21. Maedisa Bakery Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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21. Maedisa Bakery

The Bakery smells lusciously of yeasty bread. The most wonderful smell is coming from the open shop, the smell of fresh baked bread. It is a good sized shop that serves the entire township. Heat pours out of it into the market square, with big bright pained windows showing sweet cakes, pastries and loaf's of fresh bread. This busy shop has brown shingles and clean yellow and blue stripped Awning With A Bell On The White Washed Oak Door. Outback is a large bread oven.   You enter the Bakery Shop and see that inside, the small wooden building is reasonably tidy. The shopkeep is rolling a think puffy ball of dough onto a wood slab, raises a hand with a wave, and walks to you, and introduces herself as Maedisa Hill, the proud owner of the Maedisa Bakery, and asks what she can do for you. Maedisa does not seem to belong there, and looks very uncomfortable.

The Heart of Etterboek's Culinary Delight

Maedisa Bakery is a well-known establishment located on the south side of Etterboek's market square, facing the bustling center amid other shops. The bakery is famous for its irresistible aroma of fresh-baked bread and pastries, attracting patrons from all over the township.
"Bread so good, it’s like a warm hug."

Detailed Description

The Maedisa Bakery stands out with its brown shingles and a clean yellow and blue striped awning. A bell on the whitewashed oak door jingles merrily as customers enter and exit. Big, bright-paned windows showcase an array of sweet cakes, pastries, and freshly baked loaves of bread, enticing passersby with their visual appeal. Out back, a large bread oven operates continuously, contributing to the bakery's warm and inviting atmosphere.
Exterior Features
  • Brown shingles
  • Clean yellow and blue striped awning
  • Bell on the whitewashed oak door
  • Large bread oven out back
Inside, the bakery is a small wooden building that is reasonably tidy despite the constant activity. The warmth from the ovens fills the space, creating a cozy environment. Shelves and display cases are filled with a variety of baked goods. The shop is a hive of activity, with the shopkeep, Maedisa Hill, rolling dough on a wooden slab. She always raises a hand with a wave and greets her customers with a friendly, albeit uncomfortable, smile.
Interior Features
  • Tidy wooden structure
  • Warm, cozy environment
  • Shelves and display cases filled with baked goods
  • Active baking and preparation area

History of Maedisa Bakery

Maedisa Bakery has a rich history, having been established several decades ago by Maedisa's parents. Over the years, it has grown from a small family business into one of the most beloved establishments in Etterboek. The bakery has become an integral part of the village, known for its quality and consistency in providing fresh baked goods.
  • Founding: Established by Maedisa's parents
  • Growth: Expanded from a small family business to a well-loved village establishment
  • Reputation: Known for quality and consistency


Relationship with Etterboek Village Guard
Maedisa Bakery enjoys a positive relationship with the Etterboek Village Guard 6. Langmuir Keep: Etterboek Guard barracks. The guards often stop by for their morning bread and pastries, appreciating the bakery's early hours and fresh products. Maedisa ensures they are well taken care of, fostering goodwill and mutual respect.
  • Interaction: Regular visits for morning bread and pastries
  • Outcome: Positive relationship fostering goodwill and mutual respect
Relationship with the Market and Merchants
Located in the market square, Maedisa Bakery is at the heart of Etterboek's commercial activity. The bakery works closely with local farmers and suppliers to source the freshest ingredients, maintaining strong ties within the community. The presence of the bakery boosts the market's overall appeal, drawing more customers to the area.
  • Interaction: Collaboration with local farmers and suppliers
  • Outcome: Strong community ties and increased market appeal

