BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


General Summary

Immediate Aftermath

  Following the battle under the capital city, the party are safely returned to the surface, where they convene once more in Baxilden's Tower. Harmony promises to meet them later, after taking care of some business elsewhere. The wizard of the tower congratulates the party on their success, leaving an ancient bottle of elven wine out for their return. The celebrations are interrupted early however, by a pair of visitors knocking at the door.   Afflencia and Devianne, looking slightly more radiant than usual, pay the group a visit to give their thanks once more. Devianne, who confirms that she was in fact The Goddess of Order, known as Seria, was especially grateful for the party’s service to the cosmos. She had been in Human form for roughly 900 years, and never understood why she didn’t age or die. Her original fall from the heavens saw her revered as a Valkyrie in Arkuran, where she and her sister both landed after their defeat at the hands of The Goddess. Devianne regales the adventurers with her story for a time before another visitor arrives.   Apparently becoming a hot spot for powerful entities, Morgana returns to the tower. The new Goddess of Witchcraft and Shadows explains that she has been in conversation with The Goddess and has agreed to guide the Overgod in matters regarding the mortals that she rules over. Morgana explains that Pride’s plan to show The Goddess that what she had created was good, worked. In recognition of her mistakes, The Goddess has agreed to restore the memories of all the fallen gods. Although she cannot bring all of them back, she is glad that at least some remain.   Before departing, the trio of deities remind the group that they are each owed a divine boon, and that they can cash them in with whichever god they see fit.   The following few days see much change in Kureta City, and beyond. As recognition of the returned deities, Queen Ophelia Orbeck declares the 30th Fitin, the Summer Solstice, a national holiday – to henceforth be known as “Summer’s Revival”. Subtle changes to the world begin to be witnessed, as the days turn to months, which turn to years, and the new deities become known more fully. New beliefs, rituals and churches are formed, as the world prepares for a new era.   For the heroes who saved the world however, little changed after their triumphant return. Earthquakes aside, nobody knew of the epic battle that raged beneath Kureta City, and perhaps that was for the best. Afterall, probably best that the common folk don’t know they can challenge the gods… the following years weren’t all quiet however, as the heroes returned to past lives and new adventures.  


  Once things begin to settle down, Godric returns to his life at the Order of the Shield. He finds the organisation in somewhat of a state however, as the Knight’s leader – Devianne, has gone missing. Before Godric spills the beans on the whole situation, Harmony, who has also returned to the Order, pulls him aside. The bard explains that it is best to not tell everyone the whole story of the returned gods, particularly that they were once living amongst them as mortals. She believes that it is for the best that people separate gods from mortals, saying something about possible powerful threats in the future. Her explanation doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense to the Tiefling, but he agrees to keep his mouth closed on the whole thing for the time being.   After months of fruitless investigation, the search for Devianne is put to rest and Ariadne assumes the position of Knight-Commander. During this time, Godric fulfils his Knightly duties as he once did, using his Templar abilities to aid in arrests of dangerous Magic users. During his downtime, Godric spends some time with his birth mother, Verana. The ex-Shadow Witch has been busy making preparations for Morgana’s new church, which Godric uses his influence to help finally get built. After forming a stronger relationship with Verana, Godric’s thoughts turn to Leah. The Tiefling has many regrets for how it all ended and wishes to make things right.   Godric reaches out to the new God of Knowledge, Kain, and asks to receive the blessing of intelligence for his divine boon. Kain is more than happy to oblige, and grants Godric a slightly higher than average level of intelligence, after explaining that making him super intelligent might make him less Godric.   With his heightened intellect, Godric realises that his relationship with Natalie Rachel just isn’t right. He had sought out a romantic partner because that was what adults did, but in truth, he had no desire for that kind of relationship. Godric lets the librarian down gently, who although initially quite upset, ultimately understands.   Whilst planning a trip to the Feywild, word reaches Godric that Leah has in fact returned to Kureta City. Heading over to Baxilden’s Tower, he finds instead only a letter:  
