
Okaluan is the kinetic land of the Hakanu. It is the westernmost continent of Torvalen, northwest of Kemesh and southwest of Volenar. The western coast faces the Hauauru Ocean.

A highly volcanic land, the north and northwestern land of Kahala is the most active, with lava eruptions occurring every few years. The northern Hakanu cities of Kahala are carved into the lower elevations of the lush volcanic highlands, where the soil is rich but high enough above the ocean to escape the seasonal tsunamis that inundate the coastal plains and valleys. Kahala is heavily forested to the edge its black sand beaches. The shallow coastal seas are filled with small islands covered in mangrove forests as well as extensive coral reefs. This region is closest to Volenar which lies to the northeast across the wide Nui Sea.

The southeastern region of Talani is more volcanically sedate, but large expanses of land lay upon geothermal springs and earthquakes are fairly frequent. It is relatively flat, with expansive coastal plains transforming into lightly forested rolling hills farther inland. Half of the southeast consists of the Wewari Peninsula and the Wewari Keys whose most southeastern key, Aloari, lies only 60 kilometers across the Puru Strait from the northwestern coast of Kemesh. The peninsula northern coast forms the southern coast of the Gulf of Na Anu'ko in which lies the large Talani port city of Na'kainga.

In the southwest lie the cloud forests of Nahele'opua, home of the strange ulanid race, the tua. There the air is very difficult to breathe. Some unconditioned outsiders have been known to die from asphyxiation or exhaustion from breathing too deeply of the sulphurous, moisture-laden air. The Ko trees of Nahele'opua are some of the largest in Torvalen. This region is almost completely unexplored aside from the western coasts in the Hauru Channel separating Nahele'opua from the large western island, Tatau.

Tatau is forbidden by both the Talani'i and Kahala'i Hakanu. It is said that Tatau is the place where the spirits of all the evil Hakanu are sucked into when they die. No Hakanu will dare set foot on the island. Some foreigners view this as mere superstition and an opportunity to exploit a potentially rich, unoccupied land.


  • Okaluan
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