tremors.
Specialty Drinks
  • The Coup de Grace: A potent mix made from wiping down the bartop at the end of the night.
  • Will-o-the-Whiskey: Whiskey with minor hallucinatory effects.
  • The Drunken Dwarf: A pint of dwarven stout with a teabag in it.
Services and Amenities
Sidowan's Lodge offers a variety of services to its guests, ensuring a comfortable and pleasant stay. Lodging and Meals
  • Cost: 1gp per day per person, including a comfortable bed, warm meals, and food and care for their animals.
  • Specialty Beer: The inn is famed for its stout beer, Etter Bitter Spittle.
Barn and Stream
Next to the lodge is a large barn catering to travelers' animals, located by a stream known as Silverbrook.
  • Stream and Bridge: Silverbrook runs past the barn, with a quaint wooden bridge crossing it, providing a picturesque setting.
  • Barn Description: The barn is spacious, with ample room for horses and donkeys. It is equipped with grooming and feeding facilities.
  • Services: The barn charges 2sp per day for grooming and feeding animals with grain or hay.
Parent Location
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  • The Sidowan family believe that something is living in the walls of the inn (giant rats)...
  • The party is hired to track down a customer who stole a horse from the stable...
  • A bard dies mysteriously during his performance on stage at the Four Winds...

Cover image: by 3orcs


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