17. Tiera Vineyard Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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17. Tiera Vineyard

Located on the southwestern slopes of Cienega Valley and west from Nigb's Run, Tiera Vineyard is a re-known and prosperous estate. Spanning extensive farmland and vineyards that reach into the foothills of the Kron Hills, this vineyard is a significant contributor to the region's economy and culture.


Tiera Vineyard stretches across the southwestern slopes of Cienega Valley, using the fertile land up into the foothills of the Kron Hills. The Nigb's Run river lies to the east, providing essential irrigation for the vineyard. The picturesque landscape is marked by rows of lush grapevines, quaint cottages, and the grand Tiera Manor.
Key Features
  • Vineyards: Rows of grapevines stretch across the hills, providing a stunning view and producing high-quality grapes.
  • Tiera Manor: The family estate, a charming and elegant building that serves as the home of the Tiera family and the administrative center of the vineyard.
  • Wine Cellar: A state-of-the-art facility for aging wines, known for its controlled environment and meticulous care.


The Tiera Vineyard has been in the Tiera family for generations. Established over a century ago, the vineyard has grown from a modest family farm to a sprawling estate that plays a crucial role in the region's economy. The Tiera family has maintained a tradition of excellence in winemaking, passing down their knowledge and expertise through the generations.

Politics of Verbobonc

Tiera Vineyard holds significant political influence within the Viscounty of Verbobonc. The vineyard's success has made the Tiera family key players in local and regional politics. Their relationships with various political entities and figures are complex and impactful.
  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: The Tiera family has a cordial relationship with the Mayor, working together to promote the prosperity of Cienega Valley.
  • House Asbury: Loyal to House Asbury, the Tiera family supports their initiatives and policies, ensuring mutual benefits.
  • Commander Olean Rodrigo: The Tiera family maintains a professional relationship with the commander, recognizing the importance of security for their operations.
  • Tanithil the Druid: There are occasional conflicts with Tanithil regarding land use, but both parties strive for a balance between cultivation and preservation.
  • Tibor Timason: The owner of the Black Griffon Inn frequently collaborates with the Tiera family for wine events and promotions.
  • Gigur Nónason: As the guild master of the Vintner's Guild Hall, Gigur works closely with the Tiera family to market and distribute their wines.


Tiera Vineyard is more than just a winemaking estate; it is a symbol of tradition, excellence, and community in Cienega Valley. With its rich history, political influence, and dedication to quality, the vineyard continues to be a cornerstone of the region’s prosperity.

The Notable Wine: Tiera Reserve 570 CY

The Tiera Reserve 570 CY is a well-regarded wine known for its deep ruby color and complex flavor profile. It is aged in oak and ipp barrels, providing a unique blend of earthy and fruity notes.
  • Taste: This wine boasts a rich bouquet of dark cherries, blackberries, and subtle hints of vanilla and oak. On the palate, it is full-bodied with well-integrated tannins and a long, smooth finish.
  • Price: 10 gold pieces per bottle, reflecting its premium quality and demand.
Tiera Manor and Vineyard by 3orcs
"The hills of Kron Hills lend their magic to every bottle."
Vineyard / Orchard
Parent Location
Teira Reserve 568 cy by 3orcs
"Tiera Reserve 570 CY – where heritage meets flavor."

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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