Azimuth 2 - Session 12 - Connections

General Summary


Oknar Offices
The party regrouped outside the Oknar Offices alongside Godsguard Ankhan. They quickly informed each other about what they just accomplished. Demitri told Ankhan of some of the group’s concerns about Coinguard Gim Gorod, the aid caravan, and the green ring. They talked about concerns with trusting the oknar as well, and Ankhan said she could keep this from the oknar for now if they felt it was necessary.   As the conversation continued, Ankhan suggested they head to her office rather than discuss in the street. She led them to her office, and then went to arrange a meeting with Oknar Jod. While waiting, Arwin and Chaka investigated the room. Ankhan returned shortly and brought them to the oknar’s office, where he was discussing matters with Watchguard Inzun.   Oknar Jod welcomed them. Romsca told him the demons had been cleared from the sewers and the barrier at the Spring of the Natant Yew had been restored. Gertrude said the water had been reconsecrated, and Ankhan said Romsca had offered the aid of the Darksteel Foundry to replace the broken gate there.   Romsca also said that oozes may still be in the sewers, and Inzun asked what else could be there. Demitri and Ilmendwyth told her of the frogs and rats they battled, as well as the body of an orc they found. Inzun excused herself to go alert her guards, but Mortimr suggested she stay, saying there was corruption in the city. Romulus and Arwin believed someone had to be helping the demons, and Mortimr gave her the samples of the stolen material components. Noting the symbol of Cloak and Trident on one of the pouches, Inzun left to go speak with the shopkeeper.   Jod officially thanked the group for handling the demons in the city sewers. He would ensure the Godsguard and Watchguard were given appropriate resources to ensure the sewers and shrine were made secure. He asked if the caravan issues had been resolved and Rosmca said they would be ready to go by today. Jod said he saw no reason then to follow the coinguard’s recommendation that the aid caravan be handled by a different group.   As thanks, Jod said he looked forward to working more closely with the Darksteel Foundry. He also invited the group back to be guests of honor at the upcoming Champion's Conquest celebration, so he could thank them publicly. He asked if they had a group name so he could make arrangements, but the party said they didn't have one.  
Discussing Gim Gorod
Demitri brought up Gim Gorod and the group’s belief that he was sabotaging the aid caravan for his own benefit. He also informed the oknar about Gim Gorod’s obsession with Meena from Cardinal Desires. Gertrude said the reason he was infatuated was because he received a prophecy from the hobgoblin, and Demitri gave the oknar the unsent love letter, saying it was given to them from Meena (instead of stolen from the coinguard’s office).   Gertrude also said that someone seemed to have worked with the demons and speculated the coinguard had many means and resources in the city. Mortimr brought up the Queensguard soldiers outside Gim Gorod’s residence, and the oknar said the coinguard did not have such guards officially.   At this point, Jod said he felt strongly enough with the evidence presented to proceed further. He wanted to ask some questions to the group, and he asked Ankhan to cast a Zone of Truth spell. Most of the party chose to not fight the effects, however Mortimr successfully resisted.   Under the effects of the spell, Jod asked questions about the party’s dealings with the coinguard. Arwin said the Tarterian Traders were trying to get a foothold in Porgorag and seemed to be working with the coinguard. They shared the letter taken from Gim Gorod’s office which referenced the aid caravan and directed Gim Gorod to take control of it. Preemptively, Moritmr lied and said he had stolen this letter from the coinguard’s pocket.   This led Jod asking about Mortimr’s connections with the Tarterian Traders. He was concerned Mortimr could be a part of a plot, just as much as Gim Gorod could. When he asked if Mortimr’s words could be trusted, Chaka and Romsca vouched for him.   Demitri said they might be able to get more information, or a potential confession, from the coinguard. Gim Gorod was waiting for a contact, according to the letter, and Mortimr had arranged a meeting later that night. Demitri proposed Watchguard Inzun go with them as they tried to get a confession. Jod agreed to this.   He again thanked them and said he would send Inzun to meet up with them. Leaving the office, they chose to return to the Hero Hunters to gather the bounty from Haugon.  