Whilst I’m sure you feel I was never there for you and let you down - I want you to understand I did not ask to raise but I chose to look after you and did what I thought was best for you. I was still a child myself (though age is weird with elves) when I found you, and I loved you as you were and even though you’re infuriating, I still do.   But after some reflection on this I have come to finally realise what my feelings are around our strange relationship. I do not love you like a mother loves a child but more like how a sister loves their annoying little brother. I took on the title of your mother because people always assumed I was and even you, embarrassed though you are by me seemed to cling to this and I did not wish to take away more hope from you. I felt I could not correct people as the customs of Kureta were foreign to me and I lacked the mental and emotional energy of dealing with my own shitty upbringing to be able to stand up for myself and you. I know now I should have never let that title be thrust upon me as it has caused both of us a lot of pain. I am sorry if you feel let down or embarrassed by being associated with me but I’m not going to apologise for doing what I thought was best for you as it’s helped even if just a little to craft you into the champion you are now.   I am happy to hear you have built a relationship with your mother, but as someone who craved a bond with you may I suggest you tell her that you care about her if you do and maybe a hug every now and then (even if just on special occasions).   I have nothing but hope that one day you will be able to see yourself the way I used to see you - a strong, handsome, and dependable man.   To your future Godric – and the greatness you will continue to achieve.   With love and pride,   Leah
  After reading the letter, Baxilden informs Godric that Leah has left for the Deddo Forest, to view its recovery and aid the new Nature Witches that have set up there.   Godric heads to the forest himself, finding Leah amongst the new community. After an awkward greeting, the pair talk for a moment about their lives. Apologies are made from both sides, and the healing process is able to begin.   Sometime later, Ariadne calls Godric in for a meeting. Recognising his achievements and apparent new smarts, the Knight-Commander offers Godric her old position as Commander of Kureta City. After some consideration, the Tiefling declines the offer. He misses his time with Olwyn, the young princess who gave his role so much purpose. Through so tweaking of schedules and movements within the organisation, Godric is able to secure a permanent position as a Royal Guard within the palace, where he spends many years protecting and serving the royal family.   In the year 1775 KCB, tragedy strikes the Tiefling. The Mayor’s Aide, Harris Kanes falls ill (the cat, not the man). Despite many attempts to save the animal with healing Magic, it seems that his time has simply come. Harris passes away peacefully in his sleep, and Godric begins a year of mourning for the awakened prince. In honour of his memory, Godric renames his home from “Fish House” to Harris’ Spot”.   The following years are relatively peaceful for the royal champion. The alternate future of an Elven Invasion never comes to pass, and instead seems to turn into an elven civil war. The outcome of this conflict results in Erfu opening its doors to the rest of the world, and Godric is able to accompany the Royal Family on the first ever state visit to the secretive city of elves. Many such royal outings are undertaken, and Godric is even able to enjoy several plays at The Tama Sodanya, without finding them derivative.   In 1804 KCB, Queen Ophelia Orbeck dies of natural causes, leaving Irena Orbeck to inherit the throne. By this point, there are many young princes and princesses running around the palace, but none belonging to the newly coronated queen. Irena purposefully decides not to have children, leaving Olwyn as the next natural heir.   Godric, now pushing on 70 years old, continues to serve the royal family diligently. His diligence and loyalty to the crown keep him active, which is good, for as The Goddess warned, Kureta begins to welcome visitors from across the multiverse. One such visitor, a diplomat from another world, comes to visit the Royal Family of Kureta one summer’s day. The man has come to propose a potential alliance between the two worlds, though is unclear in his full intentions. As negotiations begin to fall apart, the frustrated man produces a wand from within his robes and levels it towards young Princess Cecelia, next in line for the throne after her mother.   His protective instincts still sharp as ever, Godric dives before Cecelia, taking the blast from the wand that surely would have slain the princess. The room fills with smoke and magical lights as guards sweep in and the royal family duck for cover. As the smoke clears and the dust settles, the attacker is nowhere to be seen… and neither is the First Royal Champion, Godric Kuretason.  


