2. Etterboek River Docks Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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2. Etterboek River Docks

The Etterboek River Docks, located on the east side of town along the banks of Nigb's Run, are a vital hub for trade and commerce. These docks facilitate the flow of goods between the Verbobonc, City, Cienega Valley, and other regions within the Verbobonc, Viscounty. The docks feature wood plank walkways, bustling merchant traffic, and the Langmuir Shipping Office, which oversees taxation and import duties.

Detailed Description

The Etterboek River Docks are situated along the calm, slow-moving waters of Nigb's Run. The docks are made of sturdy wooden planks, stretching out into the river to accommodate various sizes of merchant vessels. The Langmuir Shipping Office, a prominent structure on the docks, has a well-maintained exterior with House Langmuir's crest proudly displayed above the entrance. Exterior Features
  • Location: East side of Etterboek, along Nigb's Run
Wooden plank docks
  • Langmuir Shipping Office with House Langmuir's crest
  • Multiple berths for merchant vessels
The Langmuir Shipping Office is a spacious building with a main hall where merchants can register their cargo and pay duties. The interior is well-organized, with wooden counters, ledgers, and maps of the Viscounty. The back rooms are used for storage and as offices for the Langmuir men-at-arms who assist in the lawful collection and manifest of all cargo. Interior Features
  • Main hall for registration and duties
  • Wooden counters, ledgers, and maps
  • Storage rooms and offices for Langmuir men-at-arms

Background and History

Alaric Torme hails from a long line of administrators serving House Langmuir. He has spent most of his career managing various trade and taxation offices throughout the Viscounty, earning a reputation for his efficiency and integrity. His appointment to the Etterboek River Docks was a testament to his ability to handle complex logistics and maintain order in a bustling trade environment.
  • Family Background: Long line of administrators for House Langmuir
  • Career: Managed trade and taxation offices throughout the Viscounty
  • Reputation: Known for efficiency and integrity

History of the Docks

The Etterboek River Docks have been a crucial part of the village's infrastructure since its establishment. Originally built to facilitate the transport of agricultural produce, the docks have expanded over the years to handle a diverse range of goods. The calm waters of Nigb's Run make it an ideal location for loading and unloading cargo, significantly contributing to the local economy.
  • Founding: Built to transport agricultural produce
  • Expansion: Now handles diverse goods
  • Economic Contribution: Significant boost to local economy

Politics and Relationships

Politics of Verbobonc
The Etterboek River Docks operate under the jurisdiction of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. The docks play a vital role in the region's economy, supporting trade routes that are essential for the movement of goods. While primarily focused on commerce, the docks also reflect the political stability and governance of the Viscounty.
  • Political Role: Jurisdiction of the Viscounty
  • Economic Impact: Essential for movement of goods
  • Governance: Reflects political stability
Relationship with the Lords of Verbobonc
House Langmuir oversees the operations at the Etterboek River Docks, ensuring that all trade activities are conducted lawfully and efficiently. This relationship is built on mutual benefit, as the success of the docks directly supports the wealth and influence of House Langmuir. The docks are also a point of contact between local merchants and the nobility, facilitating smooth trade relations.
  • Oversight: Managed by House Langmuir
  • Mutual Benefit: Supports wealth and influence
  • Trade Relations: Facilitates contact between merchants and nobility

Services and Activities

Merchant Traffic
The Etterboek River Docks handle a wide variety of merchant traffic, from small boats bringing specialty products from the City of Verbobonc to larger vessels transporting goods from Cienega Valley. This includes agricultural produce, wines, ores, and luxury items, making it a bustling hub of activity.
Types of Goods
  • Agricultural produce
  • Wines from Cienega Valley
Ores and luxury items
  • Merchant Traffic: Continuous flow of goods

Langmuir Shipping Office

The Langmuir Shipping Office, known locally as "The Dockhouse," is responsible for managing all aspects of trade at the docks. This includes the collection of taxes, inspection of goods, and maintenance of detailed manifests. Officer Alaric Torme and his team of half a dozen men-at-arms ensure that all activities are conducted lawfully.
  • Tax collection
  • Goods inspection
  • Maintenance of manifests
  • Personnel: Officer Alaric Torme and six men-at-arms


The Etterboek River Docks are an essential part of the village's infrastructure, supporting the local economy and ensuring the smooth flow of goods throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc. With the diligent oversight of Officer Alaric Torme and the Langmuir Shipping Office, the docks remain a hub of lawful and efficient trade activities. The strategic location along Nigb's Run makes it a critical point for commerce, reflecting the economic and political stability of the region.
fficer Alaric Torme of House Langmuir by 3orcs
Key Figure: Officer Alaric Torme
"Ensuring commerce flows smoothly, one manifest at a time."
Officer Alaric Torme is a stern yet fair man, known for his unwavering dedication to maintaining order and ensuring the smooth operation of the docks. He is meticulous in his work and has a keen eye for detail, making him highly respected among merchants and the local nobility alike.
  • Role: Officer in charge of the Langmuir Shipping Office
Personality Traits
  • Stern but fair
  • Meticulous and detail-oriented
  • Highly respected
Physical Description
Alaric Torme is a tall, imposing figure in his early fifties, with graying hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He has piercing blue eyes and a strong, commanding presence. His uniform, adorned with the insignia of House Langmuir, is always impeccably maintained.
Physical Traits
  • Tall and imposing
  • Graying hair and neatly trimmed beard
  • Piercing blue eyes
  • Impeccably maintained uniform
Boathouse / Wharf
Parent Location
Owning Organization
House Langmuir by 3orcs
"Upholding the law, safeguarding prosperity."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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