55. The Merchant's Rest Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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55. The Merchant's Rest Inn

The Merchant's Rest Inn is a bustling establishment located on the eastern bank of Nigb's Run river, catering to merchant caravan traffic traveling from the City of Verbobonc or the township of Penswick. With a large barn for wagons and horses, and a two-story building offering a dozen rooms, this inn provides a comfortable stop for travelers before they enter @etterboor continue their journey.

Detailed Description

The Merchant's Rest Inn stands proudly on the eastern bank of Nigb's Run river. The inn is a two-story structure built with sturdy oak timbers and stone foundations. Its exterior features a welcoming porch with wooden benches and lanterns that light the way for weary travelers. A large barn adjacent to the inn accommodates wagons and horses, providing ample space for stabling. Exterior Features
  • Two-story oak and stone structure
  • Welcoming porch with wooden benches
  • Lanterns lighting the entrance
  • Large barn for wagons and horses
Inside, the inn exudes warmth and comfort. The main hall is a spacious room with a large stone fireplace, wooden tables, and cozy chairs. The walls are adorned with tapestries depicting local history and landscapes. A wooden staircase leads to the upper floor, where a dozen rooms are available for guests. The rooms are simply furnished but clean and comfortable, each with a bed, a nightstand, and a small wardrobe.
Interior Features
  • Spacious main hall with a stone fireplace
  • Wooden tables and cozy chairs
  • Tapestries depicting local history and landscapes
  • Wooden staircase leading to a dozen guest rooms
  • Clean and comfortable rooms with basic furnishings

History of the Inn

The Merchant's Rest Inn has been a staple of the region for over three decades. Established by Geralt Thorne's parents, the inn has grown from a modest waystation to a well-known establishment for merchants and travelers. Over the years, it has expanded its facilities to include a larger barn and additional guest rooms, maintaining its reputation for hospitality and comfort.
  • Founding: Established over three decades ago by Geralt Thorne's parents
  • Growth: Expanded facilities to include a larger barn and additional rooms
  • Reputation: Known for hospitality and comfort

Politics and Relationships

Politics of Verbobonc
The Merchant's Rest Inn operates within the political framework of the Verbobonc, Viscounty. While the inn remains largely apolitical, it plays a crucial role in supporting the local economy by providing services to merchants and travelers. The inn's success contributes to the overall stability and prosperity of the region.
Relationship with the Lords of Verbobonc
Geralt Thorne maintains a professional relationship with House Langmuir, ensuring that the inn adheres to local laws and regulations. This relationship is built on mutual respect, with House Langmuir recognizing the inn's importance in facilitating trade and travel within the region.
  • Interaction: Professional adherence to local laws and regulations
  • Outcome: Mutual respect and recognition of the inn's importance
  • Trade Relations: Facilitates contact between merchants and nobility
Rumors and Local Issues
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Ettercaps and Banditry
Recent rumors suggest that Ettercaps have been plaguing the merchant road to the south, causing concern among travelers. Additionally, there have been reports of increased banditry in the area, prompting merchants to seek the safety of the inn more frequently. Geralt Thorne has been vigilant in ensuring the inn remains a safe haven for all guests.
  • Ettercaps plaguing the merchant road to the south
  • Increased banditry in the area
  • Response: Vigilance in maintaining a safe environment


The Merchant's Rest Inn, under the careful management of Geralt Thorne and his dedicated staff, is an essential establishment for travelers and merchants navigating the eastern trade routes of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. With its comfortable accommodations, excellent food and drink, and secure stabling facilities, the inn provides a welcoming respite for all who pass through. The inn's reputation for hospitality and safety ensures it remains a trusted stop on the journey to and from Etterboek and beyond.
The Merchant's Rest In by 3orcs
"A warm bed, a hearty meal, and a safe night's rest."

Key Figures

Owner: Geralt Thorne
  • Role: Owner and Innkeeper
  • Physical Description: Geralt is a tall, broad-shouldered man in his late forties, with graying brown hair and a well-groomed beard. He has warm brown eyes and a hearty, welcoming smile.
  • Personality: Geralt is a friendly and hospitable man, known for his excellent cooking and storytelling. He takes pride in providing a comfortable and safe haven for travelers.
  • Motivation: To ensure his inn remains a popular and trusted stop for merchants and travelers.
Serving Girl: Lila
  • Role: Serving Girl
  • Physical Description: Lila is a petite young woman with curly auburn hair and bright green eyes. She is always seen wearing a simple yet neat dress, with a cheerful demeanor.
  • Personality: Lila is energetic and cheerful, known for her quick wit and ability to make guests feel at home. She is hardworking and attentive, ensuring guests are well cared for.
  • Motivation: To help her family and learn the innkeeping trade.
Stable Boy: Finn Name: Finn Role: Stable Boy Physical Description: Finn is a lanky teenager with sandy blonde hair and freckled skin. He wears practical clothes suitable for stable work and has a friendly smile. Personality: Finn is diligent and eager to please, always quick to tend to the needs of the horses and maintain the barn. He dreams of one day owning his own stable. Motivation: To gain experience and save money to start his own business.
Parent Location
"Where travelers become friends and journeys begin anew."

Services and Prices

  • Single Room: 1 gp per night
  • Double Room: 2 gp per night
  • Suite: 5 gp per night
Food and Drink
  • Simple Meal: 5 cp
  • Hearty Meal: 1 sp
  • Fine Meal: 2 gp
  • Ale (mug): 2 cp
  • Wine (glass): 1 sp
  • Spirits (glass): 5 sp
  • Horse Stabling: 5 cp per night
  • Wagon Storage: 1 sp per night
  • Feed and Care for Animals: 1 sp per day

Cover image: by 3orcs


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