  With Envy out of the picture, Eva is glad to put her adventuring days behind her. As the party go their separate ways, Eva’s eyes turn to the future, and she wonders what exactly she is going to do with her life. Her singing career will need to go on hiatus that’s for sure, and with her vault still being rather empty, she doesn’t have the large nest egg to retire early with.   As things begin to settle down in the city, Eva takes stock of her newest business venture, The Water Dragon Tavern. With Afflencia now returned to the heavens, the tavern will need new management. The warlock begins mocking-up a flier in the search for a new manager but is hastily interrupted by one of the bar staff. It turns out that Afflencia was indeed a great business-deity and had been training one of the tavern’s staff on how to manage the establishment. The young woman, Helena, is eager to take the reins, and Eva agrees to give her the position on a trial basis.   With that taken care of, Eva heads to the airdocks to find Tobur Fûne. The sky captain is ecstatic to see Eva’s safe return, and to hear that she wishes to join him as his first mate. The pair set off on many journeys across the world, beginning with a tour of Kureta before expanding their reach across the continent. Tobur is reluctant to travel to any unexplored lands for the time being, with the recent memories of Carestalan still fresh in his mind.   After a few peaceful months of life on the skies, it begins to truly feel as though Envy is gone. Her time in the air has given Eva a chance to think about what she might want from the gods as her reward, and two ideas come to mind. After much internal deliberation, the warlock decides that asking to become the queen of the 7th layer of hell may not work out so well, so instead asks for divine protection over Ilamin and the child. Still not super impressed with The Goddess, Eva instead asks for Morgana’s aid in this, and the new Goddess of Witchcraft and Shadows is happy to oblige. Morgana fashions an amulet much like the one she herself carried, which shielded her from divine eyes. This one is altered however, and Morgana explains that it will hide both Ilamin and the child from the eyes of any extra-planar entity.   Upon Eva’s next return to the capital, she reaches out to Ilamin via a Sending spell to let him know that it is safe to return to Kureta. Eva arranges to meet the bard in a private room at The Water Dragon Tavern, where she hands him the amulet and explains its function. The pair spend some time catching up, with Eva making many apologies for everything that has happened. To Eva’s surprise, Ilamin seems quite content. He explains that to him, it has been close to 2 years spent in Venya, and the tranquil atmosphere of the heavenly plane has done him a lot of good. He offers to introduce Eva to their child, who is currently with Ilamin’s mother, but Eva decides that it’s probably best that she doesn’t. Ilamin respects the decision and leaves it at that. Before leaving the tavern, Ilamin tells Eva that the child was a girl, and he has named her Melody.   Looking inwards once more, Eva decides the time has come to reclaim her former glory. She enrols in some secret singing lessons and begins doing what she perhaps should have done from the beginning – working hard on her talents. After a month or so of this, Eva is relieved to be interrupted by the summons of her warlock patron, Quintella Vess.   Eva makes her way to the abandoned necromancer’s tower, only to find it not so abandoned anymore, and not so dishevelled. It seems that Quintella’s undead brood have been working to restore the tower, which possibly doesn’t bode well for the locals…   Heading into the underground lair, Eva is warmly greeted by the head vampire, who’s overwhelming scent and presence reminds the warlock of just how powerful this creature is. Quintella explains that she has changed her mind about leaving Ekina and has instead decided to stay. Her initial plan was to leave after defeating Shinato, but this world has intrigued her – as it is apparently very unique amongst the multiverse. She doesn’t go into too much detail but reveals that she is rebuilding the tower above to use as a permanent home, and something more befitting her status.   However, Quintella did not summon Eva just to tell the warlock of her future plans – but instead to ask if she would like to become part of them. Quintella bites her finger and places the bloodied digit on Eva’s lips. The power held within the blood is palpable, and the warlock can literally taste it. The offer of eternal life as a vampire is held before Eva… and true to form, she readily accepts it.   