28. Vallo's Alchemic Emporium Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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28. Vallo's Alchemic Emporium

"This small shop is immaculately clean and orderly, though odd smells and colored puffs of smoke waft in through a doorway behind the counter. On a small wooden stool a halfling in green robes feverishly works a mortar and pestle. Dry herbs and plants hang from the ceiling of this small shop like fragrant bats in a cave. The owner, a scrawny man named, Sarri, creates and sells all manner of alchemical concoctions."

Mystic Brews and Potent Elixirs

The Alchemist Shop is a small but enchanting establishment located on the south side of Etterboek, tucked behind the shops of the market square. This immaculate shop is known for its wide array of alchemical concoctions, expertly crafted by a scrawny halfling named Vallo Greenleaf. The shop is a hub of mystical activity, filled with the scents and sights of brewing potions and drying herbs.

Detailed Description

The Alchemist Shop is nestled behind the main row of shops in the Etterboek market square. It is a quaint building with ivy-covered stone walls and a sturdy wooden door with an intricately carved alchemical symbol. A small sign hanging above the door reads "Vallo's Alchemic Emporium."
  • Location: South side of Etterboek, behind the market square shops
Exterior Features
  • Ivy-covered stone walls
  • Sturdy wooden door with alchemical symbol
  • Sign reading "Vallo's Alchemic Emporium"
Inside, the shop is immaculately clean and orderly, though the air is filled with odd smells and occasional colored puffs of smoke wafting through a doorway behind the counter. Herbs and plants hang from the ceiling like fragrant bats, and shelves are lined with jars of mysterious ingredients. Vallo Greenleaf, the shop's owner, can often be seen feverishly working a mortar and pestle on a small wooden stool.
Interior Features
  • Immaculately clean and orderly
  • Odd smells and colored puffs of smoke
  • Herbs and plants hanging from the ceiling
  • Shelves lined with jars of ingredients
  • Vallo Greenleaf working behind the counter

History of Vallo Greenleaf and the Shop

Vallo Greenleaf hails from a family of renowned alchemists. He established his shop in Etterboek to bring his unique brews to the local community. Over the years, Vallo has gained a reputation for his potent elixirs and meticulous craft, making his shop a staple in the village.
  • Family Background: Renowned alchemists
  • Shop Establishment: Founded to serve Etterboek's community
  • Reputation: Known for potent elixirs and meticulous craft

Politics and Relationships

Relationship with the Lords of Verbobonc
Vallo maintains a professional relationship with House Langmuir, providing them with exclusive potions and remedies. His reliable services have earned him the respect of the local nobility, ensuring his shop's protection and prosperity.
  • Interaction: Professional supplier of potions and remedies
  • Outcome: Respect and protection from local nobility
Adventure Hooks
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Rare Herb Quest
Vallo requires a rare herb found only in the lair of an owlbear. He hires adventurers to retrieve it, promising a handsome reward.
  • Hook: Retrieve a rare herb from an owlbear's lair
  • Reward: Handsome payment
Assassin's Revenge
An assassin seeks revenge on Vallo for selling him a faulty poison. The adventurers must protect Vallo and uncover the truth behind the faulty concoction.
  • Hook: Protect Vallo from an assassin seeking revenge
  • Task: Uncover the truth behind the faulty poison
Potion Brewing Assistance
Vallo hires adventurers to help brew a batch of magic potions, providing them with valuable alchemical training in the process.
  • Hook: Assist in brewing magic potions
  • Reward: Alchemical training and a share of the potions


The Alchemist Shop, under the meticulous care of Vallo Greenleaf, is a cornerstone of Etterboek's market. With its enchanting array of potions and ingredients, it serves both the local community and the adventurers who pass through. Vallo's dedication to his craft ensures that his shop remains a beacon of alchemical excellence in the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Vallo Greenleaf by 3orcs
"Brewed with care, for those who dare."
Vallo Greenleaf
Vallo Greenleaf is a scrawny halfling with an intense passion for alchemy. He is meticulous and somewhat eccentric, often lost in his work. Despite his fervent dedication, he is friendly and always eager to share his knowledge with customers and adventurers alike.
  • Role: Owner and alchemist
Personality Traits
  • Meticulous and eccentric
  • Friendly and knowledgeable
  • Intensely passionate about alchemy
Physical Description
Vallo is a scrawny halfling, often seen in green robes stained with various alchemical substances. He has curly brown hair, bright green eyes, and a pair of round spectacles perched on his nose. His hands are usually stained with herbs and chemicals from his work. Physical Traits
  • Scrawny build
  • Green robes
  • Curly brown hair and bright green eyes
  • Round spectacles
  • Stained hands
Beazel the Alchemist (CR 0)
  • Armor Class: 10 Hit Points: 4
  • Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral
  • Armor Class: 10
  • Hit Points: 4 (1d4)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0) 15(+2) 13(+1) 12(+1)
"A little magic in every bottle."
Parent Location
Alchemical Ingredients and Potions for Sale
  • Dragon's Breath Powder: 10 gp
  • Phoenix Feather: 20 gp
  • Mandrake Root: 5 gp
  • Moonflower Petals: 8 gp
  • Troll's Blood: 12 gp
  • Potion of Healing: 100 gp
  • Elixir of Invisibility: 450 gp
  • Fire Resistance Brew: 400 gp
  • Strength Tonic: 250 gp
  • Night Vision Draught: 200 gp

Cover image: by 3orcs


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