Dry Wells

Dry Wells was once the tribal village of the Twisted Hairs, until Caesar's Legion integrated them into the legion in the 2260s. Following this it became a large town, being the only permanent settlement at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. It supplies large amounts of fresh water to the nearby camps, and is also the training ground of Legion scouts. It was used by these scouts and the Frumentarii in 2299 as the staging area for their climb up the canyon walls, to sabotage the New California Republic's city of Verde. By 2300 it was being used as a regular stop by legionaries crossing the Colorado river to the frontline in California.


Dry Wells has various walls, sentries and veterans, protecting the Legions position near the mouth of the Colorado River.


Dry Wells has various docks and river mills, along with the usual Legion architecture of spartan-like buildings and grid paths.
Founding Date
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization


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