Before they proceed, Quintella re-introduces Eva to an old friend, the Archfey Shinato. Shinato has agreed (because he has no choice) to transform Eva’s body into the beautiful visage of Eva Monroe at her full glory. Quintella remarks that if you’re going to live forever, you may as well look your best. Like a scene from some macabre fairy tale, Eva lays down upon a bed as the powerful fairy works his Magic. Eva is transformed back into the gorgeous woman she always wanted to be, the Archfey does good work it seems.   Quintella explains how the process works, reiterating the drawbacks of the transformation. Of particular note, no daylight, and at least for a while, no Human friends. With this in mind, Eva pens a few letters. One to Tobur Fûne, explaining that she can no longer accompany him on their sky travels, one to Helena, asking her to take good care of the tavern, and one to Baxilden’s tower – addressed to the Unlikely Association.   With the letters written and sent, Eva is led into Quintella’s private chambers, where her life as a mortal ends, and a life of darkness begins…   In recognition of Eva’s aid in defeating Shinato, Quintella forgoes her usual period of 1 year as an indentured Vampire Spawn, and instead allows Eva to drink her master’s blood – transforming her into a true Vampire. Eva is free to pursue her own goals but is welcome to come home whenever she wishes.   The next few years are… interesting for Eva Monroe. She continues her singing lessons, now at night, and with eternity to climb back to the top she becomes one of Kureta’s best performers once again. The summer months are slightly less profitable, but she makes do.   During this time, the new vampire makes her way to Takari Peak, where she sniffs out the thieves who robbed her vault and delivers bloody retribution upon them. The Jagged Blades thieves’ guild proves more formidable than she had realised however, and she is forced to retreat before she can kill all of them. Armed with a Bag of Holding, the new vampire does manage to recover her losses and then some.   As the years march on, Eva begins to catch rumours in the entertainment circuit that folk are becoming suspicious of her. It has been a couple of decades and Eva hasn’t aged… well there’s one way to stop those rumours. Dinner Time.   Eventually, Eva relents that she can’t keep this up. After half a century of fame and fortune, she retreats to Quintella’s new tower, where she learns the true life of a creature of darkness.   And that is where Eva Monroe’s story trails off… but it was not the end for Milicent Smith.   The lifeless body of Millie Smith was placed in its own room within Baxilden’s tower, as keeping it in the Bag of Holding somehow didn’t seem right. One autumn day, a letter arrived at the tower, addressed to The Unlikely Association. Members of the adventuring group had come and gone over the months, but none resided here now. Baxilden took it upon himself to read the letter, and choosing to act upon its request, summoned a formidable cleric to the tower. The cleric, a priest of Kain, cast a powerful spell over Millicent’s body, restoring her soul.   Confused and scared, Milicent awoke in a strange place. She was handed a letter, one that was contained within the message to the Unlikely Association, and reading the words gave the returned Milicent a sense of peace. As instructed, she collected a small fortune from the Platinum Vaults before heading back to Kaiz, where she enjoyed a peaceful life in her hometown – reunited with her father. Kenshin & Marty   As discussed prior to saving the world, Kenshin and Marty set off to explore the world around them. From Polemis to Sonkai, Arkuran and beyond, the pair travel for many months, helping those who need it along the way, enriching orphanages, and enlightening communities on the return of the new deities.   Along the journey, Kenshin shares many stories of his homeland with Marty, which are only amplified when the duo arrives in Sonkai. They pay a respectful visit to Kenshin’s village of Nokori, and the resting place of his parents. Kenshin takes Marty to his childhood home and impresses the Half-Elf with the amazing view of the stars over the Lake of Tranquillity. Throughout the journey, Kenshin keeps an eye open for his small foxy companion, but the creature is never seen again. Marty believes that the fox was acting as a guide for the Samurai, and perhaps its absence suggests that he has now found what he was looking for.   Returning to Kureta several months later, the pair split up temporarily to take care of personal business. Marty heads to the Deddo Forest, finding Sissy in the rebuilt temple to Mortona. After a quick catch up, Marty relinquishes control of Foeir Anand, The Black Masks, to Sissy. The young Halfling has grown so much in the past year and has indeed become a respectable cleric in her own right. Marty promises to still be around and remain part of the organisation, but wishes to take a step back from leadership. Sissy jokes that she’s pretty much been running things anyway and agrees to take the lead officially.   