23. Roundbottom's Trinkets Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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23. Roundbottom's Trinkets

Roundbottom's Trinkets is a quaint and cluttered shop located on the west end row of shops facing the market square and directly across the road from the Temple of the Four Winds. Known for its eclectic mix of knick-knacks, broken trinkets, and foreign statuary, this shop is a treasure trove for those seeking unusual and unique items. The shop is owned and operated by Helga Roundbottom, a peculiar and enigmatic figure in the township of Etterboek.
"This shop is clean, but cluttered with small knick-knacks, broken trinkets, and foreign statuary."

Description of the Shop

The exter of Roundbottom's Trinkets is inviting, with its weathered wooden sign hanging above the door, depicting a whimsical image of a round-bottomed chest filled with treasures. The shop's facade is made of sturdy timber and stone, with large, rounded windows that provide a glimpse of the curious assortment of items within. The door is painted a cheerful red, with a small bell that chimes softly whenever a customer enters or exits.   Interior
Inside, the shop is clean but cluttered, with narrow aisles lined with shelves overflowing with various trinkets and curiosities. The air is filled with the scent of aged wood and a hint of incense. The wooden floorboards creak underfoot, adding to the shop's charming and rustic ambiance. Small, intricate statues, old clocks, and peculiar artifacts from distant lands are displayed on every available surface. Despite the clutter, there is a sense of order to the chaos, with items meticulously categorized and displayed to catch the eye of potential buyers.


Roundbottom's Trinkets has been a staple of Etterboek's market square for over three decades. Established by Helga Roundbottom, the shop quickly gained a reputation for its unique and often bizarre inventory. Helga, originally a traveling merchant, settled in Etterboek after falling in love with the town's serene atmosphere and vibrant market culture. Over the years, Roundbottom's Trinkets has become a beloved fixture in the community, known for its unusual items and Helga's eccentric personality.

Personality and Motivation of Helga Roundbottom

Helga Roundbottom is a middle-aged female Halfling hobniz with a mysterious air about her. She is short and stout, with twinkling blue eyes and a perpetual smile that can be both welcoming and mischievous. Her long, curly hair is often tied back with a colorful scarf, and she dresses in a mix of practical and whimsical attire, reflecting her eclectic tastes. Helga is convinced that one of the items in her shop is a mimic, and she often shares this suspicion with customers, adding to the shop's mystique.   Despite her outwardly cheerful demeanor, there are rumors that Helga is actually a complex clockwork golem, a fact she herself is unaware of. These rumors, while unfounded, add to the enigmatic nature of both Helga and her shop.
"Welcome, dearie! Come in, come in! You never know what you might find in Roundbottom's Trinkets. Just be careful with that statue over there; it has a mind of its own, or so I hear!"
Relationships with the Market Square and Etterboek
Roundbottom's Trinkets has strong ties with the local community and market square. Helga is well-respected and liked by her fellow merchants and townsfolk. She often trades items with other shopkeepers and participates in community events. Her shop is a popular destination for visitors to the market square, drawn by the promise of discovering something truly unique.
Relationships with the Lords of Verbobonc
Helga maintains a courteous relationship with House Langmuir, the ruling house of Etterboek . While she is not directly involved in politics, her shop's success contributes to the town's economy, and she ensures that she remains in the good graces of the local nobility.
Politics in the Viscounty of Verbobonc
Helga's shop operates within the broader political landscape of Verbobonc. She is aware of the importance of maintaining positive relationships with various factions, including the influential 4. Temple of the Four Winds and the 3. The Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek. Helga's neutrality and focus on her business allow her to navigate the complex political environment without becoming embroiled in conflicts.

Etterboek Market Square

The shop's location in the market square makes it an integral part of the local commerce scene. Helga participates in market days, setting up a stall outside her shop to attract more customers.

Current Affairs

Ongoing Rumors
  • The Mimic Item: Helga is convinced that one of her items is a mimic, and she keeps a close eye on it, much to the amusement of her customers.
  • Clockwork Golem Rumor: There is a persistent rumor that Helga is actually a clockwork golem. While she laughs it off, the rumor adds an air of mystery to her already intriguing persona.
Community Involvement
Helga is actively involved in the community, participating in local events and supporting fellow merchants. She is a beloved figure in Etterboek, known for her generosity and kind heart.


Roundbottom's Trinkets is more than just a shop; it is a cornerstone of Etterboek's market square, a place where history, curiosity, and community intersect. Under Helga Roundbottom's care, the shop continues to thrive, offering visitors a glimpse into the past and a chance to find something truly unique.
Helga Roundbottom by 3orcs
"They say I'm a clockwork golem. Well, if that's true, then I must be the most charming golem you'll ever meet!"
Helga Roundbottom
  • Armor Class: 11 
  • Hit Points: 3 
  • Halfling hobniz 
  • Lawful Good 
  • Armor Class: 11 
  • Hit Points: 3 (1d8) 
  • Speed 25 ft. 
  • STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 7(-2) 12(+1) 8(-1) 14(+2) 13(+1) 11(+0)
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
"If you think it's odd, it probably belongs here. Welcome to Roundbottom's!"

Odd Unique Items List

Knick-Knacks and Curiosities
  • Gilded Pocket Watch - A beautifully crafted pocket watch with intricate engravings. Price: 15 gp.
  • Crystal Paperweight - A clear crystal paperweight shaped like a dragon. Price: 5 sp.
  • Ancient Compass - An old, ornate compass that always points north. Price: 10 gp.
  • Hand-Carved Wooden Box - A small box with detailed carvings depicting a forest scene. Price: 3 gp.
  • Silver Locket - A locket that opens to reveal a tiny, intricately painted portrait. Price: 8 gp.
  • Porcelain Figurine - A delicate figurine of a dancing elf. Price: 2 gp.
  • Bronze Key - An old key with mysterious runes etched into its surface. Price: 1 gp.
  • Decorative Fan - A hand-painted fan with scenes of Oeridian countryside. Price: 4 sp.
  • Miniature Globe - A small globe depicting an ancient map of the world. Price: 7 gp.
  • Leather-Bound Journal - An empty journal with a soft leather cover, perfect for recording adventures. Price: 2 gp.
  • Stained Glass Suncatcher - A colorful suncatcher that casts rainbow patterns when hit by sunlight. Price: 5 gp.
  • Old Coins - A collection of ancient coins from various Feryond. Price: 10 gp.
  • Abacus 2 gp 2 lb. Always totals one higher than is correct
  • Red Crystal Focus 11 gp 1 lb. Hums audibly when used to cast a spell
  • Silver Urn 25 gp 2 lb. "Red" engraved on the Urn
  • Map Case 1 gp 1 lb. Contains a coded message in a foreign dialect
  • Copper Tankard 3 gp 1 lb. Bears a stag's head crest
  • Hourglass 25 gp 1 lb. The sand drains in reverse
  • Hooded Lantern 500 gp 2 lb. Shows shadows for people and objects that aren't there
  • Whetstone 1 cp 1 lb. Sings when used to sharpen a sword
Helga is convinced one of the items in her shop is a mimic...
A rumor starts that Helga is actually a complex clockwork golem, but doesn't know it...

Cover image: by 3orcs


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