
Fortuna is a town in western Arizona belonging to Caesar's Legion. It lies at the crossroads between Laguna Fortress, Yuma, and Quartzite. Founded in 1893, then abandoned after the Apocalypse, it is now a city lived in by Legion Veterans and their families, and was used in 2299 as a temporary camp by Legate Indolus, on his march to Laguna Fortress before attacking the New California Republic at the city of Verde.


Every man in the settlement is a Legion Veteran, add on its stone walls, towers, and ballistae, it is a small fortress.

Industry & Trade

Fortuna has a small mine in which gemstones are found, it is mined by slaves, who work in shifts at all times.


Fortuna's original structures were torn down when the Legion resettled the area. It is now a spartan-like city with grid paths and uniform metal and wood buildings. It has a fire house, arena, market, and house of judgment in the center.
Founding Date
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization


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