58. Apostate's Graveyard Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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58. Apostate's Graveyard

The Apostate's Graveyard is an ancient, somber place located on a hilltop east of the Nigb's Run, on the road to Penwick. This graveyard serves as the final resting place for the villagers of Etterboek, dedicated to the Velaeri, the Oeridian Oerid agricultural deities, and the lawful good deities of The Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek. It is a crowded jumble of mausoleums, headstones, statuary and other markers across the Nigb’s Run from Etterboek. Its narrow cobblestone path clear of weeds but thorny vines, amid with blooms a sickly yellow flower known as the perish blossom hug the building.   The Apostate's Graveyard is a peaceful yet eerie cemetery, known for its ancient monoliths and tranquil atmosphere. This cemetery serves the spiritual needs of the villagers of Etterboek, honoring the Velaeri gods and other lawful good deities.

Historical Background

The history of the Apostate's Graveyard is deeply intertwined with the spiritual traditions of Etterboek and the surrounding Viscounty of Verbobonc.
  • Ancient Beginnings: The graveyard was established centuries ago, with weathered monoliths suggesting its use as an ancient ceremonial site.
  • Velaeri Influence: The Velaeri gods—Velnius, Atroa, Sotillion, and Wenta—have long been revered by the local Oeridian settlers, who established the graveyard as a place of worship and remembrance.
  • Radiant Sanctuary: The graveyard also serves the Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek, a cathedral dedicated to various lawful good deities supported by House Langmuir.

Description of the Graveyard

The Apostate's Graveyard is a crowded jumble of mausoleums, headstones, statuary, and other markers.
  • Location and Layout: Situated on a hilltop amid ancient weathered monoliths, the cemetery offers a serene view of the Nigb's Run and the surrounding fields of yellow Goldenrod grass.
  • Atmosphere: The graveyard exudes peace, especially during the day. However, as the sun sets, a chill fog envelops the area, adding a haunting ambiance.
  • Pathways: Narrow cobblestone paths wind through the graveyard, kept clear of weeds but lined with thorny vines and perish blossoms.

Political Influence

The Apostate's Graveyard holds a significant position within the politics of Verbobonc, reflecting the influence of both religious and noble entities.
  • House Langmuir: House Langmuir supports the graveyard, recognizing its importance to the spiritual life of Etterboek and the surrounding farmlands.
  • Relationships with Lords: The graveyard's maintenance and operations are closely tied to the political maneuvers of House Langmuir and other noble houses in the region.

Estates and Churches

The graveyard serves multiple religious institutions in Etterboek.

Current Affairs

The graveyard continues to play a vital role in the spiritual and social life of Etterboek.
  • Maintenance and Care: Under the watchful eye of Peter Astley, the graveyard is well-maintained, providing a peaceful resting place for the deceased.
  • Community Involvement: The graveyard hosts various ceremonies and events, bringing the community together in remembrance and worship.

Ongoing Issues

  • Ettercap Raids: High Priest Veltharius Sunderwind of the 4. Temple of the Four Winds and Torbera Biegr of 3. The Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek are particularly worried about ettercap raids on the farmlands surrounding Etterboek, threatening the community's safety and livelihood.
  • Community Engagement: The graveyard continues to serve as a vital part of Etterboek's spiritual and cultural life, hosting ceremonies and gatherings that reinforce community bonds.


The Apostate's Graveyard stands as a testament to Etterboek's rich spiritual heritage and the enduring legacy of its faiths. It is a place where history, politics, and community converge, providing a sanctuary for both the living and the dead.
Peter Astley by 3orcs
"The dead may rest, but my work never does."
Key Figures
Prominent individuals play significant roles in maintaining and overseeing the Apostate's Graveyard.
Torbera Biegr 
A priest of Rao, Torbera oversees the Radiant Sanctuary and ensures that the graveyard meets the spiritual needs of the community.  
Peter Astley
The caretaker of the graveyard, Peter is a gaunt, determined man dedicated to his role despite his own inner conflicts. 
  • Description: A gaunt human, approximately 5'6", wearing a beat-up set of banded mail beneath an oversized leather coat. His short chestnut hair and gray eyes are often hidden beneath his cowl.
  • Personality: Cocky and sure of himself, yet compassionate. He believes in his destiny to be a hero, influenced by a children's book about a Human Adept.
  • History: Raised by a cruel mentor, Peter ran away and made his living as a tailor before becoming the caretaker of the graveyard.
  • Motivation: Driven by human compassion and a loathing of his former lifestyle.
"A caretaker's duty is never done, not even in death."
Peter Astley, Male Human Adept 3
  • Medium (5'6") Human, Lawful Good (CR 3)
  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 15 (3d6)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • 9 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 8 (-1)
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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