Cultural and Religious Significance

Influence of Religion
The Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek and the Temple of the Four Winds both have an influence on the bakery. Many of the baked goods are prepared with religious festivals in mind, and Maedisa often donates bread and pastries to these temples for various ceremonies and events. Her contributions are appreciated by the clergy and the faithful, reinforcing the bakery's role in the spiritual life of Etterboek.
  • Religious Festivals: Baked goods prepared for festivals and ceremonies
  • Donations: Regular contributions to the Radiant Sanctuary and the Temple of the Four Winds
  • Community Role: Reinforcement of the bakery's role in the spiritual life of Etterboek
Politics and Influence
House Langmuir
Maedisa Bakery has an indirect relationship with House Langmuir, given the family's significant influence over Etterboek. The bakery's success contributes to the overall prosperity of the village, which in turn supports the economic stability desired by House Langmuir. While there is no direct political involvement, the bakery's presence bolsters the community that House Langmuir oversees.
  • Influence: Indirect support to the economic stability of Etterboek
  • Role: Contribution to community prosperity


Maedisa Bakery is more than just a place to buy bread and pastries; it is a cornerstone of Etterboek's community life. From its warm and inviting atmosphere to its integral role in local commerce and religion, the bakery embodies the spirit of the village. Despite Maedisa Hill's personal discomfort, her dedication and the bakery's success are testaments to the lasting impact of this cherished establishment.

Bakery Shop list

Barley Loaf (16ounces)1 loaf6 copper coins
Muffin1 muffin2 copper coins
Bryndon1 cake1 silver coin
Oatcake (8 ounces)1 cake5 copper coins
Custard Tart1 tart4 copper coins
Payn Puff1 pastry8 copper coins
Daryols (2 pound pie)1 pie12 copper coins
Porridge1 bowl2 copper coins
Fruit Pie (2 to 3 pounds)1 pie7 copper coins
Rye Bun (3 to 4 ounces)1 bun2 copper coins
Fruit Pie Slice1 slice1 copper coin
Rye Loaf (16 ounces)1 loaf5 copper coins
Gyngerbrede (6 ounces)1 serving6 copper coins
Scone1 scone2 copper coins
Hard Biscuit (4 ounce slab)1 slab2 copper coins
Seed Cake (4 ounces)1 cake4 copper coins
Meat Pie (2 to 4 pounds)1 pie1 silver coin
Weat Loaf (16 ounces)1 loaf15 copper coins
Meat Pie Slice1 slice2 copper coins
Wheat Bun (3 to 4 ounces)1 bun7 copper coins
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"Taste the love in every loaf at Maedisa Bakery."
Owner: Maedisa Hill
Maedisa Hill is the proud owner and primary baker of Maedisa Bakery. Despite her apparent discomfort, she remains dedicated to her craft and her customers. She is friendly and polite, always ready to greet customers with a wave and a smile. However, there is a sense that she feels out of place, as if the bustling nature of the bakery conflicts with her personal comfort zone.
  • Role: Owner and primary baker
Personality Traits
  • Friendly and polite
  • Dedicated to her craft
  • Apparent discomfort in the bustling environment
Parent Location
Maedisa Hill by 3orcs

Bakery Shop list

Barley Loaf (16ounces)1 loaf6 copper coins
Muffin1 muffin2 copper coins
Bryndon1 cake1 silver coin
Oatcake (8 ounces)1 cake5 copper coins
Custard Tart1 tart4 copper coins
Payn Puff1 pastry8 copper coins
Daryols (2 pound pie)1 pie12 copper coins
Porridge1 bowl2 copper coins
Fruit Pie (2 to 3 pounds)1 pie7 copper coins
Rye Bun (3 to 4 ounces)1 bun2 copper coins
Fruit Pie Slice1 slice1 copper coin
Rye Loaf (16 ounces)1 loaf5 copper coins
Gyngerbrede (6 ounces)1 serving6 copper coins
Scone1 scone2 copper coins
Hard Biscuit (4 ounce slab)1 slab2 copper coins
Seed Cake (4 ounces)1 cake4 copper coins
Meat Pie (2 to 4 pounds)1 pie1 silver coin
Weat Loaf (16 ounces)1 loaf15 copper coins
Meat Pie Slice1 slice2 copper coins
Wheat Bun (3 to 4 ounces)1 bun7 copper coins

Cover image: by 3orcs


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