So apparently we're on hole digging duty... not exactly how I expected to spend my day. Didn't go all that great at first as apparently the cats don't really know what they're doing and ended up causing a collapse.
Not exactly the most pleasant experience, feeling a bit beaten up at the moment and tore up another uniform a bit. Frustrated with the situation, I just started invoking my father. He insisted on getting all his material himself for his blacksmithing so he had a small mine in the mountains that he taught me about when I was younger. Apparently I remembered more about it than I thought as in my frustration I put together some groundwork for the digging crew to properly reinforce the tunnel and provide for a lift so HOPEFULLY that nonsense won't happen again. That depends on them though... and those two mole people that they hired? Apparently they enjoy their alcohol so maybe they'll be interesting to hang out with.
In any case, I'm going to go lie down in the medical bay... feeling a bit woozy. This is why I never to mining. Digging is boring and dangerous, and not the fun kind of dangerous.