16. Oban the Smith Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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16. Oban the Smith

The smell of the forge and the sounds of hammers ringing greet you before you enter this tidy shop.   The main work area is dirty but reasonably well organized—everything from sword blades to farm tools and eating utensils to boat building implements can be found here, hanging from hooks or sitting on the numerous shelves that line the walls. The blacksmith is hanging a new looking sword up on the wall. The blacksmith welcomes you warmly, and drags his feet over to you, and introduces himself as Oban, the current owner of the smithy, and asks what she can do for you."   Along with the different mundane items he is working on at any given moment, Orin also steals a few moments here and there to work on a beautiful bastard sword and shield of exquisite craftsmanship and quality. When asked who he is crafting these items for, Orin only grins and mutters “that ain’t any o’ your business.”   "Sure, what are you after? Plows? We've got some new traps, very good, guaranteed to kill immediately! Or we have some swords for the more up close and personal."

The Heart of Etterboek's Forge

Oban the Smith's blacksmith shop is a cornerstone of Etterboek's bustling market square. Known for its diverse range of forged goods, the shop is both a practical resource for the community and a haven for those seeking finely crafted weapons and tools. This article delves into the shop's history, its owner's personality, and its political significance in the Verbobonc, Viscounty.
"Sure, what are you after? Plows? We've got some new traps, very good, guaranteed to kill immediately! Or we have some swords for the more up close and personal."

Shop Description

Located on the north side of shops facing the market square, Oban the Smith's blacksmith shop is easily recognizable by its robust stone structure and the constant plume of smoke rising from its forge. The shopfront features a large, sturdy wooden door and wide windows that display an array of forged items, from elegant swords to practical farming tools. An intricately wrought iron sign depicting a hammer striking an anvil hangs above the entrance, announcing the shop's presence.   Interior Upon entering, visitors are greeted by the intense heat of the forge and the rhythmic sound of hammers clanging on metal. The main work area is dirty but reasonably well organized, with sword blades, farm tools, eating utensils, and boat-building implements hanging from hooks or sitting on numerous shelves that line the walls. The back of the shop houses the forge itself, where Oban can often be found working diligently.

Personality and Background of Oban

Physical Description
Oban is a stout, muscular man in his early forties, with a tanned, weather-beaten complexion from years spent by the forge. He has dark, curly hair streaked with gray and piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through you. His hands are calloused and scarred, a testament to his hard work and dedication to his craft.
Oban is a no-nonsense, hardworking individual with a gruff exterior but a heart of gold. He is known for his warm welcomes and straightforward manner. While he can appear stern, those who get to know him find a man deeply committed to his community and passionate about his craft. Oban takes immense pride in his work, striving for perfection in every piece he creates.
Oban is motivated by a deep love for his craft and a desire to support his community. He believes in providing high-quality goods that meet the needs of the people of Etterboek, from essential farming tools to finely crafted weapons for the town's defenders. His personal projects, like the beautiful bastard sword and shield he works on in his spare time, reflect his dedication to honing his skills and creating works of art.

Political Influence

Oban's blacksmith shop holds significant political sway within Etterboek and the wider Verbobonc, Viscounty. As a key supplier of tools and weapons, Oban's relationships with local lords and other influential figures are crucial.

Relationships with Lords

  • House Langmuir: Oban maintains a strong professional relationship with House Langmuir, particularly with Lord Ludovic Langmuir. He supplies the house with weapons and tools, ensuring the estate's needs are met.
  • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: Oban's reputation has reached the Viscount, who occasionally commissions special items from him. This connection adds to Oban's influence and standing in the community.
Relationships with Other Shopkeepers
Oban is well-respected among the merchants of Etterboek, providing tools and equipment essential for their trades. His fair pricing and reliable quality make him a valued partner in the market square.


Oban's blacksmith shop has a storied history, passed down through generations of skilled smiths. The shop has been a fixture in Etterboek for over a century, evolving from a small forge to a well-established business that caters to the diverse needs of the community.
Founding and Growth
The shop was founded by Oban's great-grandfather, who established a reputation for quality craftsmanship and fair dealings. Over the years, each generation has expanded the shop's capabilities and inventory.
Significant Events
The shop played a crucial role during the construction of the 4. Temple of the Four Winds, providing the tools and hardware needed for the project. During times of conflict, Oban's forge has been instrumental in arming the town's defenders, strengthening his position in the local political landscape.


Oban the Smith's blacksmith shop is more than just a place to buy tools and weapons; it is a cornerstone of Etterboek's community and political landscape. Oban's dedication to his craft, his relationships with local lords, and his influence within the town make his shop a vital part of Etterboek's daily life and its ongoing story. This comprehensive article provides a detailed overview of Oban the Smith's blacksmith shop, highlighting its significance in Etterboek and the wider Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Orin Gwyn Oban Isgar by 3orcs
"There's nothing quite like the sound of a hammer striking hot metal."
Owner: Orin Gwyn Oban Isgar
  • Stout, muscular build
  • Dark, curly hair with gray streaks
  • Piercing blue eyes
  • Calloused, scarred hands
  • Gruff but warm-hearted
  • Hardworking and dedicated
  • Straightforward and honest
  • Passion for craftsmanship
  • Commitment to supporting the community
  • Personal pride in creating high-quality items
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location
Description of Services and Goods
Mundane Forged Items for Sale
  • Plows: 5 gp
  • Hoes: 2 gp
  • Sickle: 1 gp
  • Horseshoes (set of 4): 1 gp
  • Nails (per pound): 5 sp
  • Cooking Utensils (set): 3 gp
  • Metal Traps (guaranteed to kill immediately): 10 gp
  • Sword (standard): 15 gp
  • Axe: 12 gp
  • Shield: 10 gp
  • Arrowheads (per dozen): 1 gp
  • Boat Building Implements: 20 gp
  • Ornate Bastard Sword (special order): Price on request
  • Exquisite Shield (special order): Price on request

Cover image: by 3orcs


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