On her return to the capital, Marty bumps into a familiar face – Leah. The druid has returned to Kureta to help the new community of nature witches in the forest, and this chance encounter provides a perfect opportunity to resolve some feelings. During a catch up and shared meal, Marty explains that although she appreciated Leah as a role model for loving others, their goals in life never truly aligned. Marty is thankful for the time spent with Leah but admits that there is someone else in her life now that she has taken a shine to… departing with no hard feelings, Marty returns to the capital for a visit to the orphanage.   Up in Kitaun, Kenshin purchases a small unused warehouse and begins converting the building into a Sonkai-inspired dojo. The dojo doesn’t take long to get up and running, and many locals are keen to learn the martial arts of Sonkai. As the months go by, more and more people arrive to visit the dojo, including a handful of monks from the Monastery of Stone, who jovially suggest that Kenshin may be challenging their order as Kureta’s home of martial arts.   Kenshin installs a small shrine in the dojo, both as a dedication to his mother, and as a place for anyone who needs a quiet spot to pray. More than just martial arts and swordplay, however, the dojo becomes a safe place for those without a proper home to stay. This realisation helps Kenshin to decide what he would ask of the gods for his divine reward.   Reaching out to The Goddess, Kenshin asks for the resources to support all the children displaced by the terrible plague of Sonkai, as well as any children affected by other recent tragedies. The Goddess appreciates the selfless request but relents that such a thing is not so simple. Many of the aforementioned children have new lives, and she does not wish to interfere with the natural way of things on such a grand scale. She does however provide Kenshin with the knowledge and resources to construct shelters and find the children who need his aid.   After spending some time with the orphanage in Kureta City and satisfied that they are doing good and honest work, Marty heads up to join with Kenshin once more in Kitaun. Having reconciled with Leah, the recent time apart from Kenshin has allowed a certain fondness to grew. Hoping to not need so many diamonds for resurrections anymore, Marty brings one to a jeweller in Kaiz to create a ring…   On a snowy winters evening in Kitaun, Kenshin is urged to the dojo by one of the children who lives and works there. Apparently, some of the kids were sparring with swords, and one of them has been severely wounded. Rushing over to the dojo, Kenshin finds the interior dimly lit, with nobody around. The child who summoned him has scarpered off, so confused, Kenshin heads into the main sparring area. Inside he finds a circle of candles on the ground, and Marty, wearing a beautiful dress, waiting for him.   The couple, now truly a couple, have a low-key wedding in the serene Sonkai countryside, surrounded by their friends, loved ones, and many, many adopted children. Rumours suggest that a tiny quarter-elf bun may be in the oven too…  


  Much weighs on the heart and mind of Atlas once the dust settles. Namely, his past actions and mistakes with Elena. After celebrating with The Unlikely Association for a time, the group begins to go their separate ways and Atlas is left to contemplate his situation.   Atlas’ one and only desire is for peace. Peace for himself, peace for Elena, and peace between them. The memory of what he faced in the mirror of Adonia’s trial still haunts him, and the knowledge that he pulled Elena out of paradise cannot be forgotten, even if Elena herself doesn’t seem to remember much of the afterlife.   With this at the forefront of his mind, it is clear to the Changeling what he should ask for his divine boon. In a prayer to Adonia, Atlas asks that when Elena’s time comes, she be returned to the heaven he stole her from, regardless of any other circumstances. In response, Atlas is visited by a Veiled Nymph, one of Adonia’s divine servants. The nymph is warmed by the love Atlas holds for Elena, and the selfless wish he would have fulfilled. The creature confirms that Adonia can fulfil his boon, provided Elena doesn’t become a mass-murderer or something.   Feeling the pain in Atlas’ heart, the Nymph hangs around for a moment longer to converse with the artificer. After hearing his story, the Nymph reveals that what Atlas experienced in the mirror was not a true representation of events. Although it is true that his ritual did pull Elena from heaven, it was not in such a violent way as the mirror depicted. The mirrors in Adonia’s trial are there reflect the darkest truths within each taking the test. What Atlas saw was a manifestation of his untold deepest beliefs. Whether conscious of them, or not. Although Elena’s eternal bliss was interrupted, she would not have experienced the return to life as Atlas saw it. The Nymph suggests that Elena enjoy this second chance at life, eternal bliss is great and all, but it isn’t living.   