29. Tidun the Carpenter Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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29. Tidun the Carpenter

From the outside this house looks old, but wonderful. It has been built with bricks covered in render and has spruce wooden decorations. Small, rectangular windows add to the overall look of the house and have been added to the house in a very asymmetric way. The roof is high and pyramid shaped and is covered with brown ceramic tiles. One small chimney sits at the side of the house. Several large windows let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof.
Tidun the Carpenter Workshop is a bustling and essential establishment located on the south side of town, behind the shops of the Etterboek market square. Renowned for its comprehensive carpentry and wheelwright services, this family-run business is helmed by the talented Tidun, supported by his wife Marilla and their children. The workshop plays a crucial role in maintaining the transport and agricultural tools essential for the village's prosperity.

Detailed Description

From the outside, Tidun the Carpenter Workshop looks old but wonderful. It has been built with bricks covered in render and has spruce wooden decorations. The structure features a high, pyramid-shaped roof covered with brown ceramic tiles, with a small chimney at the side. Small, rectangular windows are arranged asymmetrically, allowing plenty of light to filter into the spacious rooms below.
  • Location: South side of Etterboek, behind the market square shops
Exterior Features
  • Bricks covered in render with spruce wooden decorations
  • High, pyramid-shaped roof with brown ceramic tiles
  • Small chimney at the side
  • Asymmetric, rectangular windows
The interior of the workshop is divided into several sections, including a large teamster workshop, a converted barn big enough to accommodate a wagon, and stables with an attached smithy. The workshop is a hive of activity, with tools and materials neatly organized and various projects in different stages of completion. Interior Features
  • Large teamster workshop
  • Converted barn for wagon accommodation
  • Stables with attached smithy
  • Organized tools and materials
  • Ongoing carpentry and wheelwright projects

History of the Workshop

The Tidun the Carpenter Workshop has a long-standing history in Etterboek, originally established by Tidun's grandfather. The business has been passed down through generations, each adding to its legacy of excellence in craftsmanship. Over the years, the workshop has expanded its services to include wagon repair, rentals, and sales, becoming an integral part of the village's infrastructure.
  • Founding: Established by Tidun's grandfather
  • Growth: Expanded to include wagon repair, rentals, and sales
  • Reputation: Known for high-quality craftsmanship and reliability
"From wheels to wagons, we’ve got you covered."

Politics and Relationships

Politics of Verbobonc
The workshop operates within the political framework of the Verbobonc, Viscounty. While the business remains largely apolitical, its success contributes to the local economy, indirectly supporting the stability of the region. The family maintains a neutral stance, focusing on their craftsmanship and community service rather than political involvement.
  • Political Stance: Neutral
  • Impact: Indirect support to local economy and stability
Relationship with the Lords of Verbobonc
The Tidun family has a cordial relationship with House Langmuir, often providing carpentry services for their estates. This professional relationship is built on mutual respect and the reliable quality of Tidun's work. The family ensures that the needs of House Langmuir are met promptly and efficiently.
  • Interaction: Supplier of carpentry services for House Langmuir 
  • Outcome: Mutual respect and reliable service
The Lost Wagon of Tidun quest
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Tidun, the master carpenter of Etterboek, has lost one of his valuable wagons on the main merchant southern road to Cienega Valley. The wagon and its contents were destroyed by Ettercaps, creatures known to plague the area. Tidun seeks brave adventurers to recover what remains of his wagon and ensure the road is safe for future travels. He offers a generous reward for this dangerous task.

Quest Details

Tidun's workshop, renowned for its high-quality craftsmanship, frequently supplies wagons and other wooden goods to various clients in Cienega Valley. Recently, one of his wagons, laden with valuable tools and materials, was attacked and destroyed by Ettercaps. These spider-like creatures have been causing trouble on the southern road, endangering merchants and travelers.
The Mission
Adventurers are tasked with traveling to the location where the wagon was last seen, recovering any salvageable items, and eliminating the Ettercap threat. This quest not only involves combat but also requires keen investigative skills to track the Ettercaps and uncover their lair.
  • Investigate the Attack Site: Travel to the location where the wagon was attacked and destroyed.
  • Recover Salvageable Items: Search the wreckage for any tools, materials, or other valuable items that can be returned to Tidun.
  • Eliminate the Ettercaps: Track down and eliminate the Ettercaps responsible for the attack to ensure the safety of future travelers on the road.
  • Report Back to Tidun: Return to Tidun with any recovered items and a report of the successful elimination of the Ettercaps.
Encounter Details
Investigating the Attack Site
  • Clues: Webbing, broken tools, and tracks leading into the forest.
  • Challenges: Potential ambush by stray Ettercaps.

The Ettercap Lair

  • Enemies: Several Ettercaps and possible giant spiders.
  • Environment: Web-filled lair with natural traps and hidden dangers.
  • Treasure: Recovered goods from various attacks, including Tidun's tools and materials.
Tidun offers a generous reward of 100 gold pieces to the adventurers for successfully completing the quest. Additionally, he provides a 20% discount on any future services or goods from his workshop as a token of gratitude.
Completing this quest not only aids Tidun in recovering his lost goods but also ensures the safety of the main merchant southern road, benefiting the entire community of Etterboek and its traders. This task requires bravery, resourcefulness, and a willingness to confront the dangers lurking in the shadows of the forest.


Tidun the Carpenter Workshop, under the skilled management of Tidun and his family, is an indispensable part of Etterboek's community. Providing a wide range of carpentry and wheelwright services, as well as compassionate animal healing, the workshop supports both the local economy and the daily needs of its patrons. With a rich history and a commitment to quality, Tidun the Carpenter Workshop continues to thrive, serving as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Tidun family in the Verbobonc, Viscounty.
Tidun the Carpenter by 3orcs
"If it’s broken, we can fix it."

Key Figures

Role: Owner and Master Carpenter
  • Physical Description: Tidun is a robust man in his mid-forties, with strong, calloused hands and a broad-shouldered build. He has short, graying hair, a thick beard, and sharp blue eyes that reflect his keen attention to detail.
  • Personality: Tidun is meticulous and dedicated to his craft, known for his problem-solving skills and innovative approach to carpentry. He is patient and kind, always willing to lend a hand or offer advice.
  • Motivation: To provide high-quality craftsmanship and ensure the longevity of his family's business.
Role: Co-owner and Manager
  • Physical Description: Marilla is a petite woman with dark hair tied in a practical bun, warm brown eyes, and a gentle demeanor. She often wears simple, practical clothing suited for her work around the workshop.
  • Personality: Marilla is nurturing and organized, handling the business side of the workshop with efficiency. She is also known for her exceptional cooking, providing hearty meals for her family and workers.
  • Motivation: To support her family and maintain the smooth operation of their business.
Role: Daughter and Skilled Healer
  • Physical Description: Pia is a young woman with her mother’s dark hair and her father’s sharp blue eyes. She is often seen in practical, clean attire, suited for her work with animals.
  • Personality: Pia is compassionate and diligent, with a natural talent for healing. She is dedicated to the well-being of the animals she tends to.
  • Motivation: To use her healing skills to aid the community and support her family's business.
Parent Location


  Carpentry and Wheelwright Services
  • Wagon Repair: 5-10 gp, depending on extent of damage
  • Wagon Rentals: 2 gp per day
  • Wagon Sales: 50-100 gp, depending on size and customization
  • Tool Repair: 1-5 sp, depending on tool type
  • Custom Carpentry Projects: Prices vary based on complexity
Animal Healing Services
Healing for Sick or Lame Animals: 1 sp per day (provided by Pia)

Cover image: by 3orcs


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