
Quartzite is a city inside Caesar's Legion. Founded in the early 1850s by gold prospectors, Quartzite eventually served a different purpose. Located inside a large deposite of quartz and workable stone, the pre-war town continued to be used all the way up to 2077, and then even beyond. When the Legion entered the area, Caesar immediately knew the materials the city could provide were invaluable, and so quartzite became a major position within Arizona, and enjoyed a population boom, of both the free, and unfree.    By 2300 Quartzite was a major supplier of the marble and quartz used in Caesar Aurelius's overhaul of Flagstaff, and continues to serve as a major supplier of fortification pieces to the Frontline west of Verde.


58,000 Free, an additional 20,000 slaves
Founding Date
58,000 Free
Location under
Owning Organization


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