This revelation provides some level of comfort for Atlas, but the guilt remains, and does so for some time. Atlas sits Elena down one evening, apologising once more for what he has done, and offering to give her everything that he doesn’t need, all his possessions, extra wealth, all of it. Elena cuts him off, however. She tells the man she loved that she doesn’t need all these things, she is happy for a second chance at life, to become what she never got the chance to be, live life to the fullest, and perhaps start her own family one day, should that decision arrive in the future. Atlas tries to apologise again, but Elena shuts him up with a kiss. It’s unclear if any feelings are behind it, or if it was simply to stop the man from apologising any more.   Atlas agrees to give Elena some space to discover the world as it is now, and to find a purpose in life. In the meantime, he has a promise to a certain Lord of Colere to keep.   Heading to the airdocks, Atlas spies Eva in conversation with Tobur Fûne. Not wanting to be seen by his old companion, Atlas hides behind a barrel until she leaves. Seeing an opportunity… Atlas shifts into the form of Eva and walks up to the docks. Tobur is surprised to see Eva again so soon, but it seems the singer wants a full and detailed tour of the ship, and Tobur is more than happy to oblige. Atlas, disguised as Eva, takes many mental notes of the ship, including the best way of sneaking on board while it’s docked.   Returning later that night, Atlas sneaks on board the ship and begins making detailed notes, blueprints, and plans of the ship’s functions. It doesn’t take long for him to understand how the craft flies, but there is a slight snag in that it requires a magical crystal that he is unfamiliar with. Figuring that they have two of these ships already and are building more, Atlas opts to “borrow” one of these crystals for further study, and to present to Lord Tamsin Anders.   After a few months, Atlas is confident that he has enough to present to the foreign Lord. With his advanced intellect, Atlas is able to alter the designs to a point that he feels they differ enough from Kureta’s ships to be distinguished as their own design, but also, not as good as Kureta’s ships – just in case.   During these months, Elena travels to Nakaba to visit her old home and place of work. Upon her return to the capital, she reveals to Atlas that their old boss, Drake Chosa, has disappeared. From all accounts, she simply vanished one day without trace. Atlas recalls that Drake often said that she was older than she looked, and the thought crosses his mind that she may have been one of The Divine Dozen  After explaining that he needs to travel to Colere to fulfil his promise to Lord Anders, Elena asks if she can accompany the artificer. Wary of what he is going to do, Atlas is reluctant to bring Elena along, but not wanting to lie to her, he tells her the truth of the situation. Elena remarks that he has ever been a resourceful one but doesn’t seem to be put off by the deal that has been struck with Lord Anders. At the end of the day, this deal has given her a second chance, and the civil war in Colere could do with coming to an end anyway, she jokes.   The pair travel to Colere via regular ship, which gives them a chance to reconnect and have an adventure of their own. During this time, the duo manages to repair the broken bonds somewhat, and old habits begin to resurface. Lord Tamsin Anders is more than happy to receive the plans for an airship and is glad to see that Elena is doing well. The Lord of Sun’s Rest easily deflects any talk of the civil war, and eventually sends the Kuretian pair home.   By the time the couple return to Kureta, Elena has made up her mind as to what she would like to do with her 2nd life. With Drake gone, it seems like Kureta could use a new investigator of the supernatural and arcane – and who better than those the expert detective once trained? Putting his wealth to good use, Atlas purchases Gotcha’ Investigations, and the two of them spend the rest of their time together solving mysteries and apprehending the increasing number of magical criminals arriving in the country.   After a few decades of enjoyed success, Atlas’ body begins to show its signs of ageing. Despite cleverly disguising his bodies failings on the outside, Atlas was unable to stop the march of time. He died peacefully with Elena by his side, happy in the knowledge that he had done everything in his power to make up for past mistakes, and his apologies were always silenced with kisses.  