Hero Hunters Facility
In Second Square, they saw Gim Gorod leaving the Hero Hunters Facility. Mortimr walked directly towards him, and the coinguard noticed him and the group before hurriedly leaving in a different direction. Ilmendwyth noticed him grab a key of some kind from his pocket as he left.   They approached the manor and Coletta led them inside to Haugon. Haugon had just shared a meal with Gim Gorod. He said his feigned discussions were not fruitful, and he was only able to tie up the coinguard for a short time.   They quickly provided an update to Haugon and said the demons were removed. Haugon seemed to know about the Spring of the Natant Yew and the hidden scroll in the Church of Zenethia, confirming it was from Joseppe, the Shadow Mage. Haugon thanked them and provided a sum of gold to them for the task. Romsca tried to deny the payment, but Haugon insisted, saying, “Take the gold, you need new armor.” He also asked if they would be willing to do another job for him.   As the conversation continued, Demitri told Romsca about the anti-beastfolk laws present in Branca, which Romsca had not known. As a result of the Manslayer War, laws were made in Branca allowing the forceful repelling or killing of beastfolk, including gnolls and minotaurs. Romsca was confused, as the stories she heard from her tribe spoke of the group of gnolls that worked with Petra D'Silva to help turn the tide of the Battle of the Bay of Shipwrecks. Arwin scoffed, and Haugon said not everything is fair.   Haugon said he was currently short staffed. The Hero Hunters had sent a group of adventurers westward “several weeks ago” towards Goliin Hiid and they had stopped checking in. Haugon said he needed help to handle the tasks he oversaw for a group called Zenthai's Eyes.   Haugon said this secret band was formed by the Zenethian Hero Brigitte, the Grayguard, to watch for spreading corruption and signs of Esturk’s meddling. He was recruited to this task by Sacred Guardian Quarivon decades ago, and Haugon said he felt they could use the party’s demon hunting skills.   Haugon gave the names and basic descriptions of the missing group, and Romulus recognized them. He had helped them when they crossed through the Demons' Blood Marshes. Haugon asked the party if they made their way westward after they finished with the aid caravan to watch for any signs of the missing group.   After the group said they would, Haugon gave Demitri the other three Earrings of Message from the set his old adventuring party used, saying, “It’d be a shame to separate the set.”   As the group left, Ilmendwyth stayed behind to speak privately with Haugon. Ilmendwyth said he had his own connections with Quarivon and said they had never mentioned him or Zenthai’s Eyes. He continued, saying that since their goals seemed aligned, Ilmendwyth offered to be “an extension of Quarivon’s will.”  
Glistening Hog Tavern
Outside the Hero Hunters Facility, Arwin pulled Demitri aside. He mentioned that while Romsca was brash, if she hadn’t also rushed in, Demitri might have been killed. Arwin said he believed in Demitri’s skill, and he gave him the Stone of Good Luck. Demitri thanked him and said he wanted to be hard on Romsca because he didn’t “want to see her be a shit leader."   The group decided to go to the nearby Glistening Hog Tavern for a meal and some rest. The barkeep welcomed them and invited them to grab a table. Demitri and Mortimr ordered food and drink for the table.   While waiting, Mortimr looked for a place to later meet with the coinguard. Romulus looked for places nearby to eavesdrop. Demitri looked for possible entrances and exits.   Romulus asked to see the Stone of Good Luck, and Demitri shared it. Romulus checked it over and could tell it was likely from the Battle of the Demons' Blood Marshes at the end of the Third Age. Based on the iconography, it seemed to be tied to an old noble house of Santeem, as their insignia often used felines, like lions and sphinxes.   Shortly, the group’s food was delivered, and their conversation began to pick up as they rested and ate.
Related Time
3 Adroth 5A 352