Gods of Embril in Embril | World Anvil

Gods of Embril

Religion in Embril

There are 30 true gods worshipped in Embril. While many of these have well organized religions boasting finely built temples, a few are propitiated mainly out of fear or worshipped in secret. Good, evil, or neutral, all gods govern some aspect of existence and command the respect of mortals throughout the world. Solis, God of the Sun, is an example of a popular deity, revered openly in many lands. Clades, Goddess of Disaster, is an example of a less than popular deity who is prayed to mainly by those wishing to appease her and, hopefully, avoid her wrath.   A person may honor as many gods as he wishes, though there is typically one which he worships above all others. For example, a magistrate may call Iustitia, Goddess of Justice, his patron, praying to her every night for guidance in performing his daily duties. But this same man may also give an offering to Pontus, God of the Sea, before embarking on a long voyage by ship, or, likewise, pray to Vita, Goddess of Life, as his wife is giving birth. Such acts of piety are common and would not offend his patron goddess in any way, unless she was directly at odds with the deity in question. Iustitia would certainly take offense if this man prayed to Umbra, Goddess of Shadow, before attempting to commit theft under the cover of darkness, or if he prayed to Vastator, God of Destruction, for any reason whatsoever.   The gods on the Embrillian Pantheon list are worshiped predominantly by humans, while the gods on the Racial and Outsider list are worshipped predominantly by the race to which they act as patron. However, a member of any race may worship whichever god he wishes. A human may find it his calling to worship Moradin, God of Dwarves, while an elf may choose to venerate Bahamut, God of Good Dragons. Though these occurrences may be rare, they are possible.   Your character may or may not have a patron deity. But if you are playing a cleric or any other divine class, you must select a deity as your patron. For characters such as druids or rangers, see “Gods of Nature” sidebar.  

Embrillian Pantheon

Name Align. Portfolio Domains Favored Weapon
Artis, Goddess of Craft NG Arts, crafts, invention, construction, smithing Craft, Creation, Earth, Knowledge, Metal Light Repeating Crossbow
Bellum, God of War NE War, battle, strife Destruction, Hatred, Strength, Suffering, War Longsword
Caelum, God of the Sky CN Sky, air, avian creatures, wind, travel Air, Animal, Celerity, Travel, Windstorm Longbow
Clades, God of Disaster CE Natural disasters Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Storm Shortspear
Dominus, God of Tyranny LE Tyranny, fear Domination, Evil, Law, Suffering, Tyranny Heavy Mace
Eruditio, God of Knowledge N Knowledge, education, bards Craft, Knowledge, Magic, Mind, Oracle Dagger
Fortuna, Goddess of Luck CN Luck, adventure, bravery Chaos, Courage, Fate, Luck, Trickery Shuriken
Iustitia, Goddess of Justice LG Justice Good, Inquisition, Law, Retribution, War Longsword
Luna, Goddess of the Moon CG Moon, good and neutral lycanthropes, wanderlust, navigation, stars Chaos, Good, Moon, Oracle, Travel Sickle
Magus, God of Magic LN Magic, psionics Illusion, Magic, Mentalism, Rune, Spell Quarterstaff
Mortem, God of Death LE Death, necromancy, undeath, murder, disease Death, Deathbound, Evil, Pestilence, Undeath Scythe
Mundus, God of Nature N Nature, wilderness, hunting Animal, Balance, Plant, Renewal, Time Greatclub
Pontus, God of the Sea LN Sea, rivers, lakes, water, aquatic creatures Animal, Ocean, Plant, Storm, Water Trident
Solis, God of the Sun LG Sun, light, fire, time Fire, Good, Glory, Sun, Time Morningstar
Terra, Goddess of the Land N Land, earth, land creatures Animal,Cavern, Earth, Metal, Plant Warhammer
Umbra, Goddess of Shadow NE Shadows, thievery, assassination, intrigue, deception Darkness, Evil, Greed, Trickery, Wealth Rapier
Vastator, God of Destruction CE Destruction, entropy, hatred, bloodlust, insanity Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Hatred, Madness Greataxe
Viribus, God of Valor CG Valor, honor, freedom Courage, Good, Glory, Protection, Strength Scimitar
Vita, Goddess of Life NG Life, birth, healing Animal, Family, Healing, Plant, Renewal Quarterstaff