  After the brief celebration with her adventuring party, Veda returns home – this time for good. Ely is incredible relieved to see Veda home, and to hear that her time saving the world has ended. The family has wanted nothing more than to simply spend time together, and now they finally can. Despite the hardships of the past several months, the adventuring life hasn’t been without its benefits. Veda has earned more coin than the pair of them would have made in several years, and this affords them the chance to make a new start away from the city.   Ever fearful for her family’s welfare, Veda cashes in her divine boon for their continued safety. Verja, the returned Goddess of Protection grants this wish – providing their new home with divine wards that will shield the entire family from harm, as well as personal items to carry on their persons.   This new home is found in a small village near the Monastery of Stone. Only a handful of folk live here, and the close proximity to the diligent monks offers a further sense of security. Veda spends a good few years living peacefully with her family here, catching up on much lost time, particularly with her son, Téo.   Although trouble never darkens Veda’s door, the internal strife continues for some time. The trauma of her son’s attempted kidnapping and the aftermath has had a profound effect on the Tiefling. The revelation that the Gods can be as emotional and irrational as mortals leads her to believe that the deities are not something to be upheld or revered. Veda comes to see the gods as untrustworthy, and her faith in the protection of Verja’s divine wards falters. Veda takes matters into her own hands, constantly making sure they are safe, keeping her ear to the ground, and her eyes wide open. News of The Architect’s capture never reaches her, and the Elven civil war and eventual opening to the world is more than troubling.   Ever plagued by the fear of something hurting her family, Veda begins teaching her family to fight – including her 2 new children once they come of age. As the years pass, this overprotective stance begins to get a bit waring for the Lunam family. Recognising Veda’s good intentions, Ely arranges a babysitter one evening, and treats Veda to a well-deserved rest. Veda is serenaded by a new ballad that Ely has written, wined and dined, and treated like the mother of the decade that she is. After a long talk, Veda agrees to tone things down a bit, and simply enjoy her life.   This mini-intervention proves fruitful. The Lunam family are never bothered again by the likes of devils, gods or mankind, and Veda is able to live the rest of her days as she sees fit.   As the years pass, the Lunam children grow into fine adults. Armed with great knowledge of the world, the arts, Magic Items, and the ability to defend themselves, Veda’s children set off on their own adventurers, some eventually starting their own families.   At a ripe-old age, Veda passes away surrounded by family and loved ones, peacefully, and well-loved.  


