5. Pia's Sundries Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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5. Pia's Sundries

The Sign outside is worn and faded, the words "Pia's Sundries" barely visible on it. The shop is old, and looks like a re-purposed house. The door is a bit crooked and sticks, and inside are a number of shelves lining the walls, packed closely with all manner of non-perishables. From the back of the shop limps Pia Varala, smiling and welcoming you. She winces when she steps. "Adventurers with new tales to tell!" She giggles, and claps her hands, "What can I get for you, sweeties?"
Pia's Sundries is a charming and eclectic shop located in the heart of Cienega Valley. Despite its worn exterior, the shop is a beloved fixture in the community, known for its wide array of non-perishable goods and the warm, welcoming presence of its owner, Pia Varala.


The sign outside Pia's Sundries is worn and faded, with the words "Pia's Sundries" barely visible. The shop looks like a repurposed house, giving it a cozy, rustic feel. The door is slightly crooked and sticks when opened, adding to its quaint charm. Inside, shelves packed with all manner of non-perishables line the walls, creating a maze of goods for customers to explore.
The Shopkeeper: Pia Varala
From the back of the shop limps Pia Varala, a cheerful and welcoming woman despite her physical ailments. Pia is half-blind and missing several teeth, but her spirit is unbroken. She loves a good joke and enjoys hearing stories of adventure from her customers. Once a beautiful woman with a crush on an adventurer now long gone, Pia now lives in the back of her sundry shop, battling arthritis and walking with a limp.


Pia's Sundries has been a part of Cienega Valley for decades. The shop was originally Pia's family home, repurposed into a store to support the community. Pia took over the shop after her parents passed away, dedicating her life to serving the needs of the townspeople and travelers alike. Over the years, Pia's Sundries has become a hub of activity, providing essential goods and a friendly atmosphere.
Key Historical Events
  • Founding: The shop was originally Pia's family home, repurposed into a store to serve the community.
  • Pia Takes Over: Pia took over the shop after her parents passed away, continuing their legacy of service.
  • Community Hub: Over the years, the shop has become a beloved fixture in Cienega Valley.

Politics of Verbobonc

Pia's Sundries, while not a major political player, is a significant part of the local economy and social fabric of Cienega Valley. The shop provides essential goods to the community and serves as a meeting place for townspeople and travelers alike.
Political Influence
  • Economic Impact: The shop supports the local economy by providing essential goods.
  • Community Center: Pia's Sundries is a place where people gather, exchange news, and build relationships.
  • Neutral Ground: The shop remains neutral in political matters, focusing on serving the needs of all customers.
House Asbury and House Milinous 
Pia maintains a delicate balance in her relationships with House Asbury and House Milinous. While she values the protection and stability provided by House Asbury, she remains courteous and respectful to members of House Milinous, ensuring her shop remains a neutral and welcoming place.
Community Relationships
Pia has strong relationships with various members of the community. Her shop is a place where people come to share stories, find comfort, and purchase essential goods. Pia's welcoming nature and resilience have earned her the respect and love of the townspeople. Customers: Pia knows many of her customers by name and takes a personal interest in their lives. Local Businesses: She has good relationships with other local business owners, often sharing resources and supporting each other. Adventurers: Pia enjoys hearing tales of adventure and has a soft spot for travelers and adventurers.


Pia's Sundries is more than just a shop; it's a cornerstone of the Cienega Valley community. Under the care of Pia Varala, the shop provides essential goods, a welcoming atmosphere, and a place for people to gather and share stories. Despite her physical ailments, Pia's resilience, humor, and caring nature make her a beloved figure in the community, contributing to the social and economic stability of the region.
Pias Sundries Shop by 3orcs
"Laughter is the best medicine, and I've got plenty of it here!"
Pia Varala is a beloved figure in Cienega Valley. Despite her physical ailments, she maintains a positive and cheerful demeanor. Pia is known for her sense of humor, love of stories, and deep care for her customers. Her welcoming nature and resilience make her a pillar of the community.
Key Personality Traits
  • Cheerful: Always smiling and welcoming, regardless of her own discomfort.
  • Humorous: Loves a good joke and enjoys making others laugh.
  • Caring: Deeply cares for her customers and goes out of her way to help them.
  • Resilient: Despite her physical ailments, Pia remains strong and active in her community.
"Every day is a gift, sweetie. Make the most of it!"
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Pia's Sundries: List of Odd Items for Sale Unusual and Unique Items
Enchanted Trinkets
  • Moonstone Amulet: A small amulet that glows faintly in the moonlight. Said to bring good luck to its wearer.
  • Price: 300 gold pieces
  • Whispering Shell: A shell that, when held to the ear, whispers soothing ocean sounds.
  • Price: 12 silver pieces
Curiosities and Artifacts
  • Gnomish Puzzle Box: A intricately designed box that requires solving a series of puzzles to open.
  • Price: 10 gold pieces
  • Ancient Coin Collection: A set of coins from lost civilizations, perfect for collectors.
  • Price: 8 silver pieces per coin
Practical Yet Peculiar Goods
  • Self-Heating Kettle: A kettle that heats water without the need for a fire. Simply pour water and wait a few moments.
  • Price: 500 silver pieces
  • Herbalist’s Dream Kit: A collection of rare and exotic herbs, ideal for potion-making or cooking.
  • Price: 150 gold pieces
Oddities for Adventurers
  • Giant's Hair Rope: A rope made from the hair of a giant, incredibly strong and durable.
  • Price: 200 gold pieces
  • Dragon Scale Fragment: A small piece of dragon scale, rumored to have protective properties.
  • Price: 300 gold pieces
Rare Finds
  • Feywild Mushroom Spore: A tiny vial containing spores from a rare Feywild mushroom. Perfect for magical gardens.
  • Price: 5 gold pieces
  • Phoenix Feather: A single feather from a phoenix, believed to have regenerative properties.
  • Price: 100 gold pieces
  Miscellaneous Curios   Talking Doll: A doll that repeats a few phrases when squeezed. A favorite among children and collectors. Price: 6 silver pieces Clockwork Bird: A small mechanical bird that sings when wound up. Crafted by gnome artisans. Price: 12 silver pieces

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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