Racial and Outsider Gods

Name Align. Portfolio Domains Favored Weapon
Asmodeus, God of Sin LE Sin, corruption, punishment, torment Evil, Greed, Law, Lust, Suffering Light Mace
Bahamut, God of Good Dragons LG Good dragons Cold, Dragon, Good, Luck, Protection Heavy Pick
Corellon Larethian, God of Elves CG Elves Community, Elf, Good, Protection, War Longsword
Garl Glittergold, God of Gnomes NG Gnomes, humor, wit, gem cutting Community, Creation, Gnome, Good, Protection, Trickery Battleaxe
Gruumsh, God of Orcs CE Orcs, territory Domination, Evil, Orc, Strength, War Shortspear or Longspear
Kurtulmak, God of Kobolds LE Kobolds, traps Evil, Law, Luck, Trickery Shortspear or Longspear
Lolth, Goddess of Drow CE Drow, spiders, darkness Chaos, Darkness, Drow, Evil, Spider Dagger
Maglubiyet, God of Goblinoids NE Goblinoids Destruction, Evil, Planning, Trickery Battleaxe
Moradin, God of Dwarves LG Dwarves, smiths, engineers Craft, Dwarf, Earth, Metal, Protection Warhammer
Tiamat, Goddess of Evil Dragons LE Evil dragons, evil reptiles, greed, conquest Destruction, Dragon, Greed, Scalykins, Tyranny Heavy Pick
Yondalla, Goddess of Halflings LG Halflings Community, Family, Good, Law, Protection Shortsword

The Story of Creation

The gods of the Embrillian Pantheon created Embril approximately 4,000 years ago. Originally, there were only twelve gods in the pantheon, and they all united to help make the world. Artis, Goddess of Craft, and Eruditio, God of Knowledge, guided the creation of Embril with their inspiration and intellect. Mundus, God of Nature, formed the earth that is the world. Vita, Goddess of Life, breathed the various animal and plant species into existence. Solis, God of the Sun, formed the Sun, while his sister Luna, Goddess of the Moon, formed the moon. Magus, God of Magic, infused Embril with the Mystic Art. Though it is not exactly known what part Bellum, God of War, Dominus, God of Tyranny, Fortuna, Goddess of Luck, Iustitia, Goddess of Justice, and Mortem, God of Death, played in the creation of Embril, it is understood that they contributed in some way, perhaps just in lending their divine powers to the creation of a brave new world. The seven other gods of the Embrillian Pantheon came into being after the creation of Embril, the offspring of some of the original gods.   According to humans, Vita, with the help of the other gods, created humans and gave them Embril. This leads to great debates with other races, who claim that humans were not created by the gods of the Embrillian Pantheon and instead were brought here. It is widely accepted that the gods of the Racial and Outsider Gods list brought their respective races to Embril when the world was still young.   These debates originally created a divide among theologians. The gods of the Embrillian Pantheon were considered “native” gods by humans, deities present at the creation of Embril, or birthed here thereafter. The other gods were considered “immigrant” gods, deities who came here after the creation of Embril. Thousands of years later, however, this theological divide faded away almost entirely, as all the gods are technically part of the Embrillian Pantheon that helps rule existence in the world of Embril. However, approximately 300 years ago, the appearance of Asmodeus, God of Sin, reopened this rift. A true outsider, the lord of the Nine Hells somehow found his way into the pantheon of a world he was never a part of. And he has no allies among the other gods of Embril.   Now the distinction of Embrillian Pantheon is again staring to see use in reference to the “native” gods by some humans. While the others are collectively referred to as “outsider” gods, even though Asmodeus is the only true outsider. The devils he rules are not native to Embril. And any devils that come here originate in the Nine Hells.

Gods of Nature

Druids and rangers must select one of these deities as a patron: Caelum, Corellon Larethian, Mundus, Pontus, Terra, Vita.


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