  In the Feywild, not much changes with the arrival of new gods. The fey folk were never ones for worshipping the divine, and life in Tel’Nelath goes on.   Leah, now head of her community, works towards instilling some stability with her people. With Seth by her side, the pair work hard to ensure their village’s safety, particularly with the threat of the Selesnya Conclave on their borders.   Over the years, this strange otherworldly organisation doesn’t encroach much on Tel’Nelath, with only a handful of the fey folk leaving the village to join them. Leah recognises that everyone is free to make their own choices and decides it best not to enforce any restrictions at the risk of causing more harm than good.   With the settlement seeming fairly stable, Leah turns her thoughts inwards. She asks her mother, Ruenya, about her father one more time. After some pestering, the ex-leader of the community finally relents and gives Leah the full story – short though it is. The embarrassing truth is that Ruenya doesn’t know who Leah’s father is. On her travels some time ago, she met a rugged elven man in the Erfu Forest. He had an other-worldly charm about him, and unlike the elves of Erfu, he seemed truly in touch with nature. Being the free spirit that she is, Ruenya engaged in a very brief whirlwind romance with the man, who she believes was called “Nimloth”, and the result of that tryst was Leah. Ruenya relents that this is the whole story, she never saw the man again and had no desire to seek him out.   With at least a first name and location to add to the vague description she already had, Leah sets off to try and find this mystery man. This return to the material plane also provides her with an opportunity to catch up with some old friends and possibly make some amends.   Leah’s first stop is to Baxilden’s tower. Unfortunately, she is unable to find most of the party, but does manage to catch up with Atlas. Leah apologises for not saying goodbye the first time, something that she truly regrets. Through her hot-headed summer-Eladrin anger at the time, she was unable to see that she disrespected him and their friendship by not saying goodbye properly, and in truth, she saw him as a closer friend than she realised. When she left those months ago, she felt that the party had taken Godric’s side, and it was easier to just go than to face further confrontation.   Unable to speak with Godric in person, Leah leaves a letter for the Tiefling before heading to the Deddo Forest to visit the nature witches who have set up there. Leah is amazed to find that the forest is more vibrant than anything she has ever seen, including in the Feywild. Finding the witches doesn’t prove to be too difficult, and Leah spends a fair amount of time helping them to learn the ways of nature.   Whilst there, Leah has a surprise visit from Godric, who has found the letter and come to seek her out. It seems that Godric has magically enhanced his intelligence, and the pair have a proper conversation about their shared history. Apologies are made on both sides, and Godric heads back to the city.   With wisdom imparted to the witches, Leah makes her own way back towards civilisation and has a chance encounter with Marty. After an awkward “hello” the pair catch up, and Marty is able to get some stuff off of her chest.   Finally, Leah heads to the Erfu Forest in search of her father. Exploring the Erfu Forest proves difficult, and speaking to the local wildlife doesn’t initially turn up any leads. After a few days of searching, Leah finally lucks out as she finds a helpful burrow of rabbits who speak of an Elf with wild dark hair who used to live nearby. According to the bunnies, this Elf simply disappeared one day, never to be seen again. This was a few months ago, around the time Leah’s old adventuring party saved the world.   Finding it somewhat hard to believe that her father could have been one of The Divine Dozen, Leah decides to pray for answers – not something that the druid is used to doing. Sitting cross-legged on the forest ground, Leah closes her eyes and extends her feelings out towards the cosmos. Something tickles her feet, and the Elf opens her eyes to see the grass growing before her. A group of animals have arrived from the woods, and amongst them, a man stands carrying a gnarled wooden staff.   The man introduces himself as Arbor – the God of Nature, though he once went by the name Nimloth Adan. He confirms that he did indeed meet Ruenya in a chance encounter many years ago, and that he is Leah’s father. As a returned God, Arbor is unable to remain as a mortal on Ekina, but he admits that he has been watching over Leah since his return to the heavens. A man of few words it seems, the pair spend a short amount of time conversing before the god must depart. He tells Leah that it is likely that her powers will grow now that he is a God once more, and that he hopes she will use her abilities for the good of nature.   After spending a bit more time on the material plane, Leah eventually returns to the Feywild to resume her duties as Tel’Nelath’s leader. She informs her mother of Nimloth’s true identity, to which Ruenya scoffs and brushes off as nonsense. Over time, Leah is able to convince Ruenya of the truth however, and the ex-leader begins to take pride in her laying of a god. Eventually mother and daughter manage to rebuild their imperfect relationship, becoming good friends.   As the decades march on, Leah’s powers do indeed continue to grow – far beyond anything Galadriel or anyone else has witnessed before. The head of Summer puts her abilities to good use, keeping her people safe and prosperous for a long time to come – which is good, for newcomers to the material plane and the Feywild are fast approaching…
Report Date
02 Dec 2022
